new territories to maximize the distribution of
products and services owned by the company.
2. Market penetration, as a strategy that can be
done by companies through infrastructure
development so that gas distribution is more
widespread to every customer group such as
Commercial and Industrial (KI), Small
Customers (PK) and Small and Medium Micro
Enterprises (SMEs) and Households (RT). This
strategy can be done to increase sales and
maintain the strength of the company.
3. Product development, is a strategy carried out
through new innovations in the distribution of
natural gas this can be done by creating products
and optimizing new products such as Gaslink
(Compressed Natural Gas Products), developing
cradle innovations (Compressed natural gas
cylinders) for the distribution of natural gas to
commercial customers and SMEs
4. Forward, backward and Horizontal integration
It is a strategy that can be done by PGN to
strengthen the company's existence as the main
management of every activity from downstream
natural gas to customers by strengthening the
role as Pertamina's gas sub-holding.
Based on the results of research that has been
conducted using the Importance Performance
Analysis (IPA) method as well as strategies used in
improving the satisfaction of SMEs customers drawn
the following conclusions:
1. The level of customer satisfaction of SMEs based
on the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA)
method at PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Sales Area
Batam is in the category of very satisfied.
2. Service indicators that need to be improved
based on the Method of Importance Performance
Analysis (IPA) at PT Perusahaan Gas Negara
Sales Area Batam is located in Quadrant I (
Decision Priority-A), namely: Attribute 3
namely: Gas usage facilities meet eligibility,
Attribute 13 that is, PGN provides consultation
on the use of Gas clearly and directed, Attribute
15 namely PGN quickly answer any information
needed by customers
3. The best strategies that can be done in supporting
the customer satisfaction of SMEs based on
SWOT analysis at PT Perusahaan Gas Negara
Sales Area Batam are:
a. Penetration of SMEs customers through
direct or non-direct pipeline connections
b. Determination of efficiency of natural gas
prices that are economical and practical and
subsidy-free to SMEs customers
c. Developing gas innovation through
technology as a solution to develop quality
services and business development
d. Looking for alternatives that can lower the
cost of initial investment so as not to burden
prospective SMEs customers
e. Introducing clearly and directed about the
use of natural gas through socialization to
SMEs customers.
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