technology, it is immediately the business of ICT
teachers. The limited involvement of non-ICT
teachers in digital literacy issues was also stated by an
informant who is a BK teacher at SMP Diponegoro 1
Purwokerto who admitted that he was surprised to
receive an invitation to the Digital Literacy FGD
because usually things related to digital technology
are always part of the ICT teacher.
The involvement of teachers in digital literacy
programs in schools is also not only related to the
ability of access (technical skills) of teachers. But also
on the involvement of teachers in ensuring that
students can use digital media according to their
designation. As stated by an informant from SMP
Negeri 2 Purwokerto who admitted that his skills in
accessing technology were sometimes inferior to his
students. But that didn't make him careless. The
behavior of students in using digital media then
became the main concern. Differences in the family
background of students have brought different media
behavior to students. It is not uncommon for students
to provide comments or opinions when participating
in online learning in an inappropriate way, so it is
their duty as a BK teacher to remind and direct
students to improve their media behavior.
Slightly different from the conditions in other
schools which generally have not made digital media
literacy education part of the school curriculum, at
SMPIT Al Irsyad Purwokerto, as stated by the BK
teacher who attended the FGD, already has a media
education program. Media education programs are
included in halaqah activities which are carried out
regularly every week. In this halaqah, various
information and knowledge about media wisdom was
conveyed, including dealing with hoax news,
information containing elements of SARA, as well as
controlling the use of media for online games.
Teacher Challenges in School
Digital Literacy Development
Schools are one of the targets of the National Digital
Literacy Movement. When schools are able to
become drivers of literacy education for students, it is
hoped that later it can cause a multiplier effect on
families and communities. However, based on the
research conducted, it is known that there are a
number of obstacles for teachers to be able to be more
fully involved in the development of digital literacy
in schools. The main obstacle that arises is related to
the uneven technical skills of teachers. Young
teachers generally claim to have no problems
accessing and using digital technology, while
teachers over the age of 40 admit that they still
experience stuttering in using digital technology,
especially for learning.
Based on the results of this study, it was found that
81.8% of informants said they had never received
training related to digital literacy. Only 18.2% stated
that they had received digital literacy training from
schools. Data about the limited digital literacy
training that teachers receive at school was also
revealed by an informant from SMP Negeri 1
Purwokerto who said that he had learned to make
digital learning media by himself. Meanwhile, an
informant from SMP Negeri 2 Purwokerto stated that
when teachers had to carry out online learning, ICT
teachers in schools provided training to teachers on
the use of digital technology for online learning.
Because of the urgent need, inevitably all teachers
have to learn and adapt, although not all of them can
follow quickly. In addition to participating in training
from schools, teachers also learn from parties outside
the school who offer various trainings, one of which
is from an online learning provider, Ruang Guru.
Another obstacle faced by teachers in developing
digital literacy in schools is the diverse condition of
students. Both in terms of family background,
economy, and their behavior. One informant stated
that the change in the status and admission system of
the International Standard School Design (RSBI) to
the Zoning system also had a significant influence on
the condition of students who became very diverse,
both in terms of academic and socio-economic
abilities. When they were still in RSBI status,
teachers did not experience any difficulties because
as a favorite school, the majority of students were
students with good academic and socio-economic
abilities. However, after the zoning system was
implemented, student conditions could vary with a
fairly large gap.
The very diverse conditions of students require
teachers to adapt to the conditions of students. The
teacher's priority is to ensure that all students can
follow online learning well. As one informant said,
when a student is unable to participate in online
learning, the teacher must come to the student's
house. In such conditions, teachers are often unable
to convey information or other materials outside of
lessons such as the Information and Electronic
Transactions Law (ITE), how to report hoax news,
and so on. On the other hand, in schools that have the
majority of students with good economic abilities, so
that they are not constrained by internet access, the
obstacle faced by teachers is the number of students
who are excessively attached to smartphones or other
digital devices, especially to play online games. At
this point, the difference in the pattern of regulating