goal of welfare state that must be realized by the state
and Indonesia Government”. Managing natural
wealth is one of the way to achieve prosperity (Sutedi,
A, 2012)
To gain a real result for the people’s welfare,
natural resources must be managed. Management and
natural resources needed process where those
management and utilization process is doing by
business called mining. The definiton of Mining
according to Article 1 number 1 law Number 3 year
2020 about the change in Law number 4 year 2009
about mineral and coal mining (Change in Mineral
and Coal Mining Law), “Mining is part or all activity
in order to utilize and manage mineral or coal that
include general investigation, exploring, feasibility
study, construction, mining, manage and/or
purifiying or developing and/or utilizing, trasporting
and selling, also activity after mine”. As currently
mineral and coal mining is under Energy and Mineral
Natural Resources Ministry, Directorate General of
Mineral and Coal (herein after refer to as EnMR
Ministry, Coal & Mineral Dirgen).
Because the management process required big
capital, newest technology and experts in mining field
therefore foreign domination occured in mining
business. That’s why, to give benefit to the people of
Indonesia and to protect the country’s soverignty in
Natural Resources area, the government limited
foreign stock ownership in mineral and coal mining
area up to maximum 49% (Forty Nine Percent) as
arranged by Provisions of stock divestment Article
112 paragraph (1) Change of Mineral and Coal Law.
Currently has occured stock ownership nominee
agreement phenomenon in mining business to tricked
the limitation of foreign stock ownership, by using
Indonesian citizen name/s or Indonesia business
Stock ownership based on nominee agreement is
clearly a form of Law smuggling, both from the point
of Criminal State Administration or Civil State
Administration. Therefore nominee agreement is
usually done through Privately Made Deed. In the big
scale of mining, the process of making nominee
agreement is a complex negotiation activity, in
secret, time consuming and involved a lot of
institution and profession. That’s why the process of
making nominee agreement needs to be monitored,
controlled, observe in the field and evaluated by the
government so Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) is achieved, through monitoring system,
controlling, Observation and Evaluation (P3LE).
Based on the background above, the writer
formulated problems such as :
1. How is the prohibition arrangement in the
stock ownership nominee agreement in the
establishment of mineral and coal mining
business entity in Indonesia?
2. How is the ideal legal arrangements for stock
ownership nominee agreement prohibition in
mining business entity in order to achieve
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to
create people’s wellfare?
2.1 Type of Research
This research is done in Legal studies domain. This
research is Normatif Juridical Research. Normatif
Juridical Research. Is a legal research that puts Law
as a norm system building. Those norms among
others are : principles, norms, rule of laws and
regulations, agreements and doctrines (teachings),
(Mukti, F & Yulianto, A, 2019). Normatif Legal
Research by Soerjono Soekanto and Sri Mamudji is
also said by the term Library Research (Soerjono, S
& Sri, M, 2005).
2.1.1 Types and Data Sources
The Data Sources in Normatif Juridical Research is
by researching library materials or secondary data
(Dyah, S.O & A’an, E, 2018), that is data obtain from
data, primary source book materials, rules, principles
and concrete legal rules that apply in the Law system.
All the rules, principles and that concrete legal rules
are written rules (recorded rules) which is uphold by
the country, can be found inside applicable laws and
regulations (Teguh, P, 2019). Secondary law source
include law books written by law experts, law
dictionary, law encyclopedia, law journals, law
dissertations, law thesis, law essay, law comments
and court decision comments, etc (Dyah & A’an,
2.1.2 Data Collection Technique
Data collection technique is using library study whih
is secondary data collection technique; the source of
the data is not from the people in person but from data
or primary law source, for example; laws and
regulations, books, documents and library materials
or any other written materials which is related in an
event or spesific activity related to problems
formulated in this resaerch.