In this research has been successfully made batik
bilik, upside-down umbrella motif, payung geulis
motif, and leaf motif batik parang Sukapura
Tasikmalaya are successfully made using turtle
graphics algorithms in Python. The memory for
storing motifs with a program using turtle graphics in
* .ipynb format is smaller than the memory for storing
images in the * .jpg format, the image quality of the
reconstructed image scaled by the turtle graphics is
better than the image quality of the photo image. This
turtle graphics batik motif can be used by traditional
batik makers when making initial drawings on the
cloth, and then the batik craftsmen can color with
canting following the batik motif produced by the
turtle graphics. The current generation can continue
making batik by following batik motifs that have been
made with turtle graphics. The existing batik motifs
can be preserved by storing the motif digitally with a
small memory and good quality.
Thank you so much for funding support that makes
this research possible to Kementrian Pendidikan,
Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi .
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