This paper develops Nias traditional woven craft
design as a diversification attempt for souvenir
Woven craft in form of Bolanafo containa a
special story through its motif. Conserving and
developing its motif for modern use is a way to
sustain the traditional craft.
Bolanafo has basic patterns, namely the
Ni'ohulayo, Ni’obahogö, Ni’obakola, Ni'ola'a
Marugadi, Ni’otawuyu Nangi, Ni'obawandoru,
Ni’omadala, and Ni'otarawa. Based on its
traditional bolanafo, there are two templates for
creating the design: framed and centered, and
diagonal-vertical repetitive pattern. Knowing these
templates is a fundamental element to develop
modern bolanafo design. The simple and known
motif is created to encourage the craftsman on
creating new designs.
For future work, this paper suggested a
collaboration between the craftsman with a
participatory approach. This research is basic
knowledge for the craftsman to develop traditional
design digitally.
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