be able to obtain good quality students (Austin &
Pervaiz, 2017). The key success of higher education
management is determined by student loyalty
(Bakrie, Sujanto, & Rugaiyah, 2019). By identifying
the antecedents of student loyalty, Higher Education
Institutions can take advantage to maintain students'
loyalty (El-Kassar, Makki, & Perez, 2018). There is a
relationship between students' satisfaction and their
loyalty. The higher the satisfaction experienced by
students, the higher their loyalty to higher education
(Leonnard, Daryanto, Sukandar, & Yusuf, 2014).
Loyalty is related to maintaining existing
customers and trying to acquire new customers
(Rengel, Ramirez, & Benavides, 2017). Efforts to
retain existing customers are not less important than
acquiring new customers (Giner & Rillo, 2016).
Loyalty in the context of higher education does not
only apply when students are still in their study period
at university but will continue until after students
graduate (Giner & Rillo, 2016). Higher education
institutions need to make efforts to build a long-term
relationship with the students (Orozco & Arroyo,
2017). Despite many previous studies that have
confirmed the impact of student satisfaction on their
loyalty, several other studies have shown different
results (Ismanova, 2019) (Viet, 2021). Relevant to the
empirical results gap, this study is intended to analyze
and confirm the relationship between student
satisfaction and their loyalty to higher education as
part of higher education efforts to maintain long-term,
sustainable relationships with students.
The study uses primary data obtained through a
survey of students at one of the private universities in
Bandung, Indonesia. Following the research
objectives, the variables of the study are Student
Loyalty as the dependent variable and Student
Satisfaction related to Non-Academic Aspects,
Values, Learning Process, Facilities, Academic
Aspects, Harmony, and Learning Outcomes as
independent variables.
The research indicators adapt previous research
(Austin & Pervaiz, 2017) (Orozco & Arroyo, 2017)
and are adjusted to current developments, according
to the Covid-19 pandemic situation that has caused
changes in the teaching and learning process. Each
research variable is measured using indicators that
form the basis for the preparation of questionnaires
distributed to respondents. The samples are active
students of the Business Faculty, with a total number
of respondents as many as 321 people.
The data collected is processed to obtain an
overview of student satisfaction and loyalty, as well
as to understand the role of student satisfaction in
determining their loyalty. Validity and reliability
testing were carried out for each variable and
indicator of the research variables. Multiple
regression or structural equation modeling (SEM) can
be used regarding the research objectives relating to
the relationship between variables. The two have
similarities, comparable to other multivariate
dependence techniques. The basic principle in SEM
is that one construct that becomes an independent
variable can be a dependent variable in another
relationship (Hair, Black, Babin, & Anderson, 2019).
In this study, there is a relationship between several
independent variables and a dependent variable.
Therefore, multiple regression analysis is used to
show the contribution of students' satisfaction related
to non-academic aspects, values, learning process,
facilities, academic aspects, harmony, and learning
outcomes towards their loyalty to their university of
choice. In this case, each indicator is measured using
a six-item scale from strongly disagree to strongly
agree which can be processed using multiple
regression since the variables are considered as
quantitative variables (Nayebi, 2020).
From the data collection process conducted by
distributing questionnaires to students of the Business
Faculty, 321 data are collected, which are then tested
for their validity and reliability. The results of the test
show that each variable is reliable, with an Alpha
Cronbach value of 0.847 for the Student Loyalty
variable, and for the Satisfaction with Non-Academic
Aspects, Values, Learning Process, Facilities,
Academic Aspects, Harmony, and Learning
Outcomes variables are 0.841, 0.793, 0.844, 0.840,
0.889, 0.791, and 0.882, respectively. The results also
show that the item-to-total correlation score of each
item is between 0.512 – 0.803. Following Robinson's
recommendation as cited by (Hajjar, 2018), if the
score is more than 0.5, the validity is satisfied. Based
on the test results, all variables and indicators are
reliable and valid.
Descriptive statistic data regarding Students
Satisfaction shows that on average the students are
relatively satisfied (with a scale of approximately 5
out of 6) regarding Non-Academic Aspects, Values,
Learning Process, Facilities, Academic Aspects,
Harmony, and Learning Outcomes. Based on
descriptive analysis regarding Non-Academic