local visits of 1.418.608 tourists. This number sees a
significant decline when compared to 2019, where the
number of visits reached 6.523.582 tourists, with
details of foreign visits of 361.727 tourists and local
visits of 6.161.855 tourists (Ginting, 2021). The Head
of the Magelang Regency Disparpora, Slamet Ahmad
Husein, added that the decline in tourist visits was due
to the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic which
began to enter Indonesia in March last year, and the
decline in tourist visits was very significant at 80 per
cent in 2020 compared to 2019 (Ginting, 2021).
Thus, in a pandemic situation, the sector of tourism is
in challenging conditions.
Table 1: Borobudur Tample Visitor Data.
Tourist visits to Borobudur Temple itself in 2020
also experienced a significant decline. There were
only 996.000 tourists and only 31 thousand foreign
tourists. The rest were local or archipelago tourists.
Compared to 2019, visits reached 4.39 million
tourists. As conveyed by I Gusti Putu Ngurah Sedana,
as General Manager of the Borobudur Temple
Tourism Park, Borobudur Temple was closed for four
months at the beginning of the pandemic. At the
beginning of its opening on June 25, 2020, on a per
land basis, there was an increase in the quota given
until now; only four thousand visitors per day are
allowed to enter Borobudur Temple (Susanto, 2021).
The decrease in tourists visiting Magelang Regency,
notably the Borobudur Temple, will also impact
Balkondes in the Borobudur District area, such as
Tuksongo. Tuksongo offers contemporary tourism,
namely a travel experience based on innovative
digital technology, without leaving the original rural
tourism by showing views of the Menoreh hill and the
Borobudur Stupa. So far, Balkondes Tuksongo has
held many events as one of the tourism services
offered in addition to homestays, agro-tourism, and
arts. Balkondes Tuksongo was later developed into a
tourist village. As a tourist village, Balkondes
Tuksongo offers art tours, handicraft tours,
educational tours, culinary tours, and nature tours.
More specifically, Balkondes Tuksongo is planned to
become a digital-based tourism village. Visitors who
come to Balkondes Tuksongo can already enjoy
digital-based services through booking travel tickets
and paying online.
At the beginning of the pandemic, Balkondes
Tuksongo was closed for four months. In fact,
according to the pre-research interview, according to
Andi Akhmad, one of the managers, they could not
pay their employees' salaries because there was no
income during the pandemic. Until July 2020,
Balkondes Tuksongo began to reopen. Although it
has not recovered 100 per cent, there have been
several visits from tourists. Moreover, with the
implementation of PSBB and PPKM, which aim to
reduce the number of Covid-19 cases, of course, it
will impact people's daily activities. One of the
tightenings of community activities is the closure of
public facilities (public areas, public parks, public
tourist attractions, and other public areas) temporarily
closed. Of course, this is a challenge for the manager
of Balkondes Tuksongo to survive during the
pandemic. Research objectives are what are the
challenges and solutions to tourism during the
pandemic at Balkondes Tuksongo from a
communication perspective? Like knowing the
marketing communication strategy carried out by
Balkondes Tuksongo.
This article discusses the challenges and solutions
carried out by Balkondes Tuksongo during the Covid-
19 pandemic from a communication perspective.
First, the author discusses marketing strategy and
marketing communications. For consumers,
marketing communications can determine how and
why a product is used, by what kind of people, and
where and when. Marketing communication is a
means by which companies try to inform, persuade,
and remind consumers directly or indirectly about the
products and brands being sold (Shimp, 2003).
Marketing communications represent the "voice" of
the company and its brand and are a means by which
companies can develop dialogue and build
relationships with their customers.
Marketing itself can not be separated from the
marketing mix. The four components or elements in a
marketing strategy are called the 4Ps: Product,
Promotion, Price, and Place (Kotler dan Keller, 2012).
These four elements are the main foundation of a
marketing plan. In other words, these four elements
are the framework that will be used to support the
marketing plan. The product discussed the strategy
related to the product, serves to define the product, and
determine who is targeted, and what benefits will be
offered to consumers. Promotion, the promotional
element of the marketing mix, consists of two-way
communication used to inform, persuade, and remind