greater than respondents who had children with
complete basic immunization with p-value = 0.042.
This is also in line with research conducted by
Fajariah (2020), which shows that immunization
status has a significant relationship with the
nutritional status index of TB/U. (Fajariyah &
Hidajah, 2020). Swathma (2016) states that
immunization status is the underlying factor in the
incidence of stunting in children. (Swathma, 2016).
Another study from Chandra Dewi & Tresna Adhi
(2016) states that toddlers who have a history of
infection are more at risk for stunting. Infected
toddlers (Acute Respiratory Infection or diarrhea)
have a 5.41 times greater risk of experiencing stunting
(Chandra Dewi & Tresna Adhi, 2016). Vaccination is
the most effective public health intervention against
vaccine-preventable disease and has saved millions of
children’s lives.
There is a relationship between LBW with
There is a relationship between birth length with
There is a relationship between basic
immunization history with stunting
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