for stopping and spreading Covid-19. By
understanding pandemic jurisprudence, a person will
be calm and not look panicked when there is an appeal
not to perform Friday prayers, rawatib, tarawih and
id in congregation in the mosque because they already
understand the history of tasyri' (Islamic legislation)
and the application of naqli and aqli arguments in a
certain atmosphere.”
Some of the declines in survey results on religious
pre and post tests are related to three main problems.
First, respondents do not understand the religious
advice to obey government rules that do not violate
Islamic law. As we know that Allah has ordered His
servants to obey Allah SWT, Prophet Muhammad
SAW, and the prevailing government. If we
understand that every command of Allah will always
have a reward for those, who do it, then obeying the
government in every rule is a pious deed that can take
us to His heaven, moreover, obeying regulations that
are oriented towards preventing Covid-19. In addition
to the rules regarding the obligation to wear masks
when going out in public places, diligently washing
hands with soap, using hand sanitizers, and others,
there are also policies such as Large-Scale Social
Restrictions (PSBB), Work from Home, Learning
from Home, and others. Although it is difficult to
implement because it seems to restrict freedom, the
implementation of these rules will keep the public
away from the dangers of Covid-19. Furthermore, the
implementation of a series of health protocols is also
an issue that has priority in religion.
The two respondents are still often dichotomized
by the issue of qunut which is a stereotype in one
mass organization. Meanwhile, qunut nazilah is a
recommendation when in a state of natural disaster.
The qunut that is read at every congregational prayer
is in the form of reading the qunut prayer contained
in the Fajr prayer, and usually added another ma'tsur
prayer that is charged with keeping Muslims away
from the dangers of the pandemic. However, the
author understands that it has not been conveyed by
many preachers in these areas. Apart from the author's
assumption regarding the qunut stereotype in certain
mass organizations, there needs to be a more
comprehensive education on holistic worship rituals.
The three respondents also did not fully understand
the main frame in the fiqh of this pandemic, which is
a deep understanding of maqasid shariah. Religion
provides Maqhashid Shariah as a concept that teaches
that the noble goal of religion is that a person always
prioritizes maintaining religion, reason, self, lineage,
and property in every worship or activity. Thus, the
ritual of worship that does not heed the five noble
goals is an act without wrong knowledge and is
common. In this context, the ulama and the
government recommend limiting collective activities,
including worship in congregation, which is included
in the goal of maintaining safety that is one of the
main goals of religion. In this case, we can make this
as a relief in worship. It is in accordance with flexible,
situational, and contextual teachings so that it will
always be relevant to any situation. For instance,
when a person is unable to stand up to pray, then that
person is allowed to pray sitting down. In fact, if the
person is still unable to sit, that person can pray lying
down, and so on.
In the aspect of finance, it increased by 0.46. This
is a positive sign that finance is important for
household. Moreover, we find Family financial
management is almost like talking about financial
management in general. During the pandemic
household need more attention on planning. On this
stage, households must determine their priorities
(Salirawati, 2004). Household should remember
Maqasid Syariah
, especially on basic needs
(dharuriyat). That is basic needs or primary needs if
he or she is able to protect religion, soul, lineage,
reason and property. During this pandemic household
must choose them to be their priority. For example,
households should prioritize their need for soul.
Buying proper food, preparing good medicine, and
wearing proper mask are the example of priority
during this pandemic.
After the implementation of this training,
households are expected to be able to choose which
ones are their priority needs. One of these needs is the
continuity of their children's education. Children's
success in achieving education is not only supported
by the child's willingness to learn but also various
things that support it. The things that support this
learning start from the religious aspect, financial
support, and the provision of facilities and
infrastructure. The existence of family strengthening
training makes parents understand the main priorities
in the pandemic. In addition to health, children's
education must still be prioritized because it includes
dharuriyat needs. Families who can meet the
educational needs of their children well will later get
the results.
In the aspect of learning independence, there was
an increase of 0.23 and in the financial aspect it
increased by 0.46. An increase in the learning
independence aspect sector indicates a change in the
aspect of understanding or knowledge about
children's learning independence. Knowledge of
independent learning is very important. According to
(Notoatmodjo, 2012), knowledge is a person's ability
to reveal what is known. According to (B.S. Bloom &