concluded that CR cannot are expecting the
prevalence of financial distress. The consequences
of this has a examine contradict the impact of Islami
& Rio (2019) research which states that the current
ratio can expect financial distress. The distinction
withinside the consequences of this have a take a
follow can be because of variations withinside the
pattern and the studies period, at the same time as
the results of this have a take a observe are
according with the consequences of studies with the
aid of using Widati & Pratama (2014) which states
that the current ratio has no significant negative
effect on financial distress.
CR is not the principle element that impact
financial distress in retail trade sub-sector companies
because it does not have a significant effect. One of
them is due to the fact the agency has a reasonably
excessive short-time period responsibility, after
which the agency is not able to pay its short-time
period duties till adulthood so that debt that turned
into at first classified as short-time period debt will
become long-time period debt. From the outline
above, it may be concluded that companies with
high CR values will not necessarily avoid financial
distress, and companies with the lowest CR values
do not always experience financial distress.
Based on the consequences of the studies conducted,
it becomes located that Return on equity (ROE) had
a significant positive effect on financial distress.
From the implications of the study, the higher the
ROE, the more effective and efficient the company
is in dealing with sources so that the opportunity of
financial distress is smaller and the z-score is higher.
The Debt to equity ratio (DER) has a significant
negative effect on financial distress. From the
consequences of the study, the decrease the DER,
the company is taken into consideration capable of
repaying its duties without sacrificing the hobbies of
the proprietors of capital so that the opportunity of
financial distress is smaller and the z-score is higher.
Current ratio (CR) has no significant negative effect
on financial distress. From the results of the study, a
high CR value does not necessarily guarantee that
the company can pay its maturing debts, so
companies with a high CR value will not necessarily
avoid financial distress.
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