namely the education and training which had the
same goal, that was to improve one's competency
in doing his job. The education and training of
the extensions could be seen from the indicators
used, namely, the ability of the education and
training providers, the suitability of the
curriculum with the implementation of training
and the evaluation of training. The results of the
study were in line with the concept put forward
by Blanchard and Huszeza (Gomes, 2002), an
effective training should include planning based
on needs, learning experiences, and planned
activities. Slamet (2003), stated that to improve
the competence of the extensions through
training, it was necessary to organize and
improve the training institutions which handle
the extensions. The extension workers should be
trained and practiced regularly through the
education and training and specific materials
about locations needed by farmers in agritourism
area. The competence could be improved
through training and education programs
(Bangun, 2012).
i. Achievement motivation (X
) had an influence on
the competence with a regression coefficient of
0.055. It means that the achievement motivation
variable had an influence on the competence if
the achievement motivation variable increased
by 1 unit, the extension’s competency would
increase by 0.055 and vice versa. Partial test by
comparing t-count and t-table was obtained for
the achievement motivation t-count = 2.815 > t-
table = 2.036 with a significant value of 0.008 <
0.05. It showed that partially the achievement
motivation had a significant effect on the
competence. The motivation for this research
was the intrinsic and extrinsic. The intrinsic
motivation was the motives that became active or
did not need to be stimulated from the outside,
because within each individual there was an urge
to do something. The intrinsic motivation were
responsibility and career while extrinsic
indicators were wages, working conditions and
status. The extrinsic motivation was the active
motives and it functioned because of external
stimuli. The Extrinsic motivation consisted of
working conditions, wages, and status. Good
working conditions, wages, and status would
affect the competence. The results of this study
were strengthened by Sterr (1996) and Gibson et.
al., (1989) which stated that there were two
conclusions, namely (1) the condition of
extrinsic, the condition of job which resulted in
discontent among employees if the condition did
not exist, those conditions such as wages, work
guarantee, working conditions and working
status; (2) the intrinsic conditions, work would
drive strong motivation such as achievement,
recognition and job responsibility. The
environment had a big role in motivating a
person, which was the place where one’s lived or
where one’s worked, higher status such as
promotions, wages which were payments for
physical services provided by employers to
workers. With rewards, one’s could be motivated
by the provision of rewards after one’s
performed an activity or a certain activity
(Suhardi, 2013). The greater the motivation that
an extension had towards his/her responsibilities
and career, the greater the effect on the
competence. The strength and weakness work
motivation had by a worker's would determine
the size of his or her achievements (Anoraga,
2011). According to Ma'ruf et al., (2011),
motivation had a significant effect in increasing
j. Technology (X
) had an influence on the
competence with a regression coefficient of
0.753. It means that the variable of technology
had an influence on the competence if the
variable of technology increased by 1 unit, the
competency would increase by 0.753 and vice
versa. Partial test by comparing t-count with t-
table was obtained for technology t-count =
8.274 > t-table = 2.036 with a significant value
of 0.00 <0.05. It showed that partially technology
had a significant effect on the competence.
Limited resources and learning facilities for the
extensions like books/ magazines, computer to
access information was limited and even did not
exist, lack of interaction with the learning
resources such discussed with related researchers
associated with the technology of specific
location associated with the increased
competence. The results of this study were
strengthened by Atrisiandy (2015), which stated
that technology could also help the course of an
agricultural extension. Nowadays, there was no
activities without using technology.
k. Government policy (X
) had an influence on the
competence with a regression coefficient of
1.630. It means that the government policy
variable had an influence on the competence if
the government policy variable increased by 1
unit, then the competency would increase by
1.630 and vice versa. Partial test by comparing t-
count and t-table was obtained for the
government policy t-count = 22.323 > t-table =
AICOSH 2021 - The Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH) “Life After Pandemic: Perspectives,