Based on the principle of legality, the act of financial
exploitation by a spouse in a marriage, has not been
explicitly regulated. As criminal law prohibits
extensive interpretation, until now the act cannot be
classified as a criminal act, even if the nature of the
act is eligible to be designated as a criminal act.
Law enforcement is basePd on the principle of
legality, where violations that can be punished by
criminal law is an offense that meets the element of
abandonment / neglect. Parties who are harmed by
acts of financial exploitation by the spouse, usually
file a divorce lawsuit. This means that, under
Indonesian law, cases of financial exploitation by
spouses have not been able to be criminalized.
For the government / legislators: revise article 9 of the
Domestic Violence Law by changing the term
“domestic neglect” into “financial violence” and
adding authentic interpretations / official
explanations with regard to the scope of financial
violence in which exploitation and abandonment
become part of the financial violence.
For law enforcement: to apply the rules based on
the principle of legality in order to ensure legal
certainty. For the community: to be more aware of
financial exploitation potentially done by spouses and
to study various prevention efforts.
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