UMKM employees are dominated by hearing and
speech impairment, so that the main problem is
difficulties in receiving and conveying information to
customers. The type of hearing-impaired that most
Tiara Handicraft employees have is deaf. Deafness is
a condition in which people are completely unable to
hear or their hearing system is severely damaged
(Somantri & Herlina, 2006). Accordingly, it needs
signage and wayfinding to optimize the
communication process. In addition, the types of
physical disabilities or tunadaksa owned by the
employees are included in the category of "inviable"
(cacat dari lahir), namely physical limitations in the
form of physical damage or abnormalities innate
(Syafi’ie, 2014). With their vision and mission, which
is to provide a better life for the disable, Tiara
Handicraft UMKM gives them an opportunity to work
in order to improve the quality of the workers' life.
However, the lack of providing adequate facilities
causes the inefficiency and increased dependency of
the said disabled empolyees. The main problem
experienced by the Medium-Scale Business Tiara
Handicraft store is related to the lack of supporting
facilities, such as unfriendly pathway, especially
those who are physically disabled (tunadaksa) due to
a height difference on the floor and also steep
mezzanine access. Other problems that occur came
from the shelving system (for the placement of raw
materials, ready-to-sell raw materials, and ready-to-
sell products) and layout that are disorderly and
inefficient for disabled people, especially for
mentally disabled (tunagrahita) employees. In
addition, there is a lack of facilities that could help the
blind people (tunanetra) in carrying out activities in
the store such as lack of signage and wayfinding.
Accessible design is a design process where the
needs of the disable are specifically considered
(University of Washington, 2021). One of the
accessible design characteristics is that the products
and facilities created can be accessed independently
by various types of limitations, such as physical and
mental limitations (Center, n.d.). As explained by
(Winters & Story, 2007), an accessible design is a
design that can fulfill certain legal mandates,
guidelines, or code requirements to provide
accessibility for individuals with disabilities.
Therefore, it requires development and innovation
design at the Medium-scale Business Tiara
Handicraft store by using the accessible principle
which is implemented through the concept of
"MENARIC". "MENARIC" stands for Marketable,
Efficient, New Normal, Accessible Design,
Relationship, and Eco-Design. However, in
Indonesian, menaric or menarik has the meaning of
attractive. The advantage of this concept is to
emphasize the human principle of a design so that it
can be easier for disabled people to access the facility.
Moreover, with the limited abilities of the disable,
they can work more optimally and efficiently.
This project uses the Design Thinking method
popularized by David Kelley and Tim Brown as the
founders of IDEO in 2011. This method is used to
produce effective solutions based on the needs and
problems experienced directly by users. Design
Thinking is a problem-solving method that is suitable
for design and architectural design (Suprobo, 2012).
Figure 1: Five steps in design thinking and the participation
between designers and Tiara Handicraft’s owner (Source:
adapted from Goldman et al., 2009).
The Design Thinking method collaborates with
accessible design principles that prioritize the ease of
users, both for workers and visitors in their activities.
However, not only to facilitate or increase worker's
productivity while working but also to ensure security
for all users.
During the implementation, the research was
conducted with hybrid method, partly using offline
and online methods because of the Covid-19
pandemic. However, this study and design processes
are still carried out optimally and following the
original purposes of mastering commercial space
design skills, understanding the commercial space
theory, and understanding the design thinking theory.
In the design process, the design thinking method was
used which was adapted from the Stanford School of
Design (Both, 2010) which consisted of 5 steps
(Figure 1). In the early phase, such as Empathize,
direct and offline observations were made to the
Medium-Scale Business Tiara Handicraft store to
understand the users, space, and problems that were
felt and experienced (Karlen, 2009). Starting with the
interview process with the owner shown in Figure 2
using the interview for empathy method to find out
the background of the Tiara Handicraft, and with the
Prototype Test