individuals will feel more prosperous since they have
a Positive Relationship with their environment at
large (Bejanyan et al., 2015).
Another similarity that is found between this
research and research in the general population
(Butler & Kern, 2016) is that the Positive Emotion
dimension has the lowest mean score. In general
population research, it is explained that increasing
positive emotion is one of the most significant ways
to improve well-being in individuals. Moreover, there
is a lot of research focusing on the importance of
Positive Emotion in increasing the well-being of
individuals. One research that specifically discussed
Positive Emotion and well-being stated that the
development of positive emotion is positively
correlated with the development of psychological
resilience and physical health, both of which will help
individuals to achieve happiness and well-being (Le
Nguyen & Fredrickson, 2018). However, this finding
is contrary to the previous research on the study of the
well-being of the Indonesian people which showed
that Positive emotion was one of the 2 dimensions
with the highest mean score besides the Engagement
dimension. This becomes an interesting finding, and
it will be a good starting point for further research on
PERMA, especially related to the Positive emotion
dimension. Respondents experience Positive
Emotion as a general appreciation that leads to an
evaluation of their quality of life. In contrast, in
theory, the types of Positive Emotion (joy, gratitude,
serenity, interest, hope, pride, amusement,
inspiration, awe) will be more experienced when
individuals are mindful of every activity they do.
Experiencing more Positive Emotion in every activity
will help individuals to find meaning in their lives.
The next finding is that each PERMA dimension
in this research is positively correlated with each
other with a moderate value. This strengthens the
findings from other research such as the PERMA
study on the Classical Musician professionals
(Ascenso et al., 2018), the cross-cultural comparison
of the PERMA model of well-being research (Khaw
& Kern, 2015) and PERMA research on the general
population in the world (Butler & Kern, 2016).
Specifically, the highest correlation between
dimensions found in the classical musician and
general population studies is similar to the findings in
this study which shows that the highest correlation is
found between the Positive emotion and Meaning
dimensions. This is in line with the theory that
explains by living Positive emotion in the process of
achieving goals will help individuals attain meaning
in life (Steger, 2018). Other research also suggests
that positive emotion be a core part of well-being or
flourishing (Huppert & So, 2013).
From the process and the results of this research,
there are some notes gathered related to things that
need further attention for the development of this
research. It appears that the number of respondents
attained in this research is very minimal to represent
adults in Indonesia. This has an impact on the results
of this research, which can only be used to describe
the PERMA well-being of the respondents of this
research only. Hence, the results of this study cannot
be generalized to every adult in Indonesia. However,
this subject will continue to be studied and further
research will be conducted, particularly related to
Positive Emotion & Meaning.
PERMA well-being is a comprehensive concept of
welfare which states that human well-being,
including hedonic and eudaimonic, is built from 5
dimensions: Positive Emotion, Engagement,
Relationship, Meaning, and Accomplishment
(PERMA). From this research, it can be concluded
that the respondents’ well-being is considered high,
with Engagement dimension producing the highest
mean score and Meaning dimension producing the
lowest mean score among the five PERMA
dimension. Furthermore, each PERMA dimension is
positively correlated with each other. This shows that
each dimension will support each other to form
respondents’ well-being. To get a more optimal well-
being, it is recommended to increase the Positive
Emotion and Meaning dimensions. Positive emotion
dimension can be increased by practicing
mindfulness, Gratitude Jounal, and creating Positive
Experiences. Meanwhile, meaning dimension can be
increased by spending time with activity that really
improve the sense of meaning in life, such as
volunteering, performing acts of kindness in daily
activity. Regarding the limited number of
respondents, which becomes the limitation of this
study, it is highly recommended that further research
obtain a more significant number of respondents and
collect specific demographic data such as
geographical location, socio-economic status, etc.
Therefore, the results can be generalized for
Indonesian adults as a whole. In addition, it is also
highly recommended to link PERMA well-being with
other factors that affect well-being, such as physical
and spiritual health, flow, gratitude, and happiness.
This will develop an understanding related to well-
being in Indonesian adults.