4.2 Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive statistics are statistics that describe the
characteristics of the data to be examined.
Descriptive statistics also have frequency,
dispersion, measurement of central tendencies, and
measurement of shapes. A frequency that indicates
the number of times a phenomenon occurs.
Measurement of central tendency is used to measure
the central value of data distribution in the form of
average, median, mode (Ghozali, 2011). The
purpose of this analysis is to determine the state of
the variables used during the study period. The result
of the descriptive statistical analysis can be seen as
Table 1: Descriptive Statistics.
N Min Max Mean Std. Dev
Y 48 0.74 2.43 1.2844 0.48687
X1 48 46.57 148.34 81.692 30.6966
X2 48 20.00 56.00 37.646 11.75
X3 48 10.00 20.00 14.563 3.10734
X4 48 31.64 39.17 37.354 1.71376
X5 48 18.93 28.37 20.035 1.80764
Source: The data is processed using SPSS software
Based on the descriptive statistical test result in
table 1, N shows the amount of data that is 48 data
obtained secondary and the processed. Minimum
shows the lowest value of each variable data. On the
Y variable, namely financial system stability index,
the minimum value of 0,74, this figure is the
financial system stability index of Indonesia in third
quarter of 2017. On variable X1, ratio of the number
of savings accounts per 100,000 adults shows a
value of 46,57 which is the value of ratio of the
number of saving accounts in Indonesia in first
quarter on 2008, while in the variable X2 shows the
minimum value of 20,00 is the value of ratio of
ATM number per 1,000 km
in Indonesia in fourth
quarter of 2008. In X3 variable the ratio of the
number of bank service offices per 1,000 km
the minimum value of 10,00 is the value of
Indonesia’s ratio of the number of bank service
offices per 1,000 km
. Variable X4 shows the
minimum value of 31,64 is the value of ratio of
third-party funds to GDP in Indonesia in fourth
quarter of 2008, and variable X5, namely the ratio
SMEs credit accounts to banking credit accounts
showed a value of 18,93 in first quarter of 2008 in
Maximum shows the highest value of each
variable data. In variable Y, the maximum financial
system stability index value is 2,43, which is the
financial system stability index of Indonesia in
fourth quarter of 2008. In variable X1, the ratio of
the number of saving accounts per 100,000 adults
shows a maximum value of 148,34, which is the
value of ratio of the number of saving accounts per
100,000 adults in Indonesia in fourth quarter of
2019, while on the ratio of number of ATM per
1,000 km
, X2 shows the maximum value of 56,00
is the value of Indonesia’s ratio of the number of
ATM per 1,000 km
in fourth quarter of 2017. On
the value of the ratio of the number of bank service
offices per 1,000 km
, X3 shows the maximum
value of 20,00 in fourth quarter of 2018. Variable
X4 shows the maximum value of 39,17 is the value
of ratio of third-party funds to GDP in Indonesia in
third quarter of 2017, and variable X5, namely the
ratio SMEs credit accounts to banking credit
accounts showed a value of 28,37 in fourth quarter
of 2015 in Indonesia.
Means showing the average value of each data
variable. In variable Y, the financial system stability
index average value is 1,2844. In variable X1, the
ratio of the number of saving accounts per 100,000
adults shows an average value of 81,692, while on
the ratio of number of ATM per 1,000 km
, X2
shows the average value of 37,646. On the value of
the ratio of the number of bank service offices per
1,000 km
, X3 shows the average value of 14,563.
Variable X4 shows the average value of 37,354, and
variable X5, namely the ratio SMEs credit accounts
to banking credit accounts showed an average value
of 20,035.
Standard deviations indicate the heterogenicity
contained in the tested data or the average amount of
variability of the data examined. In variable Y, the
financial system stability index, the standard
deviation is 0,48687. In variable X1, the ratio of the
number of saving accounts per 100,000 adults shows
a standard deviation of 30,6966, while on the ratio of
number of ATM per 1,000 km
, X2 shows the
standard deviation of 11,75. On the ratio of the
number of bank service offices per 1,000 km
, X3
shows the standard deviation of 3,10734. Variable
X4 shows the standard deviation of 1,71376, and
variable X5, namely the ratio SMEs credit accounts
to banking credit accounts showed a standard
deviation of 1,80764.