2.1 Previous Research
Research conducted by Suharyanti, (2015) entitled
"The Influence of the Learning Process and Job
Training Program on the Development of Student
Soft Skills". This study uses a quantitative
descriptive method. The population in this study
were all students of BKK Office Administration
Education FKIP Sebelas Maret University class of
2009 which amounted to 36 students. Based on the
results of research that researchers have conducted at
the Office Administration Education BKK class of
2009, it can be concluded as follows: 1) there is a
significant effect of the learning process on the
development of soft skills for office administration
education students, Sebelas Maret University, class
of 2009, 2) There is a significant influence practical
work program (internship) on the development of
soft skills of students of Office Administration
Education FKIP Sebelas Maret University class of
2009, 3) There is a significant influence of the
learning process and practical work program
(apprenticeship) on the development of soft skills of
students of Office Administration Education FKIP
Sebelas Maret University class of 2009 .
Another study was conducted by Ismail, et al.,
(2018) entitled "Development of Student
Competence Through Effectiveness of Educational
Internship Programs". This study aims to reveal how
the apprenticeship program can strengthen the
competence of prospective teachers which consists
of 1) Pedagogic Competence, 2) Professional
Competence, 3) Social Competence, and 4)
Personality Competence. This type of research is
qualitative research, with a phenomenological
approach. Data collection techniques using
interviews, observation, and documentation. The
data analysis technique used interactive analysis.
The results showed that the improvement of student
competence through the internship program covered
the following aspects: pedagogic competence,
professional competence, social competence, and
social personality competence had reached
professional standards and served as role models for
prospective teachers. Internship 2 students already
have a concept in preparing the Learning Process
Plan (RPP), which consists of knowledge of making
teaching plans, teaching implementation, to teaching
evaluation, and even facilities and infrastructure, as
well as student administration. Students also gain
personality competencies in the form of soft skills
including communication skills, adaptability skills in
work, skills in managing teamwork, social skills,
and thoroughness in work. These competencies can
be internalized within students as academics
supported by several supporting courses.
2.2 Effectiveness
The word effective comes from English, namely
effective which means successful or something that is
done successfully. Popular scientific dictionaries
define effectiveness as the appropriateness of use,
use or support for a purpose. According to Pasolong
(2007), effectiveness basically comes from the word
"effect" and this term is used as a causal relationship.
According to Kurniawan (2008), effectiveness can be
viewed as a cause of other variables. Effectiveness
means that the previously planned goals can be
achieved or in other words the goals are achieved
because of the activity process. According to
Kurniawan (2008), effectiveness is the ability to
carry out tasks, functions (operations, program
activities or missions) rather than an organization or
the like in which there is no pressure or tension
between its implementations. Meanwhile, Effendy
(2003) states that effectiveness is communication in
which the process of achieving the planned goals is
in accordance with the budgeted costs, the time set,
and the number of personnel specified. Based on the
above opinion, effectiveness is a communication that
goes through a certain process, in a measurable way,
namely the achievement of predetermined goals or
objectives. With a budgeted cost, a set time, and a
predetermined number of people. If these provisions
run smoothly, then the planned goals will be
achieved as desired.
Measuring organizational effectiveness is not a
very simple matter, because effectiveness can be
studied from various perspectives and depends on
who is assessing and interpreting it. When viewed
from the point of view of productivity, a production
manager provides an understanding that effectiveness
means the quality and quantity (output) of goods and
services. The level of effectiveness can also be
measured by comparing the plans that have been
determined with the actual results that have been
realized. However, if the effort or the results of the
work and actions taken are not appropriate so that the
goals are not achieved or the expected goals, then it
is said to be ineffective. The criteria or measures
regarding the achievement of effective goals or not,
as stated by Siagian (1978), are:
1. Clarity of the goals to be achieved, so that in its
implementation it can achieve organizational
goals and targeted goals.