service quality will be in creating store switching
from Shopee to Tokopedia.
Based on the results of this study, it is in line with
the research results of Fajar Kasyifil Aziz & Amy
Mardhatillah (2020) which states that service quality
is an important factor that users consider when
switching to another brand or store. In this case, the
higher the level of user privacy security, website and
application efficiency and system availability, the
higher the e-service quality can create store
4.1 Conclusion
The conclusions obtained based on the results of the
research "Analysis of the Effect of Influencer
Endorsements, Customer Reviews, Brand
Ambassadors and E-Service Quality on E-Commerce
in Creating Store Switching" is as follows:
1. The results of this study prove that the
exogenous variable of influencer endorsement has a
positive effect with a path coefficient value of 0.379
and significant with P-values <0.05, which is 0 by
creating store switching from Shopee to Tokopedia.
2. The results of this study prove that the
exogenous customer review variable has no positive
effect with a path coefficient value of -0.187 and is
not significant with P-values > 0.05, namely 0.056 in
creating store switching from Shopee to Tokopedia.
3. The results of this study prove that the
exogenous brand ambassador variable has a positive
effect with a path coefficient value of 0.246 and
significant with P-values <0.05, which is 0 in creating
store switching from Shopee to Tokopedia.
4. This study proves that the exogenous variable e-
service quality has a positive effect with a path
coefficient value of 0.168 and significant with P-
values < 0.05, which is 0 in creating store switching
from Shopee to Tokopedia.
4.2 Suggestion
4.2.1 Practical Advice
Exogenous variables studied in influencer
endorsements, brand ambassadors, and e-service
quality can create store switching so that these three
variables can benefit Tokopedia's business strategy.
Customer reviews on e-commerce applications are
essential in helping as an evaluation medium.
However, in creating store switching, customer
reviews in this study have not made store switching
from Shopee to Tokopedia so that Tokopedia can
focus on other variables to develop store switching.
4.2.2 Theoretical Suggestion
1. It is hoped that future research will add research
variables that do not exist in this study. The addition
of references and different research methods can
make the research more complete and better.
2. It is hoped that further research will research other
e-commerce to be used compared to current
3. Variable consumer dissatisfaction and the need to
look for other variations can be expected to have a
more significant influence on store switching.
Therefore, it is hoped that this variable can be used
in further research.
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