businesses may be feared to experience financial
distress conditions (Khaliq, 2014).
In 2015 there was an unfavourable situation for
the Indonesian economy. There was a weakening of
the rupiah caused by the prolonged crisis in Greece,
the economic recovery in the United States, and the
occurrence of political dynamics during our reign
(Zakaria, 2020). In September 2018, Indonesia again
experienced a weakening of the rupiah, which is due
to the current account deficit, the escalation of the war
in trading between America and China, emerging
market crises such as in Turkey, Iran, Argentina, and
South Africa and the strengthening of the United
States economy (Fauziah & Khoerulloh, 2020).
Quoted from the Greenpeace organization, the
agricultural sector is most affected by the fires from
2015 to 2019. Of the 4.4 million land areas of 1.3
million hectares are oil palm and pulp land.
According to the World Bank, these forest fires have
created negative perceptions of palm oil products, one
of Indonesia's primary export commodities. These
things are external factors of declining performance
so that they can affect business continuity.
As a result of this unfavorable economy,
companies in Indonesia can experience financial
distress, which also impacts company obligations that
have matured. Based on IDX data during 2015-2019,
21 companies have been delisted. It is necessary to
analyze the condition of financial distress as the
concerning of the declining financial condition of a
company. According to Kasmir (2012), companies
are expected to take decisions and actions quickly and
accurately to not cause company failure to
bankruptcy. Some companies in the agricultural
sector experienced a decline in profits to operational
Table 1: Operating profit of agriculture sector companies.
Emiten 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
AALI 14,19 18,83 17,63 12,19 5,50
ANDI 14,72 31,36 8,73 17,28 12,53
ANJT 17,04 12,13 44,57 4,69 -5,58
BEEF 4,81 5,17 7,36 10,01 9,46
BISI 22,33 23,79 21,67 21,98 17,61
BWPT 8,75 9,63 13,45 5,85
20,40 30,81 20,91 17,42
DSFI 4,12 2,38 2,77 2,63 3,80
DSNG 16,62 10,69 22,69 18,99 12,34
12,22 -6,89
GZCO 2,53
JAWA 11,64 0,70 0,26 -7,24 -6,75
Emiten 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
LSIP 19,95 21,07 20,23 8,45 5,41
MAGP -0,72
MGRO 6,41 6,38 4,19 7,66 3,51
PALM 19,31 21,43 9,93
PNGO 12,43 7,06 7,45
PSGO -7,77 4,78 -4,11 -3,70
SGRO 16,96 15,34 18,02 10,95 9,43
SIMP 11,80 14,11 11,48 6,86 4,78
SMAR 2,81 4,86 4,44 4,23 2,97
SSMS 37,33 32,87 36,63 16,65 69,83
UNSP 4,23 3,68 10,07 -7,88
It can be seen from the table above that several
companies such as Astra Agro Lestari Tbk, Andira
Agro Tbk, BISI International Tbk, PP London
Sumatra Indonesia Tbk, Sampoerna Agro Tbk, Sawit
Sourcemas Sarana Tbk experienced a decline in
financial performance. Several companies even
suffered losses, such as Austindo Nusantara Jaya Tbk,
Gozco Plantations Tbk, Provident Agro Tbk, Eagle
High Plantations Tbk, Jaya Agra Wattie Tbk, Multi
Agro Gemilang Plantation Tbk, Palma Serasih Tbk,
Bakrie Sumatra Plantations Tbk.
According to the IDX, one of the agricultural
sector companies was also sued for bankruptcy in
2020. There were reports of near bankruptcy from PT.
Golden Plantation Tbk (GOLL); this happened
because of two subsidiaries of GOLL, namely PT
Bumiraya Investindo and PT Airlangga Sawit, had
been declared bankrupt. GOLL was sued for
bankruptcy so that it received a special notation 'B',
to note that the special notation 'B' means the issuer
has a petition for a declaration of bankruptcy. The
main reason is because of the negligence of the
management of the company, namely not calculating
financial ratios so that they do not understand the
Company's actual financial condition.
The liquidity ratio or financial ratio shows the
Company's performance in paying its obligations in
the short-term. This Ratio is to calculate and show the
Company's liquidity. For example, suppose the
Company cannot properly manage all its operational
needs. In that case, it will make it difficult for the
Company to pay off its obligations so that at times
like this, the Company will feel financial distress. The
profitability ratio is the ratio of the Company's profit
management (Dewi & Wirajaya, 2013). If the
Company's profitability increases, it can be safe or
avoid a financial crisis. The leverage or solvency ratio
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science