sanctions has no effect on the tax compliance
variable of individual taxpayers in Batam City. This
means that the existing sanctions have not been able
to provide a deterrent effect so that they cannot
increase taxpayer compliance. 4) The variable of tax
amnesty policy (tax amnesty) has a significant effect
on the tax compliance variable of individual
taxpayers in Batam City and has a positive
relationship direction. This shows that taxpayers are
given the trust to disclose their assets and without
being subject to fines so that this can improve
taxpayer compliance. 5) The adjusted coefficient of
determination (Adjusted R-Square) of 0.447 means
that 47% of the level of taxpayer compliance can be
explained by the variables of tax awareness, tax
morale, tax sanctions, and tax amnesty policies.
While the remaining 53% are explained and
influenced by constructs that are not found in this
study. This shows that taxpayers are given the trust
to disclose their assets and without being subject to
fines so that this can improve taxpayer compliance.
5) The adjusted coefficient of determination
(Adjusted R-Square) of 0.447 means that 47% of the
level of taxpayer compliance can be explained by
the variables of tax awareness, tax morale, tax
sanctions, and tax amnesty policies. While the
remaining 53% are explained and influenced by
constructs that are not found in this study. This
shows that taxpayers are given the trust to disclose
their assets and without being subject to fines so that
this can improve taxpayer compliance.
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