Analysis Scheduling XYZ Project using Critical Path Method (CPM)
and Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) at PT. NOV
Rohilatul Khazanah
and Sri Zuliarni
Applied Business Administration, Politeknik Negeri Batam, Jl. Ahmad Yani, Batam, Indonesia
Keywords: CPM, PERT, Scheduling, Project.
Abstract: This study aims to test the scheduling of the XYZ project at PT. NOV Profab uses CPM and PERT methods.
From this research, we will get the estimation of scheduling time and find the critical path of each method.
This study uses data collection techniques by means of direct interviews with the project engineer and
documentation data in the form of project schedule attachments. This study was structured with mixed
methods. Each method has 3 critical paths, the result of scheduling the CPM method for 52 days, according
to the real schedule of the XYZ project and the PERT method for 51 days, faster with the real schedule of the
XYZ project.
1.1 Research Baground
In this study, the object under study is the XYZ
project. It is known that the XYZ project is a piping
type project. The method used for scheduling a
project is to use the Critical Path Method (CPM) and
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT).
The CPM method is a method that has 2 stages (two
passes) in its calculation, namely forward calculation
and backward calculation. According to Nurjaman
(2014) PERT method is a project scheduling method
that has three estimates of time for each activity, with
these three times the probability of completing a
project can be known.
In this study, the researcher wants to analyze the
XYZ project if it is scheduled using the CPM and
PERT methods which will later be known how long
an XYZ project can be carried out and get the critical
path. Researchers want to research related to project
scheduling because the place of research is carried out
in a fabrication construction company where the
production process is producing projects and each
project has its own schedule, and the XYZ project is
the object of this research. This research was
conducted using two methods, namely CPM and
PERT, where the method is a project scheduling
method and can find out the comparison of project
scheduling time with each method so that the final
results of the research are more complex when using
two methods, namely CPM and PERT.
From the results of CPM and PERT can find out
how long a project can be completed and get the
critical path. From the description above, the
researcher will analyze and take the research title
"Analysis of XYZ Project Scheduling Using Critical
Path Method (CPM) and Program Evaluation and
Review Technique (PERT) at PT. NOV Profab
2.1 Scheduling
According to Husen (2009), scheduling is the process
of placing time in carrying out the stages of working
on a project until it is completed by estimating
existing limitations for optimal results. According to
Ginting (2009), scheduling has a goal, namely,
increasing the use of resources and reducing waiting
times, so that work can be reduced and productivity
increases, reducing delays in work that have
deadlines, assisting in making decisions about the
required capacity plan to avoid additional costs.