assets such as inventory and accounts receivable
owned by the company will take time to convert into
cash. The increase in trade receivables and cash can
occur due to increased sales. CR increases, ROA, and
ROE also increase, but this is not a significant factor
in the profitability of agricultural sector companies.
DER does not have a significant positive effect on
ROA but has a significant negative effect on ROE. In
the agricultural sector, the increase or decrease in the
DER does not significantly affect the company's
ROA because the equity owned by the company can
still pay off its debts, so the company does not need
to use company assets to pay off debts. In contrast,
DER in the agricultural sector has a significant
negative effect on ROE for companies in the
agricultural sector. The company's ability to generate
profits will be disrupted because the company's
capital is used to pay off the company's loans. As a
result, the DER level has a significant impact on
equity in agricultural firms. If the company is in debt,
the focus will be on paying the debt. Debt
management can disrupt the company's activities and
production. Therefore, it is necessary to have good
debt management in agriculture sector companies so
that the capital owned is used to pay off company debt
and achieve maximum profit.
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ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science