code will make it easier and simpler so that it can
simplify the documentation process (Yasin, 2019).
According to Natalya Prokofyeva and Victoria
Boltunova (2017), PHP is a popular and widely used
programming language, used by 81.7% of all
websites in all server-side programming languages,
therefore there is a lot of documentation about PHP.
In PHP, the syntax will begin with "<? php" and will
end with "?>" (Prokofyeva & Boltunova, 2017). PHP
files are saved as ".php" extension.
2.1.9 Similar Research of Community
Service Events
In the research done by the author, of course there are
also journals that have some similarities. Journals that
have similarities with the topic being researched by
the author are used so that they can become a
reference for research that is being carried out by the
Desain dan Implementasi Aplikasi Pendataan
Pengabdian Dosen Pada Lembaga Penelitian dan
Pengabdian Masyarakat Berbasis Web: The journal
written by Fransiskus Panca Juniawan and Dwi Yuny
Sylfania (2017) discusses web-based lecturer
community service data collection applications
(Juniawan & Sylfania, 2017). The language used is
PHP. Users in the lecturer community service data
collection application are admins and users. The
pages in this application are the login page, the main
menu, the service menu page which functions to enter
the final service report data at STMIK Atma Luhur
Pangkal Pinang, search pages, and search results
pages. The advantage of this application is a very
simple display that makes it easy to add data and view
data. The weakness that the author sees from this
application is that the displayed dashboard is not
informative and does not have information that can be
obtained by web visitors.
Analisis dan Perancangan Aplikasi Sistem
Informasi Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat
LPPM STT Terpadu Nurul Fikri: The journal created
by Desi Ratnasari and Hilmy Abidzar Tawakal (2017)
discusses the web application for the management of
LPPM (Institute for Research and Community
Service) research and community service activities
(Ratnasari & Tawakal, 2017). The programming
language used is the Yii2 Framework. The page
provided is a login page, home page, research page,
dedication page, submission form page, member
content form page, validation form page. It is not
explained in the journal what users are there, and it is
assumed that there is only one type of user with full
access. The way to add the data presented is in the
form of a wizard or what Desi Ratnasari and Hilmy
Abidzar Tawakal (2017) call it as a step. This stage
consists of submission, member content, ratification,
validation, BCHP, and budgeting. The journal does
not convey what the meaning of BCHP is, so the
author does not know what BCHP is intended for. The
drawback of this application is that a menu called
BCHP is not something common so that users may
not understand what the BCHP menu is, entering data
without a save and exit button makes the user have to
enter at once and must be sure what is filled in is final.
The advantage of this application is that entering data
using the step method or the wizard makes it easier
for users to enter data in one cycle only, feels as
simple as the application made by Fransiskus Panca
Juniawan and Dwi Yuny Sylfania (2017), only with
the difference in the amount of data entered, stored
and displayed.
Perancangan Data Warehouse Perguruan Tinggi
untuk Kinerja Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada
Masyarakat: A journal written by Agata Filiana,
Andhika Galuh Prabawati, Maria Nila Anggia Rini,
Gloria Virginia, and Budi Susanto (2020) discussing
the design of a college-centered data warehouse for
the performance of research and community service,
more specifically about research and PkM
(Community Service) lecturers (Filiana et al., 2020).
The data design made using the snowflake scheme,
Data requirements needed by Agata Filiana, Andhika
Galuh Prabawati, Maria Nila Anggia Rini, Gloria
Virginia, and Budi Susanto (2020) are the amount of
research funds for each DTPS (Lecturer assigned to
the Study Program) per semester year, the amount
research funding from internal sources of each DTPS
per semester year, the amount of research funding
from external sources of each DTPS per semester
year, the average research funding per semester, the
average research funding from internal sources per
semester, the average research funding from external
sources per semester year, number of DTPS involved
in research per semester year, number of DTPS
involved in PkM per semester year, number of
partners involved in research, and number of partners
involved in PkM. The data design is able to meet the
needs needed to see the performance of research data
and PkM from higher education. The drawback of
designing a college data warehouse for research
performance and PkM is that if you add the
calculation of the number of active DTPS in the
specified academic year, it might be better and more
clearly visible regarding the presentation of the
activeness of lecturers who carry out research and
PkM. The advantage is that because it only discusses
the data design, the data provided, and the