together. We also can keep in touch with each other
which is sometimes wrapped in a Halal Bi Halal event
at a neighbor or relative's place. If it's not like that, it's
also not necessarily possible because of the busyness
of daily activities.” (ZI, 2021)
The informant's statement and explanation above
regarding to Sungkeman and Halal Bi Halal tradition,
are in line with the principles of interpersonal
communication. As described by Joseph Devito in his
book The Interpersonal Communication Book
(Devito, 1989:4) interpersonal communication is the
process of sending and receiving messages between
two persons, or among a small group of persons, with
some effect and some immediate feedback. In
Sungkeman and Halal Bi Halal traditions, when both
parties have conveyed the message, it will
immediately feel the reciprocity both verbally and
non-verbally. The principles of effective
interpersonal communication are also reflected in this
tradition. As stated by Joseph A. Devito in Liliweri
(1991: 13) that there are several characteristics of
effective interpersonal communication, including:
openness, empathy, support, positive feeling, and
Furthermore, from the perspective of Islamic
religious law, Sungkeman does not conflict with the
Shari'a. The position of kissing hands by bowing the
head accompanied by squatting symbolizes honoring
older people. Shari'a does not prohibit exalting
humans as long as it is not carried out with
movements that resemble a form of reverence for
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, such as prostration and
bowing in prayer movements (Burhanuddin, 2019).
Furthermore, Burhanuddin (2019) quoted the hadith
of Raudhah al-Talibin, juz 10, page 233, al-Imam al-
Nawawi said: "It is not permissible to kiss hands
because of ignorance, scholarship and older age
factors" as well as the opinion of Sheikh Zainuddin al
-Malibari in Fath al-Mu'in Hamisy I'anah al-Thalibin,
juz 4, page 219, says: "Sunnah stands for people who
have visible virtues, such as piety, knowledge,
childbirth relationships or power coupled with self-
preservation." The presentation above explaining
some expressions of Ta’zim to parents and is sunnah,
although it is done by standing with the aim of
3.2 Virtual Communication in
Sungkeman and Halal Bi Halal
Events According to Hordern (2016) Muslims in
various parts of the world have various traditions
when welcoming the moon. Likewise in Indonesia, in
the celebration of Eid al-Fitr there is a Sungkeman
tradition (the process of apologizing to elders) and
there is a Halal bi Halal tradition (Kuswaya, 2016).
There is a feeling or emotional side that is built when
this tradition or procession is carried out directly or
offline before the Covid-19 pandemic. This habit
seems to be a general agreement and has become a
hereditary habit. In Eid al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha 1442
H, it is carried out indirectly or online (in the network)
by using the media to unite family members, a
descent and their descendants. Communication is
mediated by internet communication media and
computer devices, or families usually use shared
meeting applications such as zoom and google
meetings for Sungkeman and Halal Bi Halal events
for their families. This activity is a new habit for the
Indonesian Muslim community, because usually
activities that are considered sacred and religious and
aim to strengthen brotherhood are carried out directly
in the same space. In the study of communication, the
virtual communication carried out by the community
can conclude that the community adapts very quickly
to use technology media for religious social activities
such as Halal bi Halal events. The Diffusion of
Innovation Theory by Everett Rogers which describes
how, why, and at what level new technologies
develop and are adopted into various contexts, in this
case the context of online friendships. The TQ
informant shared his experience of using virtual
media in communicating during the pandemic, as
“Online or virtual communication is very useful
to unite my family who are outside the area and
cannot gather because of this corona, we can meet
each other face to face and interact with each other.
talking even though only in front of the screen, my
family is a big family after both parents not there plus
the pandemic we always use zoom or google meeting
media to communicate. Zoom is an alternative to our
family's virtual communication link…” (TQ, 2021)
The explanation from the informant above can be
explained that virtual communication is the most
frequently used medium during a pandemic like this.
Due to government policies that impose restrictions
on community activities, especially for traveling
outside the region. To keep in touch and release
longing from distant families, virtual communication
is an effective communication medium to use.
Over the past few months, consciously or
unconsciously, people have become accustomed to
the change in communication from offline to online.
This proves that people can carry out various
activities online, which previously might not have
been thought to be done online and had to be done
face-to-face, in fact it can be done with network