affective commitment at work. It is further explained
that organizations need continuous learning to
respond to changes in existing conditions, be it a
competition, developments in information
technology, market tastes, or the regulations that
apply in an organization or company. Furthermore, to
be able to survive in the existing business
competition, Christian et al. (2021) explain these
aspects with market orientation and marketing
capabilities factors..
One company that is closely related to the
organizational learning process, affective
commitment, and authentic leadership is a company
that has a complex business process. This can be
indicated by looking at the company's business
process distribution network. In addition, the use of
complex resources can also support the need for the
strength of company learning and the commitment of
all stakeholders to continue to survive and develop in
all existing competitive conditions. To accommodate
this need, this study conducted observations on
companies that met the criteria. In the end, the
researcher decided to use company X which is
engaged in processing chicken-based food in Jakarta.
As part of the largest chicken-based processed food
subsidiary in Indonesia, company X has an extensive
distribution network complexity with international
standards. On the other hand, with the data and
observations made there are still inconsistencies in
the commitment to carry out forms of organizational
learning such as training in the past 3 years (2017-
2019). Even though as is well known, training is one
of the important media to be able to transfer learning
within an organization.
In addition, the authentic leadership of this
company is considered interesting to be studied in
line with the many human resources owned by the
company which until now have proven that the role
of company leaders can maintain, maintain, and
develop the company to this extent. During this
prolonged pandemic, the company’s vision and
mission must be maintained to survive and develop.
However, it needs to be adjusted according to the
conditions of business competition that occur. The
phenomenon of closing retail outlets in Indonesia
during the pandemic also had an impact on company
X. With the closure of many retail outlets in Indonesia
has hampered the sales of processed chicken food
products made by this company. The distribution
network and sales of the company's products have
been reduced or even stopped. According to the
Indonesian Retail Entrepreneurs Association
(APRINDO), 1,200 retail stores were closed from
April to December 2020 (Kontan, 2021).
Complementing this phenomenon, studies of
previous studies have succeeded in explaining the
relationship between organizational commitment,
leadership style, and organizational learning. Okmen,
Elçi, Murat, & Yılmaz (2018) in their research
explain that the learning capacity of an organization
is affected by authentic leadership styles. Other
studies have even added that affective commitment
from workers can reduce the desire to change jobs
(Lau, McLean, Lien, & Hsu, 2016). At least, this is
also reinforced by research by Javaid, Luqman, Amir,
& Umair, (2015) which explains that authentic
leadership affects workers' affective commitment.
Furthermore, organizational commitment can
mediate between leadership and organizational
learning, as explained by the research results
(Mercurio, 2015).
The importance of the commitment variable as a
mediator between authentic leadership and
organizational learning in companies engaged in the
processing of chicken-based food during the
challenges of the many closures of sales networks
during this pandemic has become the focus as well as
the originality of this research. Therefore, by adopting
the organizational learning research model from
Delić et al. (2017), this study will specifically analyse
whether affective commitment can mediate authentic
leadership styles and organizational learning in types
of processed food production companies with
extensive distribution and sales networks in
This research is an empirical quantitative study at
company X which is engaged in the processing of
chicken-based food. This company is in Jakarta. By
using the probability sampling method, 78 employees
at the head office were sampled in this study. This
study used a survey with a questionnaire instrument.
The questionnaire was designed using items and a
Likert scale of 1 (strongly disagree) and 5 (strongly
agree). This study focuses on the formulation of the
problem, namely whether organizational
commitment mediates authentic leadership on
organizational learning. Thus, as shown in Figure 1,
the hypothesis (H) in this study is that Authentic
Leadership affects Organizational Learning mediated
by Affective Commitment. For research
measurement, the variables of authentic leadership,
affective commitment, and organizational learning
each consisted of 8 items. The items are adapted from
Delić et al., (2017). To analyse the research data, this