This research had an outcome of a design of a bilateral
hand movement device that had the aim to increase
the motoric function of the non-dominant hand. The
device is combined with VR to make it fun while
doing the exercise. The person who was doing the
exercise would feel as if he was doing the real rowing,
according to the game on the VR. It was related to
previous researches that mentioned the use of VR was
combined with traditional exercise tasks, such as
stationary cycling treadmill running, and ergometer
rowing, and related also to the exercise of bilateral
movement. The device can be seen in Figure 4 to
Figure 7.
In the Part Planning matrix, the critical part
requirements that had the 2 highest contribution
values were notice and Virtual Reality. Future
research might include the vibration alert in doing the
exercise, the water flow to burden the rower, to make
the exercise more real. This research was early
research of integrating the device with VR. For future
research, it might continue the QFD with Process
Planning Matrix and Production Planning Matrix.
Other future research ideas are the material test to
determine which material would be fit for the exercise
tool, and the rowing game software that would
integrate hardware, software, and experiment.
The authors would like to say thanks to Universitas
Kristen Maranatha that has given fund research, and
to all the respondents that were interviewed.
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