watched, besides the national level regulation. For
example, Article 23 paragraph (1) of East
Kalimantan’s Local Government Regulation No.
even set bottom lines that CSR allocation
shall reach at least three percent of the total profit
Another issue which must be observed is new
regulation of PT (limited liability company),
according to Law on Job Creation No. 11 Year 2020,
which allows PT being established by one person
only, and with less capital than fifty million Rupiahs.
This was even called PT UMKM or SME Company.
Considering that SME Company is also obliged by
Indonesian Limited Liability Act and Investment Act,
means that CSR obligation is also applied to the SME
Company, while in practice, CSR in Indonesia is
obligatory and executable merely for natural
resources related industry. CSR’s application in
Company Law only, as it is not stated in another
regulation, implies that CSR is applicable for ‘big
businesses only. So how Indonesian CSR would be
applied to this SME Company?
Examining on these articles, conclusively,
Indonesian perspective of CSR is that it is a mere
alternative funding for social or environmental issues,
particularly in relation with natural business-related
companies. Although, as stated beforehand, it is
wrong to comprehend that CSR only applicable to
natural business-related industry, as it is obligatory to
every company in Indonesia. The problem is that no
sanction imposed in case of violation, which makes
these provisions are not executable. Lex imperfecta,
the law that is imperfect and ineffective because it has
no sanction, one said.
2.1.2 CSR Implementation in Indonesia
As one is aware of the character of Indonesian rules
on CSR, we would also realize the fact of unclarity of
CSR provision will influence its implementation.
CSR in Indonesia is implemented in obligatory based
or voluntary based, as a result that that obligatory
companies are natural resources related companies
according to Indonesian Company Law. Yet, as
aforementioned, in essence CSR is applicable to any
kind of business in Indonesia.
This has been discussed by Permatasari E. in
Hukumonline (2020) How much total CSR amount shall
be budgeted by Companies?
In 2002-2007, I was a Corporate Legal Section Head of
PT. Astra Honda Motor, handled Contractual and
Entities Affairs of the Company. PT Astra Honda Motor
Astra Group, a leading automotive industry in
Indonesia, always separate its business and social
activities. Business affairs are managed in companies,
while social affairs are managed in foundations
. Or
in other words, they must form a new foundation to
manage social related affairs. But that is only a model
of it. There are many companies who directly
involves in community development, with their own
legal entity and trademark, to engage more with the
community and to promote their companies more.
In the previous section, it is mentioned that
Indonesian government and people’s perspective on
CSR is merely perceive CSR as source of funding for
social and environmental related activities. This
hypothesis was confirmed in a study to find the
relationship between CSR implementation and
company’s performance, which results indicates that
the understanding of majority of CSR managers in
Indonesian listed companies regarding CSR was still
limited to donation and community development
activities (Ridho, 2017). It is long way to go from the
current concept of CSR as implementation of SDG.
Thorough understanding on CSR shall be pronounced
from time to time or, misunderstanding on concepts
of CSR would lead to legalized robbery to company’s
profit in the name of CSR.
Semanggi Interchange, which was built when
Ahok was being Governor of DKI Jakarta, was one of
example of CSR implementation in Indonesia. The
construction of this road did not use the APBD at all.
As cited by A.D. Afriyadi, Detikfinance (2019),
based on the records of the DKI Provincial
Government, this project was financed from a
compensation fund for the excess building area
coefficient (KLB) from PT Mitra Panca Persada, a
Japanese subsidiary, Mori Building Company.
However, this plan gained negative responses from
some legislator, as some of them said that the fund
shall be regarded as income of Provincial
Government and accrued in State Budget
The current case has shown how CSR in Indonesia
is interpreted differently even between executives and
legislatives. Yet, this policy was deemed as positive
breakthrough in view of others. This raised a question
in my mind, is there any specific guidance on how we
implement CSR? Or is there any competent
authorities, with preventive character and out-of-
is a subsidiary of PT Astra International Tbk, holding
company of Astra Group in Indonesia.
A well known public polemic was occurred between
Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (also known as Ahok) as part
of Governor of DKI Jakarta and Fahri Hamzah as
People’s Representative Council’s Deputy Speaker
during those time.