directly and reasons for work. Related to this, the
community is encouraged to implement PHBS (clean
and healthy living behavior). PHBS is a form of
embodiment of a healthy life orientation in the culture
of individuals, families, communities that aims to
improve, maintain, protect health both physically,
mentally, spiritually, and socially. Through PHBS, it
is hoped that the community can recognize and
overcome their own problems and can apply healthy
ways of living by maintaining, maintain and improve
their health, (Notoadmodjo S, 2007).
Changes in lifestyle also occur in the realm of
education. The COVID-19 pandemic for students has
an impact on carrying out lecture activities, namely
the adjustment of online lectures, because some are
constrained by internet signals. Social
communication in cyberspace is increasing, as a
result of not being able to meet face to face in person.
Students become more concerned about health
behavior, which is widely applied, namely washing
hands. The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact
on learning, social and health behavior. However,
from the constraints experienced, students become
more adaptive, namely recognizing technology that
can support learning achievement, increasing social
interaction through online communication and
increasing the application of a healthy lifestyle.
Research conducted by Zuly Daima et al (2020) on
"The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Learning
Behavior, Social Interaction and Health for FKIP
Students, University of Palangka Raya".
Even in the realm of communication behavior,
society is also changing. Before the Covid-19
pandemic, people were still free to carry out their
normal activities outside their homes. This is different
if you look at current conditions because almost all
activities are carried out from home. The reason is
clear, namely to break the chain of the spread of the
corona virus. In this shift in behavior patterns,
technology has a vital role. Call it video conferencing
technology. The role of technology is increasing in
this pandemic situation, considering that various
kinds of learning activities or working from home are
facilitated by the development of this technology. In
addition, technology has an important role in
providing entertainment to the public when they have
to be at home for long periods of time. People's
Behavioral Patterns Change During a Pandemic,
What Should Brands Do? (Kompas, 2020).
Entertainment applications are one of the most
frequently accessed applications by smartphone users
during the pandemic. In the survey, as many as 66
percent of respondents said that entertainment
applications are a must have for them. Streaming or
over-the-top (OTT) media service providers also
noted a better increase in content consumption from
users in recent months. Changes in people's behavior
like what is happening now are predicted to continue
until the pandemic is over. Seeing these conditions,
brands must be keen to see opportunities. Marketing
workers must understand how their brand will interact
with consumers in the future or post-pandemic., Thursday (14/5/2020),
Even in economic activities, related to buying and
selling materials for daily needs, people experience
changes. According to Yogi (2021) Changes in
Shopping Behavior After the Covid-19 Pandemic,
namely in a pandemic like today, people do online
shopping instead of having to go to the mall. Related
personas who appear to be extensively involved with
eCommerce services are those who are interested in
the auto, home and living accessories, and fitness
categories. These three goods affect consumption and
the brand economy. From this, we can see that in the
future people's potential is more home oriented,
personal oriented and socializing more to the online
pattern” (Yogi, 2021).
The various changes that occur in society are
forced as a result of changes that occur in the
surrounding environment, especially as a result of the
Covid-19 pandemic. Society must adapt to various
forms of social changes that result. Various kinds of
problems that exist have presented the impetus for
social transformation in society. In fact, it is not
impossible that the life and order of humanity will
experience a shift in a direction and form that is much
different from the situation before the pandemic
struck. The face of the world after the Covid-19
pandemic may never return to the situation as it was
before. Thus, all forms of community activities and
activities carried out in the pre-pandemic period must
now be forced to be adjusted to the health protocol
standards set by the government.
The question then is, why can society adapt? One
theory that can explain it is the theory of behaviorism.
This theory explains that the behavioristic learning
process prioritizes behavior change as a result of the
learning process. Changes in behavior are caused by
the interaction between stimulus and response. This
learning theory is oriented towards better behavior.
(Arthur W. Staats, 1996, Behavior and Personality,
Springer Publishing Company) A change in behavior
in society is a response due to a stimulus caused by
changes in nature, especially the Covid-19 pandemic.
The response made by the community is one form of
adaptation, which can be said to be a change that
occurs in society.