Figure 9 depicts the comparison of research from
the Computer Science postgraduate, Informatics
Engineering undergraduate, and Information Systems
undergraduate departments as a description of data
processing in the final stage of data comparison of
three undergraduate and postgraduate related to the
university LMS. The results acquired reveal valid
data from the Universitas Kristen Maranatha
Learning Management System for a total of 17200
hours and 11455 times, the majority of which were
conducted by students from the Informatics
Engineering undergraduate department.
Time Count
s2ilkom 4955695 637
s1if 62026251 11455
s1si 17546200 4167
Figure 9: Three departments' duration of time and activity.
In the odd semester of the 2020/2021 academic year,
the research was only performed in three
departments. Nonetheless, using analytical data from
MOODLE Learning Management System log files to
predict user interaction activities can help educational
institutions detect and improve LMS effectiveness.
This study's findings can be used to help higher
education institutions integrate online learning.
Internally managed LMS across departments can help
implement these policies by integrating all
knowledge resources into a single system. In addition,
the strategy to permit hybrid learning during the
pandemic will undoubtedly influence educational
institutions in selecting the optimum approach to
organize the educational process in their respective
institutions based on policy readiness, supporting
infrastructure, and human resources.
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