past, specifically in Cirebon, Indonesia. As time
goes by, the local wisdom, namely multiculturalism,
is regarded to influence the interest of the global
culture, artists or designers through Paksi Naga
Liman that have produced the process of creating
contemporary artworks and competitive designs,
through the process of knowledge transfer and the
exploration of brilliant ideas, so that the culture does
not fade or even extinct. The implementation of
traditional cultures that have been worldwide
produces a global identity brought up by the
traditional idioms. It is expected that the result will
be able to promote culture and continuous
preservation, and the recognition of professionals in
the eyes of the world.
Paksi Naga Liman has given a lot of ideas in the
creation process of artists and designers. The study
has proven that Paksi Naga Liman is special as it
sharpens the creativity of product creators in art and
design. The multicultural values contained in Paksi
Naga Liman carriage; those with spiritual values,
with essence and characteristics, are collected,
evaluated, processed, and proven to be implemented
as elements in the creation. The findings in this
research show that 1) the concept that is brought up
deals with the multicultural Paksi Naga Liman, the
historical local identity, the essence of the local
wisdom, and acculturation, and they become the
creative ideas in the process of the work creation, 2)
there is a shift of religious valuesadjusted with the
concept brought up by the artists, and adapted with
the current situation and condition, as well as the
purpose of creating the work itself, 3) the
contemporary works of art and designs brought up
as the response towards the local genius are artworks
and designs with a global value that brings the
wealth of Indonesian cultures. Besides, they have a
strong message to be conveyed to the public in order
that the creation can show the character concept,
have innovation in the model, structure, as well as
being artworks that have novelty in the process of
visualization materials.
Our sincere gratitude to Universitas Kristen
Maranatha for funding this research, and also for the
good cooperation of all the team.
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