readability of the annual report will have an impact
on the company's stakeholders. According to the
conclusion of research conducted by (Lee, 2012)
disclosure of more complex information will require
investors to use deeper thinking. The company as the
party that prepares the annual report needs to
understand that the readability of the information in
the report is an important thing that will be used by
investors. This complexity will reduce the ability and
understanding of stakeholders in evaluating the
company's prospects based on the delivery of such
information which will have an impact on decreasing
decision results. The results of the decline in
decisions made by investors can be wrong or even
distorted, which will then affect the company itself.
Therefore, the complexity of delivering information
does not need to be done because it will make it
difficult for investors to make decisions.
Based on the research results, it can be concluded that
the company's performance has a positive effect on
the readability of the company's annual report. This
explains that the higher the company's performance,
the higher the readability value of the annual report.
The use of control variables in this study to minimize
or eliminate other influences between the
independent variable and the dependent variable. The
results show that companies have been around for a
long time or have been established does not effect on
readability of annual report. The results of this study
are expected to add references to the literature on
research that discusses the effect of firm performance
on the readability of annual reports. The results of this
study are also expected to be reference material for
decision-making for stakeholders and investors who
wish to invest in stocks. The research has limitations,
a. This study only includes companies with the
miscellaneous industry sector that are listed
on the IDX.
b. Taking the period in this study starts from
2017-2019 so that the research cannot be
generalized to the previous year or the year
c. The independent variable, namely the
company's performance in this study, is only
measured from the point of view of Tobin's
Q value, which has not been able to
optimally explain the legibility of the
company's annual report.
d. The dependent variable in this study uses
gunning fog index to measure the readability
of the company's annual report.
e. The involvement of control variables in this
study only uses the size and age of the
From the limitations of this study, there are several
suggestions for further research including further
research is expected to expand the research sample
not only to one sector but to cover the entire sector,
add other variables and other proxy differences to see
what factors have an influence or effect. it even has a
strong influence on the readability of the company's
annual report and the timing for further research is
expected to use the most recent time issued.
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