company's wealth obtained from the net profit after
tax on sales.
Profit as a measure of profit earned based on the
difference in income and costs with a certain period
profit is used as a basis for investment guidelines,
dividend policies, and tax bases (Hanafi & Halim,
2005). The profit referred to in this study is profit
after tax, where the profit is the result of the residual
income obtained after deducting all expenses.
Although this study has been tested by previous
researchers, there are mixed and inconsistent results.
This is the reason why this research needs to be raised
and reviewed. This research is development research
from study entitled "Financial Ratio to Prediction the
Growth Income" (Nugroho, Nurdiansyah & Erviana,
2017). The sample used in this test is the
infrastructure, utilities, and transportation sectors.
The infrastructure sector was chosen as a sample
because this sector receives a lot of investment, and
the government has the policy to prioritize
development. As long as infrastructure is still a
government priority, investment in this sector will
continue to grow and increase (Mubarak, Hafidz,
2019). This information becomes an overview of the
infrastructure sector in the future, the selected sample
is the infrastructure, utilities and transportation
sectors listed on the IDX for the period 2015 to 2019.
Based on the background that has been described,
the researcher is interested in raising the title
"Financial Ratio Analysis to Predicting the
Growth Income".
2.1 Agency Theory
Jensen & Meckling (1976) explained that through this
theory it is stated that there is a separation of rights
and obligations between managers and shareholders.
Managers or management are called agents as parties
who are authorized by shareholders and have the
responsibility to manage all forms of activities in the
company and are expected to be able to maximize the
owner's profits.
Shareholders are called principals, which are
parties who provide facilities and funds to run the
company. To minimize conflicts between the
principal and the agent, an agreement was made in the
form of an employment contract. It is hoped that the
agent will be able to maximize the owner's profit. The
principal can provide a guarantee or award to
management as a form of satisfaction with the results
of the company's performance for commensurate
2.2 Signaling Theory
Suteja (2012) explains how management should
give signals or codes to financial statement users
(principals) regarding the successes and failures of
management (agents). The transfer of information
from internal parties to external parties regarding the
company's financial status often provides a better
understanding of the company's prospects, there is an
opportunity for asymmetric information to be
provided between management and outsiders.
Good news that reaches the public will have an
impact on changes in security prices. Asymmetric
information reduction can be used as the solution for
increasing the company’s value. If management can
provide a clear signal and impress the public, it will
reduce the anxiety of external parties such as
investors and creditors regarding the uncertainty of
the company's prospects. The signal can be used as an
indication of prosperity to the owners or shareholders.
2.3 Literature Review
Salju, Dahri, & Romayanti (2018) conducted a study
with a sample of Distributor Prima Palopo using four
financial ratios namely DER, WCTA, TATO, and
NPM. After the testing process was carried out, the
results showed that partially the DER and NPM
variables had a positive influence, in contrast the
WCTA and TATO variables did not positively
Ifada & Puspitasari (2016) test whether financial
ratios can predict future earnings by using the
variables CR, DAR, TATO, GPM and NPM. The
results showed that the variables TATO, GPM, and
NPM had a significant and positive impact on income
Kurniawati (2016) found empirical evidence that
the variables of Fixed Assets Turnover (PAT) and
ROA have a positive influence that is in line with
changes in future earnings. The result of regression
coefficient, the Time Interest Earned (TIE) variable
has a negative effect. Manurung and Silalahi (2016)
conducted a similar study with a sample of
manufacturing companies from 2010 to 2013. The
results found in this study were that the TATO &
NPM variables had a significant positive impact on
forecasting the income rise.
Utami (2017) examines financial ratios that can be
used as benchmarks to predict profit growth with a
sample of LQ45 index companies in 2013-2016.