Analysis Factors of Community Lifestyle Change
during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Muryanti, Astri Hanjarwati, Sulistyaningsih and Kanita Khoirun Nisa
Departement of Sociology, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Factor Analysis, Community Lifestyle, Covid-19 Pandemic, Community Knowledge Level, Community
Education Level.
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic that started to enter Indonesia in early 2020 and has been hitting Indonesia for more
than a year. The government issued an emergency response policy for the COVID-19 pandemic. Government
policy aims to minimize the increase in the number of infected victims. Several government policies include
physical distancing, work from home and school from home, as well as implementing health protocols in the
form of washing hands, wearing masks and using hand sanitizer. These policies change people's lifestyles,
from healthy living behaviors to social interactions that occur in the community. This study aims to analyze
the factors of changes in people's lifestyles and social interactions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The data
source for this research is a survey conducted by BPS regarding the impact of COVID-19 throughout
Indonesia with a total of 87,379 respondents. Respondents came from representatives of major islands in
Indonesia, namely Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Papua. The data
presented by BPS is quite complete and makes it easier for researchers to carry out further statistical data
processing. Data analysis was carried out by factor analysis and correlation analysis using SPSS 24 software.
The results of the analysis showed that the factors influencing changes in people's lifestyles were community
knowledge (46%), education (30%), family support (18%) and punishment. (6%). This public knowledge
includes knowledge about government policies, knowledge about health protocols, and knowledge about the
dangers of the covid-19 virus. Education has a very large correlation with the knowledge possessed by the
community. This is shown by the higher the level of education, the higher the knowledge of the community
and the better the behavior of the community in preventing the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous
impact on people around the world, both in terms of
social, economic, political, cultural and population
numbers in the world. At the time of writing this
article, the number of people who died was 4,172,525
people (, 25 July 2021), it is even
possible that in the future the number will increase
along with the discovery of the delta variant which is
50 percent faster in transmission and more deadly.
because it mutates a copy of itself in the body faster
than other variants (; Why the Delta
Variant is More Contagious than the other Corona
Virus Variants, 23 July 2021). In the future, the
chance of transmission will still increase considering
that the vaccination process has not yet reached all
communities and has not increased community
compliance with health protocols.
The government is trying to carry out various
programs to combat the virus pandemic as a form of
protection for the health of citizens. These various
programs include campaigning for the community to
always carry out 5M (using masks, washing hands,
maintaining distance, avoiding crowds and reducing
mobility), providing cash assistance to affected and
underprivileged communities and running a
vaccination program in stages.
It is hoped that the various programs and policies
carried out by the government can be carried out by
the community and form group resilience that
encourages residents to fight this virus independently.
as a precaution against the corona virus.
This paper aims to examine the changes in society
caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. What are the
factors that cause these changes at the individual or
community level. How fast is the change in people's
Muryanti, ., Hanjarwati, A., Sulistyaningsih, . and Nisa, K.
Analysis Factors of Community Lifestyle Change during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
DOI: 10.5220/0010804800003348
In Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH 2021), pages 81-87
ISBN: 978-989-758-603-3; ISSN: 2685-273X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
behavior that is expected to be able to prevent the
spread of COVID-19 more broadly.
Research conducted by Rukiat (2021) on
"Changes in People's Habits during the Covid-19
Pandemic in Pamijahan Bogor". The results showed
that in general the changes in people's habits that
emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic were habits
in maintaining cleanliness, reducing activities outside
the home, wearing masks, keeping a distance, and
maintaining a clean and healthy lifestyle. A clean
lifestyle has also become a habit of the community
during this covid-19 pandemic, so many people often
do mutual cooperation in cleaning the environment
and eating nutritious food to avoid covid-19. There
are many inhibiting factors that are felt by the
community during this covid-19 pandemic, one of
which is that many people are not aware of the
importance of healthy and clean living, lack of
adequate facilities, and limited activities for the
community. For this reason, the community is
encouraged to apply PHBS (clean and healthy living
behavior). PHBS is a form of embodiment of a
healthy life orientation in the culture of individuals,
families, communities that aims to improve, maintain,
protect health both physically, mentally, spiritually,
and socially. Through PHBS, it is hoped that the
community can recognize and overcome own
problems and can apply healthy ways of living by
maintaining,maintain and improve their health,
(Notoadmodjo S, 2007).
Research conducted by Zuly Daima et al (2020)
on "The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on
Learning Behavior, Social Interaction and Health for
FKIP Students, University of Palangka Raya". The
results of the study were the impact of the covid-19
pandemic on students in lecture activities, namely the
adjustment of online lectures, because some were
constrained by internet signals. Social
communication in cyberspace is increasing, as a
result of not being able to meet face to face in person.
Students become more concerned about health
behavior, which is widely applied, namely washing
hands. The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact
on learning, social and health behavior. However,
from the obstacles experienced, students become
more adaptive, namely recognizing technology that
can support learning achievement, increasing social
interaction through online communication and
increasing the application of a healthy lifestyle.
Research conducted by Noer Soetjipto (2020) on
the Resilience of East Java SMEs through the Covid-
19 Pandemic. Research shows that people's behavior
regarding the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and
its impact on the national economy, especially the
micro, small and medium-sized business actors, are
almost paralyzed and on the verge of bankruptcy.
Efforts made by the government are to allocate
hundreds of trillions of funds to support the industry.
A number of incentives and subsidies have been
prepared to support MSMEs and private corporations
to be able to survive the COVID-19 pandemic. One
of the budgets was launched to guarantee new
working capital loans to encourage the growth of the
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) sector.
The budget prepared to carry out the guarantee is Rp.
125 trillion.
According to Yogi (2021) Changes in Shopping
Behavior After the Covid-19 Pandemic, namely
during a pandemic like today, people do online
shopping instead of having to go to the mall. Related
personas who appear to be extensively involved with
eCommerce services are those with an interest in the
auto, home and living accessories, and fitness
categories. These three goods affect consumption and
the brand economy. From this, we can see that in the
future people's potential is more home oriented,
personal oriented and socializing more to the online
Based on the information that the author got from
kompas (2020) Community Behavior Patterns
Change During a Pandemic, What Should Brands
Do?. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, people were still
free to carry out their normal activities outside their
homes. This is different if you look at current
conditions because almost all activities are carried out
from home. The reason is clear, namely to break the
chain of the spread of the corona virus. In this shift in
behavior patterns, technology has a vital role. Call it
video conferencing technology. Imagine if in a crisis
situation like now there is no this technology, learning
activities or working from home can be hampered. In
addition, technology has an important role in
providing entertainment to the public when they have
to be at home for long periods of time.
Citing, Thursday (14/5/2020), a
series of surveys conducted by DailySocial and
Populix found that entertainment applications were
one of the applications most frequently accessed by
smartphone users during the pandemic. In the survey,
as many as 66 percent of respondents said that
entertainment applications are a must have for them.
Streaming or over-the-top (OTT) media service
providers also noted a better increase in content
consumption from users in recent months. Changes in
people's behavior like what is happening now are
predicted to continue until the pandemic is over.
Seeing these conditions, brands must be keen to see
opportunities. Marketing workers must understand
AICOSH 2021 - The Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH) “Life After Pandemic: Perspectives,
Changes, and Challenges”
how their brand will interact with consumers in the
future or post-pandemic.
Sociologically the COVID-19 pandemic has
resulted in unplanned social changes, a social change
that occurs sporadically and is not wanted by the
community (Soekanto and Sulistyowati). Even in
certain circumstances can trigger life problems and
chaos. The impact of community uncertainty in
dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic has caused
social disorganization in all aspects of people's lives.
However, society is basically dynamic and
undergoing change. Society cannot be imagined as a
fixed or static state, but a process that is constantly
changing with different degrees of speed, intensity,
rhythm and tempo (Sztompka, 2017).
Currently, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
has forced society to adapt to various forms of social
change that it causes. Various kinds of problems that
exist have presented the impetus for social
transformation in society. In fact, it is not impossible
that the life and order of humanity will experience a
shift in a direction and form that is much different
from the situation before the pandemic struck. The
face of the world after the Covid-19 pandemic may
never return to the situation as it was before. Thus, all
forms of community activities and activities carried
out in the pre-pandemic period must now be forced to
be adjusted to the health protocol standards set by the
Research on changes in community behavior patterns
during the COVID-19 pandemic uses quantitative
research methods with secondary data analysis
techniques. Secondary data analysis in quantitative
research is a quantitative research technique that is
used to find out the description of a data sourced from
the research results of a data provider institution such
as BPS, Ministry and Service that can be used for
further research needs (Nanang Martono, 2010).
Secondary analysis is an empirical exercise that
applies the same basic research principles as research
using primary data and has steps that must be
followed like other research methods (Willey et al.,
The data in this study consisted of secondary data.
Secondary data comes from the Central Statistics
Agency (BPS) which has conducted a survey on
community behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic
and a socio-demographic survey on the impact of
COVID-19 on the community. The Social
Demographic Survey of the Impact of COVID-19 and
the survey of community behavior during the
COVID-19 pandemic used the Non-Probability
Sampling design which is a combination of
Convenience, Voluntary and Snowball Sampling to
get as many participation responses as possible within
1 week of survey implementation(Tim BPS Covid-19
Statistical Task Force, 2020a, 2020b).
The data source for this research is a survey
conducted by BPS regarding the impact of covid-19
throughout Indonesia with a total of 87,379
respondents (Tim BPS Covid-19 Statistical Task
Force, 2020b). Respondents came from
representatives of major islands in Indonesia, namely
Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali, Nusa
Tenggara, Maluku and Papua. Based on gender, male
respondents were 44.77% and female respondents
were 55.23% (Tim BPS Covid-19 Statistical Task
Force, 2020a). Characteristics of respondents based
on occupation include ASN (State Civil Apparatus)
amounting to 27.93%, and those who are not ASN
72.07% (Tim BPS Covid-19 Statistical Task Force,
2020a). Based on the age of the majority of
respondents under 45 years old, with the following
division 17-30 years (27.24%), 31-45 years (41.71%),
46-60 years (27.27%), >60 years ( 3.62%)(Tim BPS
Covid-19 Statistical Task Force, 2020a). Meanwhile,
based on the education of the respondents, they are as
follows: SD/ SMP (2.5%), SMA/SMK (25.6%),
DI/DII/DIII (10.54%), DIV/S1(46.23%), S2/S3
(15.13%) (Tim BPS Covid-19 Statistical Task Force,
The stages of quantitative research are carried out
in detail to facilitate researchers in conducting data
analysis (Burhan Bungin, 2011). The stages of the
research carried out were (1) Search/search for data
from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) page, (2)
Coding data related to data types and categories, (3)
data analysis and interpretation of data coding results.
The data retrieval process is carried out by searching
the BPS web data ( The search is
carried out very easily, simply by clicking the
"search" button and writing "covid-19 survey", and
about 10 results of the BPS survey that have been
carried out appear. One of the surveys with the theme
of changing people's lifestyles during the pandemic is
the basis of this research.
After finding the data, the researcher then studied
and coded based on the type of category that had been
determined. This coding is used to make it easier to
analyze the data and to answer research questions.
Some of the data used from the results of the BPS
survey are (1) Public knowledge regarding
government policies related to COVID-19; (2)
Community compliance with health protocols, (3)
Analysis Factors of Community Lifestyle Change during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Perception of the effectiveness of implementing
health protocols, (4) Response to people infected with
COVID-19 in the surrounding environment, (5)
Adaptation of new habits, (6) Application of health
protocols, (7) Perception the possibility of being
infected or infected with covid-19, (8) The most
popular media for covid-19 information, (9) Changes
in spending. These data are used as basic data which
is further processed by correlation analysis and factor
The last research stage after coding the data is data
analysis. The analysis carried out by the researcher
went through several stages, namely (1) descriptive
analysis; (2) Correlation analysis to see the
relationship of variables, (3) data interpretation.
Descriptive analysis of the researchers only looked at
the description of the data presented by BPS and then
interpreted the data. Correlation analysis is done to
see the relationship or correlation between two or
more variables to see the relationship of the data. The
final analysis is a factor analysis used to see the most
influential factors in changing people's behavior
during the COVID-19 pandemic (Suseno, 2012). The
last stage of data analysis is data interpretation.
Interpretation is done by conducting a study based on
the theory that has been done (either using theory or
critiquing theory based on data findings).
The data presented include descriptive data regarding
(1) public knowledge about covid-19 (government
policies, the dangers of covid-19, and health
protocols); (2) Public compliance with health
protocols, (3) Perception of the effectiveness of
implementing health protocols, (4) Reasons for not
complying with health protocols. It is important to
know public knowledge related to COVID-19 so that
policy makers are able to make the right strategy for
the community in minimizing victims of being
infected with the Covid-19 virus. Indicators to
measure the level of public knowledge are public
knowledge about government policies, knowledge
about the dangers of the covid-19 virus, and
knowledge about health protocols. Based on a survey
of the highest knowledge of the community regarding
health protocols (98%), then the dangers of the virus
(87%) and finally about government policies (82%).
Looking at the percentage of respondents' answers,
the public's knowledge is quite good in understanding
this covid-19 pandemic.
Community compliance is measured to determine
the level of community compliance in complying
with health protocols during a pandemic, especially
when doing activities outside the home. The
indicators used to measure the level of compliance are
wearing masks, using hand sanitizers, avoiding
handshakes, avoiding crowds, washing hands with
soap and maintaining a minimum distance of 1 m.
The survey results from the level of community
compliance can be seen in table 1. Based on the
survey results presented in table 1, the average level
of compliance of the Indonesian people is in the good
category on the indicators of wearing masks and
avoiding handshakes. While in the good enough
category because there are still many who violate,
namely the indicators of using hand sanitizer,
avoiding handshakes, avoiding crowds, washing
hands and maintaining a minimum distance of 1 m.
Table 1: Level of Community Compliance with Health
No Indicators Surve
s Rarel
1 Wearing a mas
91,98% 2,02% 0
2 Using hand
77,71% 16,97% 5,32%
81,85% 14,06% 4,10%
4 Avoid the crow
76,69% 18,76% 4,56%
5 Washing hands
with soap
75,38% 19,25% 5,37%
6 Maintain a
distance of 1
73,54% 20,98% 5,48%
Source: Researcher data processing, 2021 and BPS, 2020.
Respondents' perception that health protocols are
very effective for prevention from being infected with
COVID-19 according to gender. The indicators used
to measure perception are wearing masks, using hand
sanitizers, avoiding handshakes, avoiding crowds,
washing hands with soap and maintaining a minimum
distance of 1 m. The survey results show that the
perception of the female gender is better than that of
the male gender. The overall results show that all
people, both male and female, have a good
understanding that maintaining health protocols can
prevent being infected with COVID-19. The survey
results can be seen in table 2.
AICOSH 2021 - The Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH) “Life After Pandemic: Perspectives,
Changes, and Challenges”
Table 2: Respondents' Perceptions that Health Protocols are
Very Effective for Prevention of Covid-19 Infection by
No Indicators Gender
Female Male
1 Wearing a mas
94,5% 88,6%
2 Using han
89,4% 82,3%
3 Avoid
94,2% 85%
4 Avoid the crow
94,6% 87,6%
5 Washing hands
with soap
93,3% 85,9%
6 Maintain a
distance of 1
92,6% 83,7%
Source: Researcher data processing, 2021 and BPS, 2020.
Based on the survey, there are several reasons
why people do not apply health protocols, namely (1)
the price of masks, face shields, hand sanitizers or
other PPE tends to be expensive, (2) work becomes
difficult if you have to apply health protocols, (3)
officials or leaders do not set an example. and (4)
following others. The percentage of survey results
can be seen in Figure 1. Based on Figure 1, the
reasons expressed by the most respondents were
because there were no sanctions, no Covid-19
sufferers in the surrounding environment, and reasons
for work.
Correlation analysis was conducted to determine
(1) the relationship between the education variable
and the compliance variable with the health protocol,
(2) the relationship between the respondent's age and
the level of compliance with the health protocol.
Compliance with health protocols can mean that
people have made changes to their lifestyle since the
COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the results of data
processing with SPSS, the correlation coefficient
between education level and adherence to health
protocols is 0.68. According to Soegiyono, the
correlation coefficient value from 0.6 to 0.799
indicates a strong relationship (Bambang Prasetyo,
2013). With this coefficient score, it means that the
level of education has a strong effect on adherence to
health protocol compliance. The result for the
correlation coefficient of the respondent's age
variable and health protocol compliance is 0.52.
According to Soegiyono, the correlation coefficient
value of 0.4 to 0.599 indicates a moderate
The results show that age has a not too big
influence on health protocol compliance. The results
of this analysis mean that education at lower levels of
education is carried out using a different and more
massive method. The results of the analysis show that
the factors that influence changes in people's
lifestyles are public knowledge (46%), education
(30%), compliance with health protocols (18%) and
punishment (6%). This public knowledge includes
knowledge about government policies, knowledge
about health protocols, and knowledge about the
dangers of the covid-19 virus.
These changes in people's behavior occurred in a fast
time due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Sociologically,
the pandemic, Covid-19 has resulted in unplanned
social changes, a social change that occurs
sporadically and is not wanted by the community
(Soekanto and Sulistyowati). Even in certain
circumstances can trigger life problems and chaos.
The impact of community uncertainty in dealing with
the COVID-19 pandemic has caused social
disorganization in all aspects of people's lives.
However, society is basically dynamic and
undergoing change. Society cannot be imagined as a
fixed or static state, but a process that is constantly
changing with different degrees of speed, intensity,
rhythm and tempo (Sztompka, 2017).
The changes experienced by society occur at
various levels of life with variations. In the health
sector, changes in people's habits that emerged during
the COVID-19 pandemic include habits in
maintaining cleanliness, reducing activities outside
the home, wearing masks, keeping a distance, and
maintaining a clean and healthy lifestyle. A clean
lifestyle has also become a habit of the community
during this covid-19 pandemic, so many people often
do mutual cooperation in cleaning the environment
and eating nutritious foods to avoid covid-19. (Rukiat
(2021) on "Changes in People's Habits during the
Covid-19 Pandemic in Pamijahan Bogor"). Related to
public awareness in maintaining health, there are also
inhibiting factors that cause these habits to slowly
become an inherent culture. There are many
inhibiting factors that are felt by the community
during this covid-19 pandemic, one of which is that
many people are not aware of the importance of
healthy and clean living, lack of adequate facilities,
and limited activities for the community. (Rukiat
(2021) on "Changes in People's Habits during the
Covid-19 Pandemic in Pamijahan Bogor").
Meanwhile, based on data compiled by BPS, the
obstacles are also influenced by the lack of strict
government sanctions, people do not experience it
Analysis Factors of Community Lifestyle Change during the Covid-19 Pandemic
directly and reasons for work. Related to this, the
community is encouraged to implement PHBS (clean
and healthy living behavior). PHBS is a form of
embodiment of a healthy life orientation in the culture
of individuals, families, communities that aims to
improve, maintain, protect health both physically,
mentally, spiritually, and socially. Through PHBS, it
is hoped that the community can recognize and
overcome their own problems and can apply healthy
ways of living by maintaining, maintain and improve
their health, (Notoadmodjo S, 2007).
Changes in lifestyle also occur in the realm of
education. The COVID-19 pandemic for students has
an impact on carrying out lecture activities, namely
the adjustment of online lectures, because some are
constrained by internet signals. Social
communication in cyberspace is increasing, as a
result of not being able to meet face to face in person.
Students become more concerned about health
behavior, which is widely applied, namely washing
hands. The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact
on learning, social and health behavior. However,
from the constraints experienced, students become
more adaptive, namely recognizing technology that
can support learning achievement, increasing social
interaction through online communication and
increasing the application of a healthy lifestyle.
Research conducted by Zuly Daima et al (2020) on
"The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Learning
Behavior, Social Interaction and Health for FKIP
Students, University of Palangka Raya".
Even in the realm of communication behavior,
society is also changing. Before the Covid-19
pandemic, people were still free to carry out their
normal activities outside their homes. This is different
if you look at current conditions because almost all
activities are carried out from home. The reason is
clear, namely to break the chain of the spread of the
corona virus. In this shift in behavior patterns,
technology has a vital role. Call it video conferencing
technology. The role of technology is increasing in
this pandemic situation, considering that various
kinds of learning activities or working from home are
facilitated by the development of this technology. In
addition, technology has an important role in
providing entertainment to the public when they have
to be at home for long periods of time. People's
Behavioral Patterns Change During a Pandemic,
What Should Brands Do? (Kompas, 2020).
Entertainment applications are one of the most
frequently accessed applications by smartphone users
during the pandemic. In the survey, as many as 66
percent of respondents said that entertainment
applications are a must have for them. Streaming or
over-the-top (OTT) media service providers also
noted a better increase in content consumption from
users in recent months. Changes in people's behavior
like what is happening now are predicted to continue
until the pandemic is over. Seeing these conditions,
brands must be keen to see opportunities. Marketing
workers must understand how their brand will interact
with consumers in the future or post-pandemic., Thursday (14/5/2020),
Even in economic activities, related to buying and
selling materials for daily needs, people experience
changes. According to Yogi (2021) Changes in
Shopping Behavior After the Covid-19 Pandemic,
namely in a pandemic like today, people do online
shopping instead of having to go to the mall. Related
personas who appear to be extensively involved with
eCommerce services are those who are interested in
the auto, home and living accessories, and fitness
categories. These three goods affect consumption and
the brand economy. From this, we can see that in the
future people's potential is more home oriented,
personal oriented and socializing more to the online
pattern” (Yogi, 2021).
The various changes that occur in society are
forced as a result of changes that occur in the
surrounding environment, especially as a result of the
Covid-19 pandemic. Society must adapt to various
forms of social changes that result. Various kinds of
problems that exist have presented the impetus for
social transformation in society. In fact, it is not
impossible that the life and order of humanity will
experience a shift in a direction and form that is much
different from the situation before the pandemic
struck. The face of the world after the Covid-19
pandemic may never return to the situation as it was
before. Thus, all forms of community activities and
activities carried out in the pre-pandemic period must
now be forced to be adjusted to the health protocol
standards set by the government.
The question then is, why can society adapt? One
theory that can explain it is the theory of behaviorism.
This theory explains that the behavioristic learning
process prioritizes behavior change as a result of the
learning process. Changes in behavior are caused by
the interaction between stimulus and response. This
learning theory is oriented towards better behavior.
(Arthur W. Staats, 1996, Behavior and Personality,
Springer Publishing Company) A change in behavior
in society is a response due to a stimulus caused by
changes in nature, especially the Covid-19 pandemic.
The response made by the community is one form of
adaptation, which can be said to be a change that
occurs in society.
AICOSH 2021 - The Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH) “Life After Pandemic: Perspectives,
Changes, and Challenges”
The factors influencing changes in people's lifestyles
were community knowledge (46%), education (30%),
family support (18%) and punishment. (6%). This
public knowledge includes knowledge about
government policies, knowledge about health
protocols, and knowledge about the dangers of the
covid-19 virus. Education has a very large correlation
with the knowledge possessed by the community.
This is shown by the higher the level of education, the
higher the knowledge of the community and the better
the behavior of the community in preventing the
spread of the Covid-19 virus.
Based on the survey, there are several reasons
why people do not apply health protocols, namely (1)
the price of masks, face shields, hand sanitizers or
other PPE tends to be expensive, (2) work becomes
difficult if you have to apply health protocols, (3)
officials or leaders do not set an example. and (4)
following others.
The results of the analysis show that the factors
that influence changes in people's lifestyles are public
knowledge (46%), education (30%), compliance with
health protocols (18%) and punishment (6%). This
public knowledge includes knowledge about
government policies, knowledge about health
protocols, and knowledge about the dangers of the
covid-19 virus.
This paper takes secondary data from the Central
Statistics Agency (BPS) research conducted in 2020
regarding a survey of Indonesian people's behavior
during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study
processes data from the Central Statistics Agency
(BPS) survey using SPSS software version 24. The
author would like to thank the Central Statistics
Agency (BPS) for allowing the author to use the
survey data.
Bambang Prasetyo, L.M.J. (2013), Metode Penelitian
Kuantitatif, Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta.
Burhan Bungin. (2011), Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif,
Kencana Prenada Media Group, Jakarta.
Kompas (2020) Pola Perilaku Masyarakat Berubah Selama
Pandemi, apa yang harus dilakukan Brand
Nanang Martono. (2010), Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif
(Analisis Isi Dan Analisis Data Sekunder), Revisi., PT
Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta.
Noer Soetjipto (2020) Ketahanan UMKM Jawa Timur
Melintasi Pandemi Covid-19.
Rukiat (2021) Perubahan Kebiasaan Masyarakat pada Masa
Pandemi Covid-19 di Pamijahan Bogor.
Suseno, M.N. (2012), Statistika : Teori Dan Aplikasi Untuk
Penelitian Ilmu Sosial Dan Humaniora.
Tim BPS Covid-19 Statistical Task Force. (2020a), Hasil
Survei Perilaku Masyarakat Di Masa Pandemi Covid-
19 (7-14 September 2020), Perilaku Masyarakat Di
Masa Pandemi Covid-19 BPS RI, Vol. 19, available at:
Tim BPS Covid-19 Statistical Task Force. (2020b), Hasil
Survei Sosial Demografi Dampak Covid-19, DKI
Jakarta, available at:
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Analysis Factors of Community Lifestyle Change during the Covid-19 Pandemic