Strengthening Families: Exploring the Impacts of Religious,
Self-reliance, and Household Finance Training Experience on Family
Affected by Covid-19 in the Lower Middle Class in Pontianak, West
Citra Widyastuti
, Raekha Azka
, Riswanti Budi Sekaringsih
and Shohibul Adhkar
Departement of Islamic Guidance and Counseling UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Indonesia
Departement of Mathematics Education UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Departement of Sharia Economics UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Departement of Perbandingan Mahzab UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Strengthening Families, Religious, Self Reliance, Household Finance, Covid 19.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the family strengthening training program through a
religious, independent and family financial approach for guardians of elementary school students in middle
to lower class communities in Pontianak district. This research used experimental one group pre post test
design, with quasi experiment. It compared the results of the pretest and posttest filling scores. The data was
analyzed using Shpairo Wilk for normality test. The results of this study showed the significance value of the
pretest was 0.173 and the posttest was 0.251, both values were greater than the significance value of 0.05,
thus it can be concluded that there was a significant difference between the pretest and post test results after
given treatment. The conclusion confirms the effectiveness of family strengthening training through religious,
independence and financial approaches.
The Covid-19 pandemic has hit the world since early
2019. Slowly but surely this virus is also spreading to
the archipelago. Precisely in March 2020, Indonesia
officially implemented a health protocol by imposing
a social distancing policy (Yuliana, 2020). The policy
is in the form of preventing mass crowds in all places,
thus encouraging people to stay at home in carrying
out all their activities (Handayani, 2020)
There are many consequences of this regulation.
One of the biggest impacts felt was starting from the
school from home policy for elementary school age
children (Abidah, 2020, Utomo, 2020). Like it or not,
this policy must be obeyed by all elementary school
parents (Putri, et al, 2020). It is because to be able to
accompany children at the age of elementary school
and become the personification of teachers at school
is certainly not easy, especially for those who do not
have sufficient educational background and good
knowledge of information technology. The
determination of the learning from home policy also
applies to the Province of West Kalimantan. Hence,
this policy inevitably becomes a problem for parents
of elementary school students in the city.
Several new problems that arise from the impact
of the policy (Putri, 2020), indirectly lead to changes
in emotional conditions in the family. Problems that
arise include having to accompany children to study
at home while there are other jobs that must be
completed by parents. It is because children at their
age, especially elementary school and equivalent, do
not yet have good learning independence.
Independent learning cannot be separated from
independence. Boekaerts, Pintrich, & Zeidner (2000:
6) stated that behavior is determined by individual
goals and needs with limited influence from other or
environmental contexts. They show how ideas are
highly valued in certain societies, such as self-control,
individual freedom, and responsibility. Smart &
Smart (Suryadi & Damayanti, 2003: 2) explained that
independence is the ability to regulate behavior
marked by freedom, initiative, self-confidence, self-
Widyastuti, C., Azka, R., Sekaringsih, R. and Adhkar, S.
Strengthening Families: Exploring the Impacts of Religious, Self-reliance, and Household Finance Training Experience on Family Affected by Covid-19 in the Lower Middle Class in Pontianak,
West Kalimantan.
DOI: 10.5220/0010803600003348
In Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH 2021), pages 40-46
ISBN: 978-989-758-603-3; ISSN: 2685-273X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
control, self-assertion, and responsibility towards
oneself and others.
Independence can be seen since the individual is
still small and continues to develop so that it
eventually becomes a relatively permanent trait in
adolescence (Rianti, 2019). Hence, learning
independence can be defined as individual behavior
consciously and on their own initiative to learn and be
able to take responsibility for what is performed and
produced. In addition, there are also problems related
to the economy. Not infrequently due to the
restrictions imposed, it is difficult for parents to work
or even lose their jobs due to layoffs. There are also
problems which occur due to other unexpected needs
such as purchasing quotas, buying cellphones for
online learning and electricity bills that may increase
due to Work from Home (WFH) and Distance
Learning (PJJ) policies. Not to mention the issue of
freedom in religious rituals which has begun to be
The Muslim community can no longer celebrate
Ramadan and Eid as usual. Celebrations of religious
rituals that can no longer be conducted in
congregation (Arrobi and Amsa, 2020), the
prohibition of congregational worship in mosques
makes them lose their identity. These people
experience a great spiritual loss, although perhaps for
most other Muslims, the prohibition of
congregational prayers in mosques is not something
to be confused about (Darmawan, et al 2020). They
seem to have lost the blessings they used to get.
Changes in the pattern of worship occurred as a
response of religious communities to the conditions
of the Covid-19 pandemic which changed many
habits. Government policies regarding social
restrictions and others are a joint effort in order to
maintain the safety of the lives of many people
(Jubba, 2021). Thus, there are many other variables
that the author considers to have an effect on the
emotions of parents in addition to school from home.
The emotional changes that occur require wise steps
and attitudes. If this is not obtained wisely, it can
trigger stress for them.
In addition to the school from home policy, family
finances are also a complicated problem. In various
sources it is often mentioned the importance of
financial management, even at the smallest level,
which is the household is very important in managing
its finances. Financial management is not an easy
thing to do. This is difficult to do because human
needs are very numerous and tend to change over
time. Conditions like this will cause people to feel
dissatisfied and always feel lacking (Salirawati,
Family financial management is almost like
talking about financial management in general.
Family financial management is generally divided
into three components (Manulang 1981 in Salirawati
2004). Family financial management is divided into
three steps, which are; Expenditure Planning,
Implementation Management, and Monitoring. At
each of these stages, reason is needed to determine
priorities. Expenditure planning is conducted by
calculating the difference between all incomes minus
expenses and determining which the priorities are.
The implementation of this management is in the
process of doing what has been planned. The last is
the monitoring of the implementation and assessment
of the previous two steps whether they have been
carried out properly or not.
Meanwhile, within the limits of Islamic finance,
Tamanni and Mukhlisin (2013) agreed with Ahmad
Gozali where discussing sakinah finances in the
discussion of qana'ah, namely human nature that is
humble or wara' while sakinah is an inner and outer
condition and a response to what happens in our
financial life. All of this has been regulated in
maqasid sharia. Maqashid sharia explains the purpose
of the principle/intention/principle of applying sharia
or religious rules. In this case, at least it can be
explained in three dimensions of priority needs,
firstly something basic (dharuriyyat). That is basic
needs or primary needs if he or she is able to protect
religion, soul, lineage, reason and property. Both
needs are secondary (hajiyyat). That is a need that if
not consumed does not cause an emergency
(dharuriyyat), such as loss of mind, life or property.
Finally, everything that is complementary to
life/luxury goods (tahsiniyyat).
Just as during this pandemic, household financial
arrangements are also the main point (Dewi, et al,
2021, Marlau, et al 2021). Household financial health
is an important measuring point in household life.
Commitment to implementing financial planning is
very important. Because if you do not implement
financial commitments, household finances will get
sick (Arnesih, 2016). This discrepancy will clearly
have a long-term impact on the household especially
households in achieving the goals of Sakinah,
mawaddah and warahmah.
In this pandemic condition, it has changed the
perspective of households in managing their finances.
The tendency of risk in household investment tends
to turn into risk averse (Fauziyyah and Ersyafdi,
2021). The main reason is the uncertainty during the
pandemic. So far, Covid-19 is not only a disease in
the scope of Health but has changed and entered all
aspects of life. As a result, the government tries to
Strengthening Families: Exploring the Impacts of Religious, Self-reliance, and Household Finance Training Experience on Family Affected
by Covid-19 in the Lower Middle Class in Pontianak, West Kalimantan
save not only human life but also the economy in
general. Therefore, financial arrangements in the
household are considered capable of responding to
the challenges of this pandemic in order to support the
success of households in surviving.
On the economic side, the pandemic has had quite
an impact on the economic resilience of families. It is
supported by research in Depok conducted by
Shahreza and Lindiawatie (2020) which stated that
before the pandemic as many as 74% could fulfill
their needs, but in pandemic conditions it decreased
by 18% to 56%. One way to strengthen families
during the COVID-19 pandemic is through religious
approaches, education, and financial management.
Economic pressure affects the level of family stress,
husband-wife emotions, family conflict, and stress in
marriage (Conger and Martha, 1999).
Due to the emergence of various problems, it is
deemed important to conduct research that is able to
improve the emotional state of the parents of victims
of the impact of COVID 19 with Emotional Focused
This study used a quantitative approach with the type
of Quasi Experimental Research with One Group
Pretest Posttest Design. This design will compare the
results of the pretest in one group with the results of
the posttest after being given treatment.
Prior to the emotional focus coping training, the
parents were asked to fill out a pretest one day before
the implementation of the treatment or training. The
training itself was performed for about 4 hours and
after the training, the parents were asked to fill out a
2.1 Research Sample
The sample in this study were parents who have
children who are still in elementary school and live in
Pontianak City with a total sample of 13 people. The
sampling technique in this study was using the
purposive sampling technique, which is one of the
non-random sampling techniques where the
researcher determines the sampling by determining
special characteristics that are in accordance with the
research objectives so that it is expected to be able to
answer research problems. With special criteria,
which were parents who have children who attend
elementary schools and are in the Siantan District,
West Pontianak.
2.2 Research Instruments
This research made training modules with aspects of
religion, education and finance. It refers to the results
of pre-research observations, seeing that these three
aspects are quite important to be provided to parents
of elementary school students. The measurement
instrument used a pretest posttest on religious,
independence, financial aspects, each aspect
consisting of 10 questions based on indicators for
each aspect of religion, independence and finance.
Total questions are 30.
2.3 Data Analysis Techniques
This study used data analysis techniques with paired
sample t test. Before performing the paired sample t
test analysis, it is necessary to test the normality of
the data. In this study, the normality test used was the
Shapiro-Wilk test.
The results obtained from this study after going
through data analysis with SPSS. There is evidence
that there are differences in learning outcomes
between pretest and posttest in participating in family
strengthening training with a religious approach,
independence and family finances for parents of
elementary school students in middle to lower class
communities in West Pontianak district. It can be seen
from the results of data analysis obtained through
SPSS version 22 as follows:
Table 1: Paired samples statistics.
Statistic df Sig.
Pretest .908 13 .173
Posttest .919 13 .241
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
3.1 Normality Test
Normality test was conducted to determine the
distribution of data from the research results were
normal or not. In this study, the normality test used
was the Shapiro-Wilk test. Testing the normality of
the data with the Shapiro-Wilk test can be conducted
with the help of the SPSS version 22 program with
the significance level used is 0.05 (Sugiyono, 2012).
The selection of the Shapiro-Wilk test was used
AICOSH 2021 - The Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH) “Life After Pandemic: Perspectives,
Changes, and Challenges”
because the sample used in this study was below 50,
the data used was 13. From the results of the
normality test in this study, the significance value of
the pretest was 0.173 and the posttest was 0.251, both
of which were greater than the significance value of
0.05. Hence, the variables were normally distributed.
Table 2: Paired samples statistics.
Mean N
Pair 1
pretest 38.08 13 8.568 2.376
posttest 43.62 13 8.471 2.349
N Correlation Sig.
Pair 1 pretest & posttest
13 .818 .001
3.2 Paired Sample T Test
To test whether or not there is a difference in learning
outcomes between the pretest and posttest in
participating in religious, independence and financial
training, a paired sample t-test with SPSS version 22
was administered. The number of data for each pretest
and posttest = 1. Mean value on the pretest is 38.08
and the mean value on the posttest is 43.62. The
standard deviation of the pretest was 8,568, and the
posttest was 8,471. The standard error of the mean for
the pretest is 2,376 and the posttest is 2,349. It shows
that there is a difference in learning outcomes
between the pretest and posttest. To support this,
paired sample correlations were tested to contain data
about the correlation between the pretest and posttest
in participating in family strengthening training with
a religious approach, independence and family
finances. The correlation coefficient value is 0.818
with a significance (sig) of 0.01. Based on the results
of the paired sample t test, significant results were
obtained. Thus, there is an increase in participants'
knowledge about family strengthening in terms of
religious aspects, independent learning and financial
Table 3: Mean pre-test and post test results from 13
Pre-Test Post Test
5,77 6,77 8,92 5,77 7,00 9,38
Total 21,46 22,15
Training means a systematic change in the aspects
of knowledge, skills, attitudes and behavior in which
each participant experiences an increase in what each
participant has, thereby realizing the goals to be
achieved in meeting the desired standards (Suwatno,
2011). In this study, the aspect that becomes the
fulfillment of the standard or target is knowledge, so
that the pretest and posttest cover aspects of
knowledge that will be and have been conveyed by
the trainer.
In this training, researchers measure the
effectiveness of the training. Effectiveness of training
is the level of success of a training implementation in
achieving goals, both goals related to participants and
their organizations. The most popular training
evaluation approach is the model of Donald
Kirkpatrick (1976). 4 Levels of Training Evaluation
according to Kirkpatrick: 1) Reaction, at this level
what is assessed is the reaction of participants to the
training program. 2) Learning, is an indicator of
increasing knowledge, skills, or attitudes obtained by
participants after attending training. 3) Behavior, this
level is to determine the increase in knowledge, skills,
and attitudes obtained in training, applied in work. 4)
Result, is intended to provide information on the
effect of training on organizational goals and
objectives on a wider scale.
In this study, researchers used 2 levels of
evaluation, which were level 1 reaction, seeing the
reactions of participants after attending the training
and also at level 2, that are learning to see the increase
in knowledge, skills or attitudes that participants got
after attending the training. The research data shows
the increase in the mean value of 13 subjects is 0.69.
Hence, there is an increase in the knowledge of family
strengthening training participants during the Covid-
19 pandemic for parents of Pontianak City
Elementary Schools, West Kalimantan.
The next analysis is based on religious aspects,
independent learning, and financial management. In
the religious aspect, there was no increase in
knowledge scores before and after being given
training. It is because religious activities cannot be
separated from everyday life that has been embedded
since they were small, which is related to one's faith
and piety (Spinks, 1963). The religious aspect is a
complex system of beliefs and attitudes related to
divinity and also worship procedures (Jalaluddin,
"By understanding Pandemic Fiqh, we will
provide guidelines for worship during a pandemic. In
it, we understand how to worship mahdhah and
ghayru mahdhah, religious and social rituals, which
involve many people who are suspected to be media
Strengthening Families: Exploring the Impacts of Religious, Self-reliance, and Household Finance Training Experience on Family Affected
by Covid-19 in the Lower Middle Class in Pontianak, West Kalimantan
for stopping and spreading Covid-19. By
understanding pandemic jurisprudence, a person will
be calm and not look panicked when there is an appeal
not to perform Friday prayers, rawatib, tarawih and
id in congregation in the mosque because they already
understand the history of tasyri' (Islamic legislation)
and the application of naqli and aqli arguments in a
certain atmosphere.”
Some of the declines in survey results on religious
pre and post tests are related to three main problems.
First, respondents do not understand the religious
advice to obey government rules that do not violate
Islamic law. As we know that Allah has ordered His
servants to obey Allah SWT, Prophet Muhammad
SAW, and the prevailing government. If we
understand that every command of Allah will always
have a reward for those, who do it, then obeying the
government in every rule is a pious deed that can take
us to His heaven, moreover, obeying regulations that
are oriented towards preventing Covid-19. In addition
to the rules regarding the obligation to wear masks
when going out in public places, diligently washing
hands with soap, using hand sanitizers, and others,
there are also policies such as Large-Scale Social
Restrictions (PSBB), Work from Home, Learning
from Home, and others. Although it is difficult to
implement because it seems to restrict freedom, the
implementation of these rules will keep the public
away from the dangers of Covid-19. Furthermore, the
implementation of a series of health protocols is also
an issue that has priority in religion.
The two respondents are still often dichotomized
by the issue of qunut which is a stereotype in one
mass organization. Meanwhile, qunut nazilah is a
recommendation when in a state of natural disaster.
The qunut that is read at every congregational prayer
is in the form of reading the qunut prayer contained
in the Fajr prayer, and usually added another ma'tsur
prayer that is charged with keeping Muslims away
from the dangers of the pandemic. However, the
author understands that it has not been conveyed by
many preachers in these areas. Apart from the author's
assumption regarding the qunut stereotype in certain
mass organizations, there needs to be a more
comprehensive education on holistic worship rituals.
The three respondents also did not fully understand
the main frame in the fiqh of this pandemic, which is
a deep understanding of maqasid shariah. Religion
provides Maqhashid Shariah as a concept that teaches
that the noble goal of religion is that a person always
prioritizes maintaining religion, reason, self, lineage,
and property in every worship or activity. Thus, the
ritual of worship that does not heed the five noble
goals is an act without wrong knowledge and is
common. In this context, the ulama and the
government recommend limiting collective activities,
including worship in congregation, which is included
in the goal of maintaining safety that is one of the
main goals of religion. In this case, we can make this
as a relief in worship. It is in accordance with flexible,
situational, and contextual teachings so that it will
always be relevant to any situation. For instance,
when a person is unable to stand up to pray, then that
person is allowed to pray sitting down. In fact, if the
person is still unable to sit, that person can pray lying
down, and so on.
In the aspect of finance, it increased by 0.46. This
is a positive sign that finance is important for
household. Moreover, we find Family financial
management is almost like talking about financial
management in general. During the pandemic
household need more attention on planning. On this
stage, households must determine their priorities
(Salirawati, 2004). Household should remember
Maqasid Syariah
, especially on basic needs
(dharuriyat). That is basic needs or primary needs if
he or she is able to protect religion, soul, lineage,
reason and property. During this pandemic household
must choose them to be their priority. For example,
households should prioritize their need for soul.
Buying proper food, preparing good medicine, and
wearing proper mask are the example of priority
during this pandemic.
After the implementation of this training,
households are expected to be able to choose which
ones are their priority needs. One of these needs is the
continuity of their children's education. Children's
success in achieving education is not only supported
by the child's willingness to learn but also various
things that support it. The things that support this
learning start from the religious aspect, financial
support, and the provision of facilities and
infrastructure. The existence of family strengthening
training makes parents understand the main priorities
in the pandemic. In addition to health, children's
education must still be prioritized because it includes
dharuriyat needs. Families who can meet the
educational needs of their children well will later get
the results.
In the aspect of learning independence, there was
an increase of 0.23 and in the financial aspect it
increased by 0.46. An increase in the learning
independence aspect sector indicates a change in the
aspect of understanding or knowledge about
children's learning independence. Knowledge of
independent learning is very important. According to
(Notoatmodjo, 2012), knowledge is a person's ability
to reveal what is known. According to (B.S. Bloom &
AICOSH 2021 - The Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH) “Life After Pandemic: Perspectives,
Changes, and Challenges”
Krathwohl, 1956), with Knowledge, a person can
consider acting.
In the Aspect of Independence at the beginning,
before giving treatment, there were still many who
thought that learning independence meant being able
to learn on their own and parents just doing their
activities. Many also think that it is impossible for
elementary school-aged children to have
independence in learning because they still think that
being independent can only be performed by adults.
Some of them even feel annoyed that they have to
accompany them to study because they do not
understand the material and or do not even have time
to accompany them to study during this pandemic.
However, after being given training,
parents/guardians have different perceptions. They
come to understand that independent learning can be
achieved gradually along with what is learned.
Independent learning can be trained and can be
supported by the role of parents. Learning
independence also has several indicators, which turns
out after being studied more deeply from the
parents/guardians there are already several indicators
that exist in their children. The results of this training
also encourage parents to support and encourage their
children to be more capable and stronger in their
learning independence, not only financially or by
providing learning tools but also supporting
emotionally, mentally and also direct assistance in
learning. Not in terms of learning material, but more
on moral support so that whatever the results of the
children's learning, parents sincerely accept and the
children always receive encouragement so that they
can get better.
These changes not only indicate that the training
performed was successful, but also indicates that with
training we can change one's knowledge. It is in line
with the opinion (Sarwono, 2011) that exposure to
information obtained from people, the media, or from
education such as counseling will affect changes in
one's knowledge.
The conclusion of this study is that the value of
asymp.Sig.(2-Tailed) is greater than >0.05, then Ha is
rejected. Emotional focus coping is not effective for
parents or guardians affected by the pandemic. There
are several factors that cause ineffectiveness, which
are learning styles, readiness to learn, quality of
knowledge transfer and learning concentration from
respondents. Hence, these things need to be improved
in order to get effective results through online training
learning about family strengthening in religious,
independence, financial aspects. This idea requires
further research.
The Authors declare no competing interest. All data
are available from the authors. The authors would like
to acknowledge the support for the reseach given by
the Institute for Research and Community Service
(LPPM) of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta through
the funding of the Basic Interdisciplinary Research on
COVID-19 Response Chancellor's Decree No.
188.4/2020 which was held at October 2
, 2020. We
also thank research asistan, Raidatul Saptrians, who
has support us through all the reseach process. We
also extend our appreciation to the people we
interviewed in and about Pontianak West Kalimantan
for this paper.
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AICOSH 2021 - The Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH) “Life After Pandemic: Perspectives,
Changes, and Challenges”