The Effectiveness of Student Internship Program in Industry to
Developing Self Competence at Bengkalis State Polytechnic
Rosmida and Nur Anita
Public Financial Accounting Study Program, Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis, Indonesia
Keywords: Internship Program, Effectiveness, Developing Self Competence
Abstract: This research is entitled Effectiveness of Student Internship Program in Industry to Self-Competency
Development at Bengkalis State Polytechnic. Universities continue to evaluate the competence of students
who have been equipped with competencies according to the study program, both hard skills and soft skills
through assessment by industry in the student internship program to industry for one semester. Student
internship is a program that aims to enrich students' insights and skills to prepare and create superior
Indonesian human resources, especially in facing global competition through link and match industrial and
university curriculum. Through this program, it is hoped that there will be a link & match curriculum
between universities and the industrial sector. The universities can be updated with the needs of the
industry. However, to achieve the purpose of holding the KP, is not an easy thing. There are still many
obstacles in the process of implementing the KP, starting from placements in fields that are not in
accordance with their expertise, the level of industry trust in KP students is lacking and other things. So, this
study will discuss the effectiveness of the Job Training program that has been implemented by the
Bengkalis State Polytechnic. The KP held by the Department of Commercial Administration starting in
2020 has been carried out for one semester. A total of 17.9% of the total students carry out KP in private
companies, 10.1% in BUMN/BUMD companies, 60% in government agencies, and 13% in other agencies.
1.1 Research Background
The development of the world of education,
especially higher education in Indonesia, which is
increasing rapidly, encourages universities to
improve their quality, including the quality of
graduates or alumni from these universities.
Moreover, the demands in the world of work that
college graduates will enter are getting higher day
by day. Often the quality of college graduates is only
seen by the high value of the achievement index or
hard skills. In fact, according to Nugroho (2009),
almost all companies today require an appropriate
combination of hard skills and soft skills for all
employee positions.
The more abilities of graduates or prospective
employees needed by the industry, the more intense
competition will be for each college graduate to get
a decent job. The tight competition to get a decent
job needs to be answered with the right
competencies, especially for college graduates.
Universities as institutions that develop knowledge,
must also print their students to have adequate soft
skills. Thus, the graduates can become competent
individuals. Competent graduates are not only able
to master knowledge and technology in their fields
but are also able to apply their competencies and
have adequate soft skills. The science and
technology that universities provide to their
graduates is a provision of hard skills. Meanwhile,
the provision of soft skills is provided through the
development of communication skills both verbally,
in writing and in pictures, the ability to work
independently or in a team, the ability to reason and
the ability to analyze. The reality on the ground
shows that to reach the peak of success, not only
hard skills are needed, but also soft skills. Soft skills
are defined as personal and interpersonal behaviors
that develop and maximize human performance,
including the ability to communicate, socialize,
work in teams, mental resilience, discipline,
responsibility, and other attributes of soft skills. This
is in accordance with the results of research
conducted at Harvard University in the United States
Rosmida, . and Anita, N.
The Effectiveness of Student Internship Program in Industry to Developing Self Competence at Bengkalis State Polytechnic.
DOI: 10.5220/0010892200003255
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science (ICAESS 2021), pages 298-306
ISBN: 978-989-758-605-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
which revealed that success is only determined about
20% by hard skills and the remaining 80% by soft
skills (Furhan, 2011). Based on the results of this
study, it is clear that an increase in Human
Resources (HR) should be obtained through
improving the ability of soft skills, including the
educational path applied in Indonesia.
Bengkalis State Polytechnic (Polbeng) which
consists of 18 study programs with various fields of
competence continues to develop the curriculum
demanded by the Ministry of Education and Culture,
namely link and match with the industrial world.
One of them is through student internship program
to industry. The student internship program at
Polbeng is called the Job Training (KP). The
following shows the number of active students at the
Bengkalis State Polytechnic for the last 4 (four)
Table 1. Active Students.
No. Academic
1. 2017/2018 1.835
2. 2018/2019 1.866
3. 2019/2020 2.107
4. 2020/2021 2.437
Source: SIM Polbeng
Based on Table 1 above, it is calculated that 25%
of the number of active students will do KP every
year. For 2021, there are 609 students who will carry
out the KP. For this reason, various preparations are
carried out at the Polbeng level, starting from
mapping student competencies with the industry
where the KP is carried out to planning meetings
with industry related to input in the process of
evaluating the suitability of the study program
curriculum with industry needs.
Through Internships or Job Training,
professional skills education can be carried out that
combines educational programs at universities and
mastery of skills programs obtained through direct
work activities in the world of work (on the job
training) in a directed manner to achieve a certain
level of professional expertise. However, to achieve
the purpose of holding the KP, is not an easy thing.
There are still many obstacles in the process of
implementing the KP, starting from placements in
fields that are not in accordance with their expertise,
the level of industry trust in KP students is lacking
and other things. Based on the background of the
problem above, this research will be studied further
with the title: "The Effectiveness of the Student
Internship Program in Industry to Developing
Self Competence at the Bengkalis State
1.2 Formulation of the Problem
Based on this background, the formulation of the
problem that can be presented in this study is, how
does Polbeng regulate the process of implementing
student KP so that the KP objectives are achieved
and how effective is the process that has been
carried out in order to produce competent graduates?
1.3 Scope and Limitation
To simplify the problem and clarify the research, the
limitation of the problem in this research is the KP
activities carried out by Applied Bachelor students
of the Department of Commerce in the 2019/2020
and 2020/2021 Academic Years.
1.4 Objective of the Study
From the formulation and limitation of the problems
that have been mentioned, the objectives to be
achieved in this study are to determine:
1. How does Polbeng carry out student internships
to industry?
2. What competencies are provided by Polbeng
before students carry out practical work in
3. How effective is the student internship program
in industry in improving the competence of
Polbeng students?
4. What are the obstacles experienced by students
while carrying out practical work in industry?
5. How is the industry's assessment of Polbeng
students who carry out practical work in their
1.5 Significance of the Study
The benefit of this research is as input for all the
academic community within the Bengkalis State
Polytechnic in carrying out the responsibility of
creating competent students and implementing a link
and match curriculum with industry in order to
increase the absorption of Polbeng graduates.
The Effectiveness of Student Internship Program in Industry to Developing Self Competence at Bengkalis State Polytechnic
2.1 Previous Research
Research conducted by Suharyanti, (2015) entitled
"The Influence of the Learning Process and Job
Training Program on the Development of Student
Soft Skills". This study uses a quantitative
descriptive method. The population in this study
were all students of BKK Office Administration
Education FKIP Sebelas Maret University class of
2009 which amounted to 36 students. Based on the
results of research that researchers have conducted at
the Office Administration Education BKK class of
2009, it can be concluded as follows: 1) there is a
significant effect of the learning process on the
development of soft skills for office administration
education students, Sebelas Maret University, class
of 2009, 2) There is a significant influence practical
work program (internship) on the development of
soft skills of students of Office Administration
Education FKIP Sebelas Maret University class of
2009, 3) There is a significant influence of the
learning process and practical work program
(apprenticeship) on the development of soft skills of
students of Office Administration Education FKIP
Sebelas Maret University class of 2009 .
Another study was conducted by Ismail, et al.,
(2018) entitled "Development of Student
Competence Through Effectiveness of Educational
Internship Programs". This study aims to reveal how
the apprenticeship program can strengthen the
competence of prospective teachers which consists
of 1) Pedagogic Competence, 2) Professional
Competence, 3) Social Competence, and 4)
Personality Competence. This type of research is
qualitative research, with a phenomenological
approach. Data collection techniques using
interviews, observation, and documentation. The
data analysis technique used interactive analysis.
The results showed that the improvement of student
competence through the internship program covered
the following aspects: pedagogic competence,
professional competence, social competence, and
social personality competence had reached
professional standards and served as role models for
prospective teachers. Internship 2 students already
have a concept in preparing the Learning Process
Plan (RPP), which consists of knowledge of making
teaching plans, teaching implementation, to teaching
evaluation, and even facilities and infrastructure, as
well as student administration. Students also gain
personality competencies in the form of soft skills
including communication skills, adaptability skills in
work, skills in managing teamwork, social skills,
and thoroughness in work. These competencies can
be internalized within students as academics
supported by several supporting courses.
2.2 Effectiveness
The word effective comes from English, namely
effective which means successful or something that is
done successfully. Popular scientific dictionaries
define effectiveness as the appropriateness of use,
use or support for a purpose. According to Pasolong
(2007), effectiveness basically comes from the word
"effect" and this term is used as a causal relationship.
According to Kurniawan (2008), effectiveness can be
viewed as a cause of other variables. Effectiveness
means that the previously planned goals can be
achieved or in other words the goals are achieved
because of the activity process. According to
Kurniawan (2008), effectiveness is the ability to
carry out tasks, functions (operations, program
activities or missions) rather than an organization or
the like in which there is no pressure or tension
between its implementations. Meanwhile, Effendy
(2003) states that effectiveness is communication in
which the process of achieving the planned goals is
in accordance with the budgeted costs, the time set,
and the number of personnel specified. Based on the
above opinion, effectiveness is a communication that
goes through a certain process, in a measurable way,
namely the achievement of predetermined goals or
objectives. With a budgeted cost, a set time, and a
predetermined number of people. If these provisions
run smoothly, then the planned goals will be
achieved as desired.
Measuring organizational effectiveness is not a
very simple matter, because effectiveness can be
studied from various perspectives and depends on
who is assessing and interpreting it. When viewed
from the point of view of productivity, a production
manager provides an understanding that effectiveness
means the quality and quantity (output) of goods and
services. The level of effectiveness can also be
measured by comparing the plans that have been
determined with the actual results that have been
realized. However, if the effort or the results of the
work and actions taken are not appropriate so that the
goals are not achieved or the expected goals, then it
is said to be ineffective. The criteria or measures
regarding the achievement of effective goals or not,
as stated by Siagian (1978), are:
1. Clarity of the goals to be achieved, so that in its
implementation it can achieve organizational
goals and targeted goals.
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
2. Clarity of strategy to achieve goals, in making
various efforts to achieve the specified goals so
as not to get lost in achieving organizational
3. A solid policy analysis and formulation process,
related to the objectives to be achieved and the
established strategy, means that the policy must
be able to bridge the objectives with the efforts
to implement operational activities.
4. Careful planning, proper programming of a good
plan still needs to be spelled out in proper
implementation programs because if not, the
implementers will lack guidelines for action and
5. Availability of work facilities and infrastructure.
Indicators of organizational effectiveness are the
ability to work productively.
6. Effective and efficient implementation, however
good a program is, if it is not implemented
effectively and efficiently, the organization will
not achieve its goals; and
7. An educational system of supervision and control
considering human nature is not perfect, the
effectiveness of the organization requires a
system of supervision and control.
According to Lubis et al., (1987), mentions 3
(three) main approaches in measuring organizational
effectiveness, namely:
1. The resource approach, which measures the
effectiveness of the input, the approach
prioritizes the success of the organization to
obtain resources, both physical and non-physical
in accordance with the needs of the organization.
2. The process approach is to see the extent to
which the effectiveness of program
implementation from all internal process
activities or organizational mechanisms; and
3. Approach targets (goals approach) where the
focus of attention on the output measures the
success of the organization to achieve the results
(outputs) in accordance with the plan.
2.3 Internship Program
The practical work program (apprenticeship)
according to Suharyanti (2015) is a learning activity
in the field that aims to introduce and grow students'
abilities in the real world of work. Meanwhile,
according to Sumardiono (2014) internship is a
learning process from an expert through activities in
the real world. Lianasari, et al., (2014) stated that
apprenticeship is a learning technique that involves
individual observation on work and determining
feedback to improve performance or correct errors.
In essence, the internship program is a learning
activity carried out to gain experience in
contributing and working in real life. Thus, it is
hoped that every student will be able to follow and
understand the work activities carried out in the
business world so that the student gets something
good and useful for himself and is able to show his
maximum performance. In addition, it can form the
mental motivation of students as workers who are
ready to work and able to be independent and have
the spirit of hardworking, honest, responsible, and
tenacious at work (Suharyanti, 2015).
According to Mondy (2008), Internship is a
special form of recruitment that involves placing
students/students on temporary jobs without any
obligation for the company/institution to employ the
student/student on a permanent basis or the
obligation to give the apprentice a permanent
position in the company/institution after the person
concerned. Graduated. According to Hidajat (2006),
internship is the activity of someone who works
while learning a certain skill.
According to Daryanto (2009), internships or
field work practices are a form of providing
professional skills education that combines
educational programs in schools and skills mastery
programs obtained through direct work activities in
the world of work (on the job training) in a directed
manner to achieve a certain level. certain
professional skills. From some of the opinions
above, it can be concluded that the internship
program is a learning activity as well as training for
students to be able to understand in theory and
practice certain skills acquired through work
activities directly in the world of work as a form of
work experience for students participating in the
internship program.
In implementing the internship program or field
work practice, students participating in the
internship program must find out, examine, learn,
and understand the skills that must be mastered
based on the types of work to be carried out in the
world of work. Basically, during the implementation
of the internship program (PKL), students
participating in the internship program have worked
directly in the real field of work, so that students
actually have the abilities they have acquired
through work experience.
Internships or field work practices are training
modalities that are held in the field, aiming to
provide the skills needed in certain jobs in
accordance with the curriculum and the demands of
abilities for workers. In the implementation of the
internship program or field work practice, students
The Effectiveness of Student Internship Program in Industry to Developing Self Competence at Bengkalis State Polytechnic
are required to learn actively as an employee,
working according to the work program that has
been approved to gain and improve skills in
accordance with the expected goals. According to
Daryanto (2009), the general objectives of
implementing on the job training are as follows:
1. Students are able to adapt to the real work
2. Students have a standard level of competence as
required by the world of work.
3. Students become workers with quality,
economic, business, entrepreneurial, and
productive perspectives.
4. Students can rationally absorb technology and
work culture for the benefit of their own
Based on the above formulation, basically
training in the world of work through an internship
program aims to provide work experience for
students so that students can master standardized
productive skills competencies, internalize attitudes,
values and culture of institutions that are oriented to
quality standards on quality standards, economic
values and spirit. entrepreneurship and form a
critical, productive, and competitive work ethic.
2.4 Student Competence
According to Ismail, et al., (2018) as students who
will enter the industrial world must meet at least 3
competencies, namely:
1. Professional Competence.
2. Personality Competence.
3. Social Competence.
Student competence is evidenced by the
existence of a certificate, which is always referred to
in the university environment as a student
competency certification program. The Ministry of
Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) through the
Directorate General of Vocational Higher Education
(Dikti) launched a competency and professional
certification program for vocational students. The
certification process itself is the activity of a
professional certification body in determining that a
person meets the certification requirements, which
include registration, assessment, certification
decisions, certification maintenance, re-certification,
and the use of certificates and logos or marks. There
is a certification program that is included in the
competency certification and there is a professional
certification. Competency certification is the process
of providing competency certificates that are carried
out systematically and objectively through
competency tests that refer to work competency
standards, both national and international.
Meanwhile, professional certification is a work
certification required to obtain or improve certain
competencies. Professional certification is carried
out for special competencies or expertise
2.5 Industry
The definition of industry is very broad, which
involves all human activities in the economic field
that are productive and commercial in nature.
Because it is a broad economic activity, the number
and types of industries are different for each country
or region. The more advanced the level of industrial
development in a country or region, the greater the
number and types of industries, and the more
complex the nature of their activities. The term
industrialization economically is also interpreted as
a collection of similar companies where the word
industry is combined with words that describe the
type of industry. The rest are, for example, the
pharmaceutical industry, the garment industry, the
woodworking industry, and so on.
Industry is all companies or businesses that carry
out activities to change basic materials or goods of
less value into goods of higher value. Included in
this sector are companies that carry out industrial
services and assembly activities of an industry.
According to Kartasapoetra (1987), Industry is an
economic activity that processes raw materials, raw
materials, semi-finished goods or finished goods into
high-value goods. Another definition states that the
industry is as a means to produce finished goods
through the cultivation process in large quantities so
that these goods can be obtained at the lowest
possible price but with the highest possible quality
(Sade, 1997). According to Abdurachmat and
Maryani (1998) Industry is one of the important
human economic activities. It produces various
necessities of human life from food, drink, clothing,
and household equipment to housing and other
necessities of life.
Industry is all forms of economic activity that
manages raw materials and or utilizes industrial
resources, so as to produce goods that have higher
added value or benefits, including industrial
services. So, it can be concluded that the definition
of industry is a business or activity of managing raw
materials or semi-finished goods into finished goods
that have added value in order to gain profits.
The objectives of industrial development in
Indonesia are as follows:
a. Create and expand employment opportunities.
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
b. Strengthening the structure of the national
c. Provide and increase job opportunities and
business opportunities.
d. Reducing dependence on imported goods.
e. Generate and save foreign exchange.
f. Meet the needs of the community for industrial
products, both food, clothing and building
This research is descriptive research. This research
will produce conclusions as a source of input for
Polbeng leaders to the Head of Study Programs and
KP Coordinators in producing an effective KP
4.1 Respondent’s Identity
This research was conducted with a sample of 217
students of Polbeng in 2020 and 2021. The
following is the number of respondents based on the
majors in Polbeng:
Table 2. Numbers of Research Sample.
No. Study Program T.A
1. International
56 56
Public Financial
52 53
Total 108 109
Source: Processed Data
Based on table 2 above, the largest number of
questionnaires came from the International Business
Administration Study Program at 51.6% and from
the Public Financial Accounting Study Program at
48.4%. The distribution of questionnaires was
determined based on the number of students active
in 2020 and 2021. Whereas respondents based on
gender, presented in Table 3 below:
Table 3: Respondent by Gender.
No. Gender Number Persentase
1. Female 176
2. Male 41
Total 217 100%
Source: Processed Data
Based on table 3 above, the largest number of
questionnaires were taken from female students at
81.1% and male students at 18.9%. The number of
respondents between male and female is not
balanced because the number of students at Polbeng
which is a vocational college from Business
Administration Department dominated by female
4.2 Result and Analysis
The research results will be explained one by one
based on the research objectives as follows:
4.2.1 How to Polbeng Carries Out Student
Internship Activities to Industry
Job Training (KP) is a series of activities that
include understanding the theory/concept of science
that is applied to work according to the
competencies of the study program. KP can add to
the discourse, knowledge, and skills of students, and
be able to solve scientific problems in accordance
with the theories they get in college.
KP is implemented so that students can
understand and apply well about the field of science
being studied. In addition, so that students can know
the profession and work atmosphere in accordance
with their study program.
KP activities have the following objectives:
1. Provide opportunities for students to apply
scientific theories/concepts according to their
study programs that have been studied in college
at an organization/company.
2. Provide opportunities for students to gain
practical experience in accordance with the
knowledge and skills of their study program.
The Effectiveness of Student Internship Program in Industry to Developing Self Competence at Bengkalis State Polytechnic
3. Provide opportunities for students to analyze,
examine theories/concepts with the reality of
applying knowledge and skills in an
4. Testing the ability of Bengkalis Polytechnic
students (according to the related study program)
in knowledge, skills and abilities in the
application of knowledge and student
attitudes/behaviors at work.
5. Get feedback from the business world regarding
student abilities and the needs of the business
world for curriculum development and learning
processes for Bengkalis Polytechnic (according
to the related study program)
KP Student Requirements are as follows:
1. Active students who are registered as Bengkalis
State Polytechnic students
2. Not suffering from a dangerous disease by
attaching a doctor's certificate
3. Minimum GPA (>2.00)
4. Upgrading to semester VIII (Pass).
The duties and responsibilities of the Bengkalis State
Polytechnic KP are as follows:
1. Director
a. Provide technical direction and guidance on
the implementation of KP to all parties
through the Deputy Director for Academic
b. Authorize and sign all outgoing letters to
companies/agencies through the Deputy
Director for Academic Affairs.
c. Giving Orientation to KP students before
d. Determine and appoint a KP Coordinator at
the Polytechnic level.
2. Head of Study Program
a. Determine the study program KP
b. Monitoring the implementation of KP
together with the KP coordinator.
c. Validate student KP reports.
3. Coordinator of KP study program
a. Selecting students to be registered as KP
b. Accepting KP student registration.
c. Collect data and determine the
company/agency where the KP will be
implemented together with the coordinator at
the Polytechnic level.
d. Appoint supervising lecturers.
e. Coordinate the implementation of the trial
and assessment of KP.
f. Make LPJ (responsibility report) after the
implementation of KP.
4. Advisory Lecturer
a. Provide direction and instructions for the
implementation of KP to students he guides
before students leave for companies/agencies.
b. Assist in solving technical problems during
the implementation of the KP.
c. Guiding students in writing KP reports.
d. Evaluating and grading the KP students he
5. Company Supervisor (supervisor)
a. Develop KP activity programs in
b. Implementation of KP activities in
c. Writing KP reports and evaluating the
progress achieved by students during KP
To do the KP students must follow the specified
procedure as follows:
1) Wadir I held a meeting with Study Program
Chairman and KP coordinator at the Polytechnic
level to determine the KP schedule;
2) The Head of Study Program determines and
appoints a coordinator at the Study Program
3) Coordinator of KP study program announces
schedule of KP implementation and supervisor.
4) The study program coordinator informs the
company where the KP can and has been visited
by students before.
5) Students register and attach a proposal to take
part in the KP at the study program coordinator
by filling out the KP Form that has been
approved by the Head. Study Program and attach
all proof of requirements.
6) Coordinator of study program recapitulates KP
participants and submits it to the coordinator of
the Polytechnic level collectively.
7) The KP application letter is given only one letter
if after there is a rejection reply from one of the
organizations/companies, the student can submit
a 2 (second) cover letter to other organizations/
companies signed by the Academic
8) Coordinator of Study Program and Polytechnic
level together with students monitor the follow-
up to the KP application letter to the company.
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
9) If the application has been received, the KP
coordinator at the Polytechnic level and or the
director's secretary makes a cover letter to the
company for students who carry out the KP and
the letter is brought with the student's departure
to carry out the KP and attaches a company/
institution assessment form and a daily activity
record form.
4.2.2 Competencies Provided by Polbeng
before Student Carry out Practical
Work to Industry
International Business Administration Study
Program students have competence in the fields of
export, import and business administration. Students
of the Public Financial Accounting Study Program
also have public sector accounting competencies,
both BUMN, BUMD, and other public
organizations. In addition to having the special
competencies above, each student in each study
program is equipped with supporting competencies
in the form of Professional Ethics and Anti-
Corruption Education.
4.2.3 The Effectiveness of Student Practical
Work Program in Industry for
Improving the Competence of Polbeng
KP in the Department of Commercial
Administration in 2020 and 2021 is carried out for
one semester (4 months). In the future, based on the
latest curriculum draft, students will carry out KP for
2 semesters. The following is a list of companies
where students of the Department of Commerce
carry out KP:
Table 4: Companies of KP.
No. Company Type
Number of
39 17.9%
22 10.1%
128 60.0%
4. Other 28 13.0%
Total 217 100%
Source: Processed Data
Based on the data in the table above, the
highest percentage of the type of company where the
implementation of KP is for students of the
Department of Business Administration is
Government Agencies, which is 60%. The target that
is expected by the Department of Commerce is that
students can carry out KP in the industrial world for
the private company type, which is greater than
75%, while the remaining 25% is for other types of
companies. This proves that the expected target has
not been achieved considering that there are many
obstacles in the implementation of KP in the
Department of Commerce Administration.
4.2.4 The Obstacles Experienced by
Students While Carrying Out Practical
Work in The Industry
Based on the questionnaire distributed to students,
there are several obstacles in the implementation of
KP which are divided into obstacles in the process of
submitting KP to the company and obstacles in the
process of implementing KP in the company. The
obstacles in the application process to the company
are expected to be summarized as follows:
1. Bengkalis State Polytechnic is an archipelagic
area with very few private industries but is a
government area so that KP is mostly
implemented in government agencies.
2. The mindset of some students' parents who are
worried about their children to carry out KP in
other cities that are far from their supervision.
3. There are several private companies and
campuses that have mismatched KP student
admission schedules.
The obstacles that students experience while
carrying out KP in the company are as follows:
1. There is still a lack of trust from the company to
hand over work to students.
2. There is no match between the student's
scientific field and work placement in the
3. There are several financial applications used in
companies that are not studied on campus.
4.2.5 An Assessment from The Industry of
Polbeng Students Who Carry Out
Practical Work in Their Company
Based on the Assessment Form submitted to each
KP supervisor in the company, the following data
were obtained:
The Effectiveness of Student Internship Program in Industry to Developing Self Competence at Bengkalis State Polytechnic
Table 5.
Based on the table above, the highest percentage is
the result of Work in the Very Good category. This
explains that students who carry out KP are judged
by the company to be able to work well.
Based on the results of the research that has been
done, there are several things that are the main notes
in the implementation of the KP that has been
carried out at Polbeng to continue to be improved in
the future, namely increasing collaboration with
private industry to be able to adjust the student KP
schedule between campus and industry. In addition,
the obstacles experienced by students both in the
process of submitting the KP to the company as well
as the obstacles during implementing the KP must
continue to be discussed with the Study Programs
and Departments so that the main indicators in the
Polbeng Strategic Plan are achieved.
The authors thank P3M Polbeng for providing the
opportunity to complete this research through
Polbeng PNBP 2021 and thank all students for their
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ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science