An Overview of Quality of Work Life among Teachers and Class
Assistants in Little Seed Preschool and Daycare during the
COVID-19 Pandemic
Josephine Krisdwiputri and Penny Handayani
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Work Life, Early Childhood, COVID 19 Pandemic.
Abstract: In March 2020, PSBB policy was held due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and education was also affected by
the policy. The change of learning method from face-to-face to distance learning is certainly not an easy way
to be implemented. Little Seed Preschool and Daycare (LSPD) is one of the early childhood education
programs that has been affected by the necessity of implementing distance learning using online platform.
This change affected the quality of work-life owned by teachers and class assistants even though it is very
important in an educational institution. This study aims to explore the QoWL description of teachers and class
assistants of LSPD during the COVID-19 pandemic using the nine QoWL components according to Swamy,
Nanjundeswaraswamy, & Rashmi. These components are the work environment, organizational culture and
climate, relationships and cooperation, training and development, compensation and rewards, facilities, job
satisfaction and job security, autonomy of work, and adequacy of resources. The total main participants
include two teachers and two class assistants. Qualitative research was used with the descriptive writing
method. Data were then collected by qualitative interview method and processed using thematic analysis.
Data triangulations were also collected by interviews and observation and observation. The results showed
the QoWL of Little Seed's teachers and class assistants are still categorized as good although there were still
many aspects that can be improved. The relationship between co-workers and superiors strongly supported
these results because there was openness and a high sense of understanding to create more family atmosphere.
However, it can also have a bad effect if it is not balanced with the nature of professionalism. It is highly
recommended for the school to have proper procedures and activities for the teachers and class assistants.
In March 2020, Jakarta and its surroundings had
undergone the PSBB period due to the COVID-19
pandemic that had hit Indonesia, particularly the
JABODETABEK area. Many sectors are affected by
this decision, one of which is the education sector
(United Nations Children’s Fund, 2020). The transfer
of learning from the face-to-face process to online
media is certainly not an easy thing. In their research,
(Srihartini & Lestari, 2021) found that online learning
is indeed difficult to do at the early childhood
education level because children still have a minimal
understanding of online media and cannot yet learn
independently. At the early childhood education level,
parents are still needed to supervise and guide learning
as well as submitting assignments for children's
learning outcomes. Minicozzi (in Hewi & Asnawati,
2020) explained that kindergarten educators have
more burdens and are difficult because they not only
have to prepare for learning but also pay attention to
the development of early childhood. This must also be
coupled with expertise in reflecting and analyzing
teaching activities to develop their abilities and also
follow-up plans (Anhusadar & Islamiyah, in
Khotimah, Sunaryati, & Suhartini, 2020).
Another challenge for teachers in early childhood
education during online learning period is the
adjustment of teaching methods that require teachers
to be close to children, both psychologically and
physically because early childhood education learning
is carried out with full play activities that are more
concerned on optimizing development than academic
achievement targets, thus teachers can form a safe and
comfortable atmosphere for children to learn (Maiza
& Nurhafizah in Agustin, Puspita, Nurinten, &
Nafiqoh, 2020). A safe and comfortable atmosphere in
children's learning is important because the future of
children is greatly influenced by the experiences of
Krisdwiputri, J. and Handayani, P.
An Overview of Quality of Work Life among Teachers and Class Assistants in Little Seed Preschool and Daycare during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
DOI: 10.5220/0010803300003348
In Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH 2021), pages 17-24
ISBN: 978-989-758-603-3; ISSN: 2685-273X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
children at an early age. With a good and strong start
at a child's early age, the chances of positive results
being obtained in the future also increase. On the other
hand, a weak foundation in children will significantly
increase the risk in their future (Tickell, 2011).
Little Seed Preschool and Daycare is one of the
early childhood education schools that has been
affected by the necessity of implementing distance
learning using online platform. Little Seed Preschool
and Daycare is a school that was established quite
recently (in the year 2018), hence the impact the
school received during this pandemic period became a
fairly formidable challenge due to the lack of stability
in income and savings. The existence of these changes
can affect the level of quality of work life of teachers
and class assistants.
Quality of work life can be interpreted as an
environment at work that can provide assistance in
improving the quality, happiness and work intention
of its workers (Elamparuthi & Jumbulingam, 2014).
Emadzadeh, Khorasani, & Nematizadeh (2012) said
that determining the level of quality of work life for
teachers is very important. This is because the
commitment of teachers holds a very important
position for the success of an educational institution.
With so many demands, high stress levels are possible
for teachers. The level of quality of work life can be
used as evidence of psychological needs being met or
This coupled with the research of Marmoah and
Sujarwo (2019) which proved that the level of quality
of work life is directly involves with classroom
management skills. This is important because with
good classroom management, students can explore
their abilities and interests freely but still within clear
boundaries and with assistance from teachers and
class assistants (Stadler-Altmann, 2015). In other
words, high quality of work life not only improves the
quality of teachers and class assistants but also the
quality of school graduates following the achievement
There are nine components of quality of work life
according to Swamy, Nanjundeswaraswamy, &
Rashmi. Those nine components of quality of work
life are work environment, organizational culture and
climate, relationships and cooperation, training and
development, compensation and rewards, facilities,
job satisfaction and job security, autonomy of work,
and adequacy of resources (Swamy,
Nanjundeswaraswamy, & Rashmi, 2015).
1. Work environment: The work environment is
where an individual work. This environment is not
only where individuals do their job but also a place for
individuals to socialize with fellow employees who
work in the same place. A good work environment
will support the quality of work of individuals and will
improve good relationships between individuals with
fellow employees.
2. Organizational culture and climate:
Organizational culture and climate is a collection of
values, visions, and norms of the individuals who
work and the organization. Promotion opportunities
and evaluation methods will depend on the
organization's policies.
3. Relationship and cooperation: The relationship
and cooperation in question is communication
between employees and superiors as well as the
management of the organization regarding determined
decisions, conflicts, and problem management. The
good relationship that is formed should be based on
the abilities and potential possessed by the individual,
not by gender, race, and factors that are not related to
the quality of the work provided.
4. Training and development: Training and
development are organizational activities aimed at
increasing the capabilities and demonstrating the
potentials possessed by workers, both as individuals
and as groups.
5. Compensation and rewards: Compensation and
rewards that are commensurate with the ability and
effort gave by workers can motivate these workers as
well as other workers. With fair treatment according
to what workers give, healthy competition is formed.
6. Facilities: Supportive facilities for workers can
not only be good for their physical needs but also
emotionally. With good facilities, workers can
optimally and comfortably do their job.
7. Job satisfaction and job security: Job
satisfaction and security play an important role in how
a worker views their job. Jobs that can be profitable
and increase the interest of workers in the given task
will provide a good and high boost to the quality of
one's work. On the other hand, job security is also very
important because it can provide a sense of security in
the absence of sudden and unclear dismissals.
8. Autonomy of work: Giving autonomy in work,
provides creative and independent space for workers
to make choices and contribute to the group.
9. Adequacy of resources: The resources provided
must meet the standards following the objectives to be
achieved. These resources are not only related to the
material but also include time, number of workers, and
AICOSH 2021 - The Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH) “Life After Pandemic: Perspectives,
Changes, and Challenges”
Qualitative research was used to explore the quality of
work life of teachers and class assistants at Little Seed
Preschool and Daycare. Qualitative research is a type
of research that has a rich context and background so
that it deepens understanding and knowledge about
the daily lives of different people with different ways
of thinking, in different situations (Yin, 2016). The
writing method used is the descriptive method. The
total main participants include two teachers and two
class assistants. Purposive sampling or homogeneous
sampling to be exact was used to pick out the
Data were then collected by qualitative
interview method and processed using thematic
The interview questions contained open ended
questions based on the nine components of quality of
work life proposed by Swamy, Nanjundeswaraswamy,
& Rashmi and also an adaptation of the close ended
quantitative questionnaires in one of the journals
written by Swamy, Nanjundeswaraswamy, & Rashmi
regarding the quality of work life.
The characteristics of the main research
participants were
Permanent teachers and class assistants
who work at Little Seed Preschool and
Daycare (Ruko Emerald Avenue 2, Blok
EB B No. 8, Bintaro Jaya, South
Tangerang, Indonesia, 15227).
Carry out the process of classroom teaching
with online media during the COVID-19
Has a high school diploma or equivalent
The researcher also interviewed several
individuals as triangulation data apart from the main
research participants. These individuals were
Principal of Little Seed Preschool and
Foundation management and employee
coordinator for Little Seed Preschool and
Class assistant in Little Seed Preschool and
Daycare who does not meet the criteria as
the main participant
a. Work Environment
All teachers and class assistants responded positively
to the working environment at Little Seed. The
explanation of the conditions of the work environment
is about mutual support, not pressured, openness, not
blaming each other, and kinship. The condition of the
work environment is felt to motivate work for all
individuals. This condition also does not only occur
with teacher and class assistant from the same class
but applies regardless of the limitations per class.
“Nah aku di little seed ini, baru nemu juga,
maksudnya nyaman juga di aku. Orangnya pada
baik-baik, pada welcome gitu saling bantu.” -TC
“I finally found what I was searching for here in
Little Seed, I mean I feel comfortable. The
coworkers are nice and are very welcome. We also
help each other” -TC (translation)
On the other hand, there was only one individual
who feels the work environment does not support their
productivity. The class assistant felt that her
productivity could be further increased if there was a
clear to-do list for everyone. This was stated because
she had to do work that should not be her
responsibility and her original responsibility
sometimes had to be replaced or resigned as a result of
this. In addition, there was only one teacher who felt
that her school responsibilities negatively affected her
personal and family life. This is very likely to happen
because, in addition to serving as a teacher, she is also
a school principal so that complaints from parents will
be accepted by her more often.
b. Organizational culture and climate
The majority of teachers and class assistants described
the organizational climate in Little Seed positively
with words such as flexibility but responsible,
openness, mutual support and that there is a clear
division of tasks. There was only one class assistant
who mentioned that the organizational climate at
Little Seed still needed improvement. She explained
the school's organizational climate by using the word
disorganized. This is very different from the
explanation given by one of the teachers, namely the
existence of a clear division of tasks.
“saling melengkapi lah kan sebenernya yang
penting -TC
“complementing each other is actually what's
important” -TC (translation)
“acak-acakan, ya itu lah. Gimana ya aku tuh
bingung ngomonginnya gimana, aku tuh orangnya
suka yang rapi” -MA
“disordered, yes that's it. I don’t really know how
to say it but I'm a tidy person” -MA (translation)
An Overview of Quality of Work Life among Teachers and Class Assistants in Little Seed Preschool and Daycare during the COVID-19
The differences that exist between teachers and
class assistants may very well occur because of the
different needs and habits of the two individuals. The
class assistant prefer neat schedule and division while
the teacher doesn't need it. This is under the results of
the researchers' observations while undergoing an
internship. The researcher found that the class
assistant asked in sufficient detail about the schedule
and activities and the teacher was often still confused
and had not thought that far because it was still a future
activity and could still be negotiated first.
Apart from the organizational climate, all teachers
and class assistants agree that there were no special
procedures imposed in school. The procedures for job
rotation, promotions, and rewards are not owned by
the school because these things do not exist yet.
However, procedures for providing comments and
suggestions were not available because each teacher
and class assistant can voice their opinions in a relaxed
and open manner between each other and superiors.
c. Relationships and cooperation
All teachers and class assistants felt that they have a
close relationship and good cooperation with co-
workers and superiors. Every teacher and class
assistant also said that they already had a high
attachment to Little Seed. All individuals also feel that
they are treated fairly and are often verbally
appreciated by their superiors.
“Anggep aja kita kayak temen tapi kita punya
kelas masing-masing gitu. tapi selesai ngajar apa
ya kita kumpul-kumpul aja gitu dah kayak temen
aja, cerita-cerita gitu.” -VO
Let's just say we're like friends but we have our
own classes to teach, but after class, we just get
together like friends, tell stories, something like
that."” -VO (translation)
Unfortunately, a class assistant still felt that the
school principal is less able to carry out her role as the
main leader and only played the role of a friend in
situations that require the role of a leader such as when
making decisions. Often many things can be decided
by superiors alone or there may be clear benchmarks
from the school, but this has not been done. This
sometimes leads to poor coordination and
miscommunication. In addition, communication about
changes is also sometimes done suddenly so that it
become less structured and lack clear roles. However,
the same individual stated that she was very
understanding of the conditions of her superiors and
was ready to help.
These things may very well occur due to the
thoughts of superiors who feel that giving freedom and
always having discussions is very important and can
increase abilities and kinship at Little Seed. This
treatment is certainly not wrong and is indeed proven
by the feeling of kinship felt by all teachers and class
assistants, but it is also important that there is a clear
structure and professional attitude as workers,
particularly if there are individuals who prefer
neatness and clear schedules.
d. Training and development
All teachers and class assistants have felt that there is
an opportunity given to develop their abilities with the
freedom and support provided. However, there were
no activities specifically organized by the school. In
addition, almost all teachers and class assistants stated
that they had attended training from school before the
pandemic. The training was said to be following the
needs but unfortunately, it has only been done once.
This creates high demand, particularly from class
“pengen sih lebih sering ya. Ya paling kalau
misalkan dalam setahun ada lah beberapa kali
yah.” -EA
“I want it more often, at least like for example
there are several times in a year” -EA (translation)
e. Compensation and rewards
All teachers and class assistants thought that the salary
given by the school is in accordance with the
responsibilities given. This suitability is based on the
comparison of teachers and class assistants with their
old schools, as well as with other schools. Those
opinions of course does not reduce the fact that the
salary reduction that occurred due to the COVID-19
pandemic is troubling and increases the desire to get
the original salary, particularly for class assistants who
have high financial responsibilities for their families.
This opinion is also supported by the absence of
additional salaries, compensation, and promotions that
have been felt by teachers and class assistants.
However, all teachers and class assistants can
understand the conditions experienced by the school
hence the cuts that occurred are also captured with a
sense of understanding and gratitude for being able to
“nah kenapa kok bisa bilang fair enough karena
memang dengan dengan nominal yang diberikan
dan jam kerja dan load yang diberikan sesuai” -
“I can say it's fair enough because the salary given
with the working hours and load given are
accordant” -TO (translation)
AICOSH 2021 - The Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH) “Life After Pandemic: Perspectives,
Changes, and Challenges”
The need of more stable salary was most felt by
one of the class assistants who was entrusted by her
family to be the main source of income in the family.
This does not cover the fact that she felt that the salary
given is deemed to be in accordance with the
responsibilities given. On the other hand, there is also
thoughts from other class assistants that there should
be a complete explanation of the additional salary that
can be obtained if you do extra work. The explanation
had indeed been explained orally at the time of
admission as a class assistant, but there were no
written details so there was less evidence of this.
The existence of a salary that is deemed sufficient
in accordance with the existing responsibilities is
probably supported by the openness of the school,
teachers and class assistants. From the beginning
when negotiating salary, the school also looked up the
condition of the teachers and class assistants. When
there is a salary cut during this pandemic, the same
thing is also done.
f. Facilities
There are only few facilities that are felt by teachers
and class assistants at Little Seed. This is because the
money for transportation and food is already included
in the monthly salary given. However, with minimal
facilities, almost all teachers and class assistants feel
that their needs have been met.
One of the class assistants felt that their needs are
barely met. The same individual also received input
from outsiders that schools should provide clear
facilities for their workers. This difference may very
well occur because of a higher financial need than
other individuals.
The security facilities at the school are deemed to
have met the minimum criteria. There is simple but not
too many security tools that can also be taught because
the school is in a shop house so that the evacuation
route is only one door. In addition, for teachers and
class assistants, there are two meanings of employee
welfare. Some individuals explain it with the
suitability of what is given with what is obtained and
there is an explanation with comfort in working.
Unfortunately, there was no clear activity for
improving the employee welfare. Some class
assistants felt that schools should provide a special
place for teachers and class assistants to complain and
share their experiences while teaching. Those opinion
arises from the lack of special activities carried out to
improve the welfare of employees from the school and
usually talking about complaints has indeed occurred
but only in a relaxed and not coordinated manner. By
bringing up this idea, it does not mean that teachers
and class assistants don't have time to talk and relax
together, but that there isn't a clear platform.
“sejauh ini belum ada. Maksudnya ya itu balik
lagi, karyawan itu kurang di maintenance,
maksudnya apa sih, secara serius ya maksudnya.
balik lagi wadahnya itu belum ada.” -MA
“So far nothing has been done. I mean, the
employees are lacking in maintenance, I mean
there are no special occasions made for the
employess.” -MA (translation)
g. Job satisfaction and job security
All teachers and class assistants felt happy,
comfortable, safe, and proud to work at Little Seed. In
addition, all participants also felt that there is an
opportunity to use their abilities. Some of the teachers
and class assistants also compared their experiences at
their old school or friends' schools with their current
experiences at Little Seed. In this comparison, Little
Seed was found to be much more supportive and
emotionally bringing happiness. This is in accordance
with the results of the researchers' observations while
undergoing an internship. All the teachers and class
assistants entered the school building with smiles.
When there was a discussion, each individual gave
suggestions and opinions in a relaxed manner and
other individuals will give opinions or appreciation for
these suggestions. Teachers and class assistants also
often shared stories and unpleasant experiences at the
old school and compare them to Little Seed.
“Karena udah pengalaman di beberapa sekolah,
Jujur aku tertekan dan tidak happy. Jadi begitu
sekarang aku happy sih.” -VO
“Based on my experience in teaching, I used to feel
pressured and not happy while working. When I
moved here, I feel happy.” -VO (translation)
The difference was in situations that can cause
stress. The teachers felt that dealing with some parents
becomes something that can be an unpleasant event
because of parents dissatisfaction which was
sometimes not the fault of the school. Meanwhile, the
class assistants felt that the sudden changes and some
technical actions on the part of Little Seed were
sometimes a burden. This difference is likely because
it is the teachers who communicated with parents
more often and that the two class assistants who
expressed their thoughts were individuals who prefer
structured things.
h. Autonomy of work
Every teacher and class assistant said they received
great flexibility and freedom in carrying out their
An Overview of Quality of Work Life among Teachers and Class Assistants in Little Seed Preschool and Daycare during the COVID-19
responsibilities at Little Seed. Almost all decision
making is done by discussing beforehand with fellow
teachers and class assistants. In addition, all of them
also believe that they have enough time to carry out
their responsibilities outside of school and are ready to
accept more responsibilities from Little Seed. The
school even gave freedom to have other jobs outside
of school, as long as the school responsibilities are
completed properly.
“bener-bener udah bisa kerja sendiri sih,
sebenernya. Udah sefleksibel itu.” -TO
“I can actually work on my own. It's that
flexible.” -TO (translation)
i. Adequacy of resources
All teachers and class assistants felt that the
information provided is sufficient to carry out their
responsibilities well. How to get this information is
also quite easy. Information can be obtained by casual
discussion either online or when meeting in person.
There were differences of opinion between
teachers and class assistants on the adequacy of
resources. Teachers felt that they have enough
resources to carry out their responsibilities, but class
assistants felt they are lacking the resources needed.
This deficiency is based on the supply of materials
used to make student activities. Before the pandemic
period, these materials were usually provided by the
school so that they could be taken immediately when
they had to make activities. These do not mean they
were not provided during the pandemic, but supplies
run out faster and the school does not speed up
stocking times hence class assistants often have to buy
their materials first and then get their money back
from the school later on.
“Nah itu harus kita beli dulu gitu, beli dulu sendiri
habis itu nanti pakai uang, kita habis itu baru di
reimburse gitu.” -TC
“So, we have to buy it ourselves first, then we'll
just get reimbursed later on.” -TC (Translation)
From the results of the study, it can be concluded that
the quality of work life among teachers and class
assistants at Little Seed Preschool and Daycare can be
categorized as good but of course there were still many
things that can be improved. In general, all questions
related to emotion were answered positively. If there
was a deficiency, the individual who expressed this
has an explanation that is not only about personal
needs but more for school development. The
researcher categorized the quality of work life as good
because there are five dimensions that can be
categorized as good, two dimensions can be
categorized as moderate, and two dimensions are
categorized as poor.
Five dimensions that were already good are work
environment, compensation and rewards,
relationships and cooperation, job satisfaction and
security, and autonomy of work. Two dimensions that
are categorized as moderate are organizational culture
and climate and adequacy of resources. The striking
thing from the results found was that the nature of
kinship and the freedom provided by the school can
indeed increase the sense of attachment and concern
for each other but if it is too excessive, it can disturb
individuals who prefer order in work. This was seen
repeatedly during interviews, such as when there were
concerns about the absence of a clear schedule even
though it was a routine activity, as well as the lack of
complete written administrative files regarding
student data and employee job descriptions.
The lack of fulfilment of the above administrative
requirements may very well occur because several
individuals hold more than one role in the school.
Individuals who hold positions as administrators also
hold positions as employee coordinators as well as
teachers. Another individual who also holds more than
one role is a teacher who also serves as the principal.
This happens often to a new school like Little Seed.
However, it is very important for the individual who
holds the position as a leader to also carry out her role
as a leader. The results of research conducted by
Lewis (in Sudarnoto, 2015) reveal that the leadership
style or leadership behavior plays a very important
role in determining the quality of work life.
Gaol & Siburian (2018) say that six efforts can be
made by principals as leaders to improve teacher
performance. The six efforts are focusing on
improving teacher competence, providing sufficient
allocation of funds to increase teacher
professionalism, providing professional advice and
guidance to teachers, creating a professional and
conducive school organizational culture, creating
innovation and excellence, and finally giving awards
to teachers who have good performance. Of the six
efforts, the principal at Little Seed is still lacking in
awarding, there is an allocation of funds to improve
teacher competence and in general behave
professionally as a leader
The adequacy of resources was categorized as
moderate because even though the information and
human resources needs are met, the necessity of
teachers and class assistants to buy their activity
materials disturbs all class assistants. Before the
AICOSH 2021 - The Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH) “Life After Pandemic: Perspectives,
Changes, and Challenges”
pandemic, materials were readily available at schools
and could be used immediately. The existence of these
differences may lead to role ambiguity. Wayan &
Yasa (2017) found that role ambiguity affected work
stress levels and employee performance. In their
research, it was proven that if the level of role
ambiguity is high, the level of job stress will be high
and employee performance will be low.
Two dimensions that were categorized as poor are
training and development and facilities. There was a
need to have special activities carried out to improve
abilities and a forum for every teacher and class
assistant to complain. Returning to the familial nature
that has been discussed, this trait also has an impact on
this aspect. Even though there were no special
activities, teachers and class assistants still feel happy
and comfortable, it would be even better if there were
activities that were specifically designed for it. Those
activities are needed to increase the awareness of
teachers and class assistants on how their superiors
care for them. Sudarnoto (2015) said that the high
level of reciprocity was caused by the quality of work
life. Thus, this awareness is built to provide a
reciprocal feeling of the efforts expended by teachers
and class assistants with the school providing
development to teachers and class assistants to
improve the quality of work life of teachers and class
During this pandemic, financial aspect was also an
aspect that can significantly reduce the quality of the
work life of teachers and class assistants. In an online
discussion by Anwar Sanusi, the Secretary General of
the Ministry of Manpower said that there were 29.4
million people affected by this pandemic. This figure
includes individuals who have been laid off and have
their working hours reduced (Triatmojo, 2021).
Teachers and class assistants, particularly those who
have responsibilities as the main source of income,
were quite anxious about the deductions given. The
school has also explained the conditions of the school
and allowed teachers and class assistants to have jobs
outside of teaching, but it still does not provide peace
of mind because their payments were still cut and there
were no bonuses for the past year.
Further research suggestions:
Based on the results of the researchers' discussions
that have been described, there are several suggestions
that can be made to improve research, future research,
or similar research, including:
The research should be carried out in a not-
too- distant period so that the data obtained
is not polluted with activities or actions that
may occur during the research period. The
interview period of this study was
approximately one month and during that
time there was an activity from the school
which could change the participant’s
Face-to-face interviews should use an
audio-visual recording device that is
sophisticated enough to be able to get all of
the conversations and movements clearly
without disturbing the participants.
The next quantitative research can be done
to see the big picture of the quality of work
life of early childhood education teachers
and class assistants in JABODETABEK.
Subsequent research regarding the impact
of the COVID-19 pandemic on early
childhood education teachers can be
investigated further.
Subsequent research on the method of
teaching social skills to early childhood
education students in an online setting can
be investigated further.
Practical advice:
Based on result of this presented study, Little Seed
Preschool and Daycare can:
Allocate funds and special time for the
development of teacher and class assistant.
This can be in the form of training,
discussion sessions and leisure activities
There should be a written administrative
file that is quite complete and neat. The file
includes job descriptions and bonuses for
teachers and class assistants as well as
complete student data.
There should be special teaching and habituation for
individuals who serve in superior positions (principals
and employee coordinators) thus they can carry out
their roles as leaders of the school.
Agustin, M., Puspita, R. D., Nurinten, D., & Nafiqoh, H.
2020. Tipikal kendala guru PAUD dalam mengajar
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Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 5,1, 334-
An Overview of Quality of Work Life among Teachers and Class Assistants in Little Seed Preschool and Daycare during the COVID-19
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The GuilfordPress
AICOSH 2021 - The Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH) “Life After Pandemic: Perspectives,
Changes, and Challenges”