ital Interaction
.188 .123 .525 .127
x1 < --- Digital Interaction 1.000
x2 < --- Digital Interaction 2.031 .467 4.346 ***
x3 < --- Digital Interaction 1.663 .356 4.671 ***
x4 < --- Digital Interaction 2.292 .533 4.296 ***
x5 < --- Congregation 1.000
x6 < --- Congregation 1.597 .329 4.862 ***
x7 < --- Congregation 1.347 .284 4.736 ***
x8 < --- Congregation 1.996 .400 4.995 ***
This study found no direct influence from the use of
digital interactions on the condition of the church
mass. However, there was a lost sense of kairos
moment, even though they said they did not have a
problem with digital interactions and even tended to
like it. On the other hand, a social impact of meeting
exchange found that most respondents stated that
interaction with preachers through digital interaction
is not as good as face-to-face interaction. Of course,
this situation needs to be a concern for preachers to
make digital interactions enjoyable, intimate and
build people's faith. A further impact, there is a
tendency that respondents still prefer face-to-face
interactions to digital interactions.
As we know that the catholic church uses more
symbols than the Christian. It is guessed there is a
different feeling of sacredness when the service is
held in church compared to online on.. therefore the
aim for this study is to compare this feeling….and
finding that feeling of lost kairos moment in the
sermon is greater for catholic than Christian
This research can be broader in terms of
respondent… by asking the opinion of the preacher. I
guess they have specific difficulties, such as they
need to use digital meeting tools that they never use
before, especially for the urban churches, so all of this
needs to be discovered more.
Our highest appreciation to our institution, Maranatha
Christian University, supports this research.
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