Autonomic nervous system activity alteration can be
measured by recording electro dermal activity (EDA)
(Pakarinen, Pietila, & Nieminen, 2019). EDA can be
measured by using biofeedback (Pop-Jordanova &
Pop-Jordanov, 2020).
As we know before, stress experienced by people
living with HIV must be managed. If stress level
increased, the CD4 T-lymphocytes will be decreased.
CD4 T-lymphocytes is a part of white blood cell that
has a role to stimulate other immune cells to fight HIV
(Effendy, Amin, de Vega, & Utami, 2019). The one
of way to manage stress is by giving education to the
brain. Brain Respiration can become the one of way
to educate the brain (Crawford, Prince, Larick,
Howley, & Patricia, 2019).
Brain Respiration is a training of mind, body, and
soul which designed for human transformation to
become a new human (Lee, 2002). Brain Respiration
is a powerful technique to energize human brain.
Brain Respiration is a special technique of breathing
that can makes the brain active by using the “Bio-
energy” or the power of life. Through the use of Brain
Respiration, the blood and the energy circulation have
activated. By activating the blood and energy, more
blood is brought to the brain. It is really helpful to
overcome stress, and create a peaceful state of mind.
Brain Respiration is not only work on the function of
the left brain, where the most of people have greater
development, but it restores the whole brain function.
It helps the human to find his/her whole or true self
(Hayes, Lampi, & Leigh, 2007)
Brain Respiration programme consist of three
area. They are Wake-Up Gym, Energy Focusing, and
Brain Building. The first area is a stretching program
that can wake-up the body. It is designed to stimulate
the body’s meridian system, which is the system that
carries the energy to all parts of the body. It is like the
veins and arteries carry blood to all of the major
organs and systems of the body. The second area is
Energy Focusing. This practice begins with learning
to focus to the energy in the hands, then moving the
energy to other parts of the body. It can help brain to
be more focuss and have more power to think. The
third area is Brain Building. It is a more direct
stimulation of brain and expanding the use of the
brain. This practice uses simple exercises, activities,
and energy to stimulate the brain. These exercises and
activities are easy and fun to do (Hayes et al., 2007).
By knowing the benefit of Brain Respiration, this
research wanted to know the effect of Brain
Respiration in reducing stress level on people who
live with HIV.
2.1 Subject Identification
To ensure the effect of Brain Respiration, 18 people
who live with HIV and had a high stress level have
contributed in this research. 9 of them become
experimental group, and the rest become as control
group. The number of participants that have
contributed to the research were based on the
previous research. Number of participants that have
contributed less than 20 participants (Sugimoto,
Kanai, & Shoji, 2009). Beside it, participant that have
selected in this study were the people that newly
diagnosed HIV. People that newly diagnosed HIV
can be more stress than people who live with HIV for
several months or years (Huang et al., 2020).
2.2 Design and Research Procedure
This research used quasi-experimental design. Quasi-
experimental is an experimental research design, and
not all things can be controlled. Because of that, the
research just controlled several things which can be
controlled. Quasi-experiment will be done while the
pure experiment can’t be done (Graziano & Raulin,
Procedures that have been done in this research
were as follow. The first, 20 persons people who live
with HIV checked by using biofeedback to know the
stress level. The result showed that 18 participants
had high stress level and were selected to become as
research participant. The second, 18 participants that
have chosen divided into two groups. 9 participants
become as experimental group, and the rest become
as control group. The third, participants in
experimental group got Brain Respiration treatment
for one hour (Hayes et al., 2007). The fourth,
participants in experimental group re-checked by
using biofeedback to know the alteration of the stress
level. The fifth, after the experiment completed,
participant in control group got Brain Respiration
treatment to maintain their wellbeing.
2.3 Data Analysis Technique
Analysis technique that has been used in this research
was non-parametric statistic Wilcoxon to analyze two
pairs of data (Siegel, 1997). Statistical hypothesis that
used to test two pairs of data (pre-test and post-test)
are as follow:
H0: There is no difference stress level before and
after Brain Respiration on experimental group.