The Effect of Direct Foreign Investment Realization, Employment
and Regional Tax Receiving on Province Economic Growth in
Indonesia 2016-2018
Bella Febiola
and Adi Irawan Setiyanto
Managerial Accounting Department, Batam State Polytechnic, Indonesia
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment, Labor, Local Tax Revenue, Economic Growth
Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of the realization of foreign direct investment, labor and local tax
revenue on provinces in Indonesia in 2016-2018. This study uses secondary data with data collection
techniques using all reports on the realization of foreign direct investment, labor, local tax revenue and
province economic growth in Indonesia registered with Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) or Statistics Indonesia
and Bank Indonesia (BI) for the 2016-2018 period. The research method used is a quantitative method with
an analysis of 34 provinces in Indonesia in the 2016-2018 period with a total sample size of 86 samples.
Secondary data is processed using SPSS version 26 application. The test results in this study indicate: The
realization of foreign direct investment affects the economic growth of provinces in Indonesia; Labor affects
the economic growth of provinces in Indonesia; Regional tax revenues have an effect on provincial economic
growth in Indonesia; Foreign direct realization, labor and local tax revenue simultaneously have a positive
and significant effect on provincial economic growth in Indonesia.
In a country, a developing economy becomes a
problem for a relatively short period of time.
Economic growth is one of the important roles for the
success of development from one period to the next.
Without neglecting the efforts of equity and stability
as a developing country, Indonesia continues to carry
out development in stages and in a structured manner.
According to Rahardja and Manurung (2008) the
ideal category of an economy in an area can be seen
from the continuous increase in the economy and
shows trends and increases every year for a period of
one quarter.
Regional economic development shows the
efforts made by regional authorities and other
stakeholders, including local residents who are able
to stimulate the economic development of an area by
creating a network of cooperation to create job
opportunities, using existing resources to be managed
(Kuncoro, 2004).
An increase in the economy will contribute
greatly to welfare which has an impact on the quality
of community life. Based on this, economic growth
becomes important for every level of society that
concerns the overall welfare. Without economic
growth, it will cause the economy to stay in place or
stagnate which causes the absence of proper welfare
for the people of the area.
According to data on economic growth in
Indonesia published on the official website of Bank
Indonesia, namely, Indonesia
experienced an increase in economic growth in 2016-
2018. It was recorded that in 2016, the Indonesian
economy grew by 5.02%, in 2017 by 5.07%, and in
2018 by 5.17%. The economic growth that exists
in each country is certainly supported by the
economic growth achieved by each region. The
regional economy can be observed for its growth by
analyzing the value of Gross Regional Domestic
Product (GDP), as well as the value of Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) as a criterion for the value
of GRDP, which is the service and goods sector in an
area using production elements owned by the region.
Febiola, B. and Irawan Setiyanto, A.
The Effect of Direct Foreign Investment Realization, Employment and Regional Tax Receiving on Province Economic Growth in Indonesia 2016-2018.
DOI: 10.5220/0010894800003255
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science (ICAESS 2021), pages 48-57
ISBN: 978-989-758-605-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
in a certain year. The level of development progress
of an area can be described by the value of GRDP.
The average economic growth of all provinces in
Indonesia in 2016 was 5.33%, experienced a decline
in 2017 of 0.08% and an increase in 2018 of 3.59%,
so that economic growth in 2018 was 5.64%. This
shows that there is a phenomenon of fluctuations in
the average economic progress of all provinces in
The economic growth is influenced by regional
economic development in Indonesia. The
development carried out must be able to explore the
potential that exists in each region to be managed and
developed in order to provide real benefits for the
future. The determining factors include human
resources, natural resources, culture, and other factors
that must be developed optimally. National and
regional economic development aims to provide
employment opportunities and achieve national and
regional economic stability.
The economic growth has a relationship with
investment and labor. In implementing the level of
economic growth of a region, it will definitely depend
on investment activities which are crucial factors in
the regional development sector. It aims to provide
long-term benefits, if the investment activity
increases, it will be aligned with the economic sector
of a region in a linear manner.
Investment growth from foreign investment in
Indonesia in 2016-2018 published by BPS through
the page experienced an ups and
downs phenomenon. The total realization of foreign
direct investment in 2016 was 28,964.1 million US$,
in 2017 it was 32,239.8 million US$ and in 2018 it
was 29,307.9 million US$.
Based on the data above, the realization of
investment can help economic growth in creating
jobs. As for how to find out how much economic
growth provinces in Indonesia are able to
accommodate the number of workers in order to
minimize the number of workers who do not have
jobs. Thus, a data-based analysis of workers in each
province in Indonesia is needed.
BPS Indonesia publishes labor data in Indonesia
through the official website The total
working population aged over 15 years in each
province in Indonesia in 2016 was 118,411,973
people, in 2017 it was 121,022,423 people, and in
2018 it was 124,004,950 people. The data illustrates
that the working population of Indonesia from 2016-
2018 has increased. This illustrates that the province's
economic improvement in Indonesia has excelled in
increasing the number of the workforce each year.
If it is observed that the influence of investment
and labor has contributed to producing rapid
economic growth in national and regional life. The
rapid economic growth is also influenced by local tax
revenues because the tax revenues are used to support
the development and administration of Indonesia
which has the ultimate goal of realizing prosperity for
the people of Indonesia.
The country's economy is derived from tax
revenues. In Indonesia, taxes are the largest revenue
for the state which will later be used in financing
development for the welfare of the community, so
that taxes are considered an important instrument for
the state and society (Sagala & Ratmono, 2015). The
regulation on levies is stated in the 1945 Constitution
Article 23A Amendment III which reads, "tax levies
used for coercive state purposes have been regulated
in law". Local tax is a compulsory contribution based
on the enforcement of the rules, as a taxpayer.
National income originating from the central or
local government is dominated by taxes. In these
circumstances, local tax reform can be declared
successful if it achieves all of the above indices,
namely, being free of KKN, having the ability to
realize convenience and accuracy in the tax system,
so that it is easy for the public as taxpayers to pay
taxes, and the implementation of improving the
quality of public services by the government area. In
the first index, local government transparency can
guarantee maximum implementation of regional tax
revenues for the growth of an economy.
In the second and third indexes, in developing an
easy and effective local tax system, local
governments have unlimited opportunities because
they are supported by advances in Technology and
Computer Science (ICT). The success of tax reforms
from various regions can be seen from the soaring tax
revenue which leads to increased economic growth.
Based on the background that has been explained,
the researcher is finally interested in raising the title
"The Effect of Realization of Foreign Direct
Investment, Labor and Regional Tax Revenue on
Provincial Economic Growth in Indonesia in 2016-
The Effect of Direct Foreign Investment Realization, Employment and Regional Tax Receiving on Province Economic Growth in Indonesia
2.1 Harrod-Domar.'s Theory of
Economic Growth
Horrod-Domar theory states that the growth theory
explains that one of the important roles in the process
of economic growth is investment. This is because
investment can have an impact on achieving the
amount of revenue and increasing the quality scale of
the final output of economic products in the form of
capital reserves. A growing and developing economy
can be accelerated by creating investment from the
mobilization of foreign savings.
2.2 Neo-classical Economic Growth
Theory (Solow – Swan)
This research is supported by the growth theory
developed by Solow and Swan, which explains that
there are several aspects of production that affect
economic growth, namely aspects of society,
workers, and assets and modern information
technology. This interpretation is based on the
opinion that underlies the classical analysis, namely
the level of full use of labor will affect the economy
on the ability of capital equipment used over time
(Sukirno S, 2000).
2.3 Investment and Foreign Direct
Gitman and Joehnk (2005) stated investment shows a
means of funds that can be placed in generating
positive income or increasing its value. According to
Sarwedi (2002) a funding for activities abroad and
has potential compared to other funding sources, is
foreign direct investment. According to Anoraga
(1995) direct investment is a Foreign Investment
(PMA), where investors can directly invest in a
company. In addition to the nature of foreign direct
investment which focuses on the long term, foreign
direct investment also affects the absorption of new
jobs in the industrial sector.
2.4 Labor
Workers are each individual who works in producing
goods and services so that their needs are met. The
positive impact in stimulating economic growth with
the rapid growth and development of society and
several things that have a relationship with the
increase in the number of workers. Observing the
results of the neoclassical theory developed by Solow
and Swan, it was found that workers are mentioned as
one of several elements that influence fluctuations in
economic growth.
2.5 Tax
According to Sumarsan (2010) Tax is a contribution
of each individual to the state and is coercive, where
taxpayers must pay in accordance with applicable
rules (laws) without getting reciprocal results and
direct appointments can be made.
2.6 Regional Taxes and the Legal Basis
of Regional Taxes
Prakosa (2005) stated that, mandatory contributions
carried out by individuals or entities to the region, do
not receive a direct reply, can be coercive based on
rules and laws, are intended for financing the
implementation of government activities and regional
development, are local taxes. Local taxes are the role
of taxpayers in areas listed on individuals and
business entities that must be carried out in
accordance with legislation, without retaliation and
are intended for regional needs for the welfare of the
community. According to Prakosa (2005), local taxes
are divided into two segments, namely 1) Provincial
taxes include taxes on motorized vehicles and
vehicles on water, motor vehicle fuel taxes, transfer
fees for motorized vehicles and vehicles on water,
taxes for taking and utilizing underground water. land
and surface water and 2) local taxes, including
restaurant taxes, hotel taxes, entertainment taxes,
advertisement taxes, street lighting taxes, class c
excavation and processing taxes and parking taxes.
2.7 Literature Review
Analysis of The Effect of Household Consumption
Expenditure, Investment and Labor to Economic
Growth: A Case in Province of North Sumatra. The
results of his research explain that household
consumption, investment and labor have a positive
and partially significant effect on economic growth in
North Sumatra Province.
The results of the research by Purnamasari, Rostin
and Ernawati (2017) which examine the Effect of
Investment and Labor on Economic Growth in
Southeast Sulawesi Province. The results show that
investment and labor as a whole have a significant
and positive effect on economic growth in Southeast
Sulawesi Province, while partially investment has a
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
positive and significant effect on economic growth.
Bawuno, Kalangi, and Sumual (2015) examined the
Effect of Government Investment and Manpower on
Economic Growth in Manado City in 2003-2012. The
research shows a positive and significant effect of
capital expenditure on economic growth. Other
results show that labor has a positive and insignificant
effect on economic growth.
Mahriza and Amar (2019) in his research on the
Effect of Domestic Investment, Foreign Investment,
Manpower, and Infrastructure on the Economy in
West Sumatra Province. The test results explain that
partially there is a significant positive relationship
between foreign investment on the economic growth
of West Sumatra.
2.8 Hypothesis Development
2.8.1 Effect of Realized Foreign Direct
Investment on Economic Growth
Investment activities are strongly related to economic
growth. This is because investment is said to be one
of several crucial elements in determining economic
growth in a province. Harrod-Domar said that the
supporting factor in economic growth is investment.
In an area in order to increase the rate of economic
growth each year, it requires additional investment
which becomes a capital reserve. In the following
study, the investment variable is indicated by
information on the realization value of foreign direct
investment from regional foreign investment.
H1: Realization of Foreign Direct Investment
Affects Economic Growth
2.8.2 Effect of Labor on Economic Growth
One of the potential sources in the formation of
regional economic growth as a driver and
implementer of regional development is the presence
of labor. The increase in population in an area is in
line with the number of workers. So that the increase
in this number is also in line with the increase in
production activities. Periodic increase in population
is also able to trigger, as well as hinder economic
development. According to Todaro (2006), the
number of workers will increase if the population also
increases. The number of workers when utilized
optimally will affect economic growth from one year
to the next.
H2: Labor Affects Economic Growth
2.8.3 Effect of Regional Tax Revenue on
Economic Growth
In the past twenty years, local tax reform has taken
place in Indonesia. This reform occurred over a
period of three periods (Abuyamin, 2015). In the first
period, it begins with the enactment of Law of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 18 of 1997 concerning
Regional Taxes and Regional Levies. The next
period, marked by the amendment to the Law of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 34 of 2000 and the
third period, with the enactment of the Law of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 28 of 2009 concerning
Regional Taxes and Levies. The purpose of the
implementation of the tax reform is to generate
regional income in the tax sector which is ultimately
utilized for the welfare of the community by
increasing economic growth and regional
The great potential of tax revenues can encourage
economic growth if used appropriately to finance
productive and potential development programs
which in turn can improve the welfare of the people
in Indonesia.
H3: Local Tax Revenue has an effect on Economic
2.8.4 Effect of Realized Foreign Direct
Investment, Labor and Local Tax
Revenue on Economic Growth
The main source of economic growth is foreign
investment. Foreign investment activities will result
in a growing capital stock. The increase in production
power has an effect on increasing the capital stock
which is able to increase economic growth and
development and encourage the absorption of the
labor force. Broadly speaking, economic growth will
grow if a lot of investment enters the area (Sarwedi,
According to Lewis in Todaro (2006) investment
activities in the industrial sector as well as the total
capital in the modern sector have the effect of
economic growth on the absorption of labor, which
has a widespread impact on output in the modern
sector. These are related to each other.
Local tax revenues are very real in contributing to
economic growth, where economic stability can
encourage the economic performance of
entrepreneurs and increase people's purchasing
power. On the one hand, according to Keynes's
economic opinion regarding the number of taxpayers,
he views taxpayers as a form of market expansion.
The Effect of Direct Foreign Investment Realization, Employment and Regional Tax Receiving on Province Economic Growth in Indonesia
Thus, taxpayers make a good contribution to
economic growth.
H4: Realization of Foreign Direct Investment,
Labor and Local Tax Revenue Influence on
Economic Growth.
Based on the description of the theoretical study,
literature review, and hypothesis development that
have been described previously, the research model
can be seen in Figure 1:
Figure 1: Research Model.
Researchers apply quantitative methods in this study.
Researchers use secondary data realization, namely
by collecting and analyzing direct report data, labor,
regional tax revenues and provincial economic
growth in Indonesia in 2016 - 2018 which are
available on the and
3.1 Variable Operational Definition
Dependent Variable
Researchers use economic growth as a dependent
variable influenced by independent variables. He said
the rupiah was expected to strengthen to Rp 9,100 per
dollar in the Jakarta interbank spot market on
Tuesday. As for measuring on a dependent variable
that is proscribed by economic growth.
Independent Variable
In the study the independent variables used were
influential and triggering the dependent variable
changes. Independent variables in this case include
direct foreign investment, labor and tax revenues. As
for operating definition per variable on independent
variables as follows:
1) Foreign direct investment is the total value of
foreign investment realization of provinces in
Indonesia calculated in units of million US$. The
data source is taken from BPS Indonesia with
units of million US$.
2) Labor is the total employment of each province
in Indonesia which is calculated in units. The
data source is taken from BPS Indonesia in units.
3) Tax revenue is the amount of regional tax
revenue for each province in Indonesia which is
calculated in million rupiah (Rp). The data
source is taken from BPS Indonesia.
3.2 Data Processing Techniques
Archival basic data used by researchers to collect
secondary data obtained through the
page, to obtain data on the realization of foreign direct
investment, labor and local tax revenues and the website to obtain data on economic
growth province. The researcher uses the SPSS
statistical version 26 application because this
application provides the features needed in research
and has a significant level of accuracy when
processing data.
The research data processed in this study is data from
all provinces in Indonesia published by the BPS
website, namely and BI, namely, which publishes reports on the
realization of foreign direct investment, labor, tax
revenues. regions as well as economic growth reports
from 2016-2018. The total population from 2016-
2018 was 86 data. Details of the number of samples
can be seen in table 1 below:
Table 1: Samples.
Sample Criteria Amount
Indonesia’s provinces from 2016-2018
Sample period 2016-2018
Outlier data
Total sample data processed in research
4.1 Descriptive Statistical Analysis
The description of statistical analysis data in this
study is presented in tabular form. The presentation
of the data displays the minimum, maximum, mean,
and standard deviation of the research data. Below is
a descriptive statistical analysis table:
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
Table 2: Descriptive statistical table.
N Min Max Mean
PE 102 0.36 10.11 5.4138 1.49315
IAL 102 8.00 5573.50 887.451
TK 102 273423.
PD 102 2063254
Valid 102
The table above shows that there is no big enough
gap between the minimum and maximum values of
all ratios, because the average value of each ratio is
greater than the inequality value or standard
4.2 Classic Assumption Test
The classical assumption test stage in this study
consisted of four types of tests, namely normality test,
multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test, and
autocorrelation test with the following explanation:
4.2.1 Normality Test
Table 3: Normality test table.
Test Summary Sig K-S Conclusion
Sig (2-tailed)
Data is normally
The results of the normality test with one sample
Kolmogorov-Smirnov show that the significance
value is 0.200. The results obtained have a
significance value > 0.05 so that the variables used
are PE, IAL, TK, and PD in this study are normally
4.2.2 Multicollinearity Test
Table 4: Multicollinearity test.
Table 4 shows the results of testing the dependent
variable PE, IAL has a VIF value of 1.007 and a
tolerance value of 0.993. TK has a VIF value of 1.345
and a tolerance value of 0.743. PD has a VIF value of
1.351 and a tolerance value of 0.740. Based on the
test results, all variables do not have multicollinearity,
because they have a tolerance value of > 0.10 and a
VIF value of < 10.00. It can be concluded that the
regression model does not occur multicollinearity
4.2.3 Heteroscedasticity Test
Table 5: Heteroscedasticity Test.
Variable Si
0,730 There is no heteroscedasticity
0,505 There is no heteroscedasticity
0,704 There is no heteroscedasticity
Table 5 shows that the probability value of IAL is
greater than the significance value of 0.730 > 0.05.
The probability value in TK is greater than the
significance value 0.505 > 0.05 and in PD the
significance value is 0.704 > 0.05. So, from the test
results above, it can be concluded that the regression
model does not occur heteroscedasticity.
4.2.4 Autocorrelation Test
The results of the autocorrelation test explain that the
DW value is 1.067 which indicates that there is a
positive autocorrelation. The results of the
autocorrelation test can be seen in table 4.6:
Table 6: Autocorrelation Test Results Prior to the
application of the Cochrane Orcutt autocorrelation method.
Model R
R Square
Error of
0,134 0,103 0,29859 1,067
a. Predictors: (Constant), PD, IAL, TK.
b. Dependent Variable: PE
Based on the test results above that the test results
have an autocorrelation problem. These problems can
be solved by using the data transformation method.
Data transformation is a method to meet the classical
assumption test criteria by changing the data
measurement scale to another form that still has the
same value (Ghozali, 2016). In this study using the
Collinearity Statistics
Tolerance VIF
0,993 1,007 There is no
0,743 1,345 There is no
0,740 1,351 There is no
The Effect of Direct Foreign Investment Realization, Employment and Regional Tax Receiving on Province Economic Growth in Indonesia
data transformation of Cocharane Orcutt. Cocharane
orcutt is a method to solve the autocorrelation
problem by including the lag of the dependent
variable as one of the independent variables.
Table 7: Autocorrelation Test Results After the Application
of the Cochrane Orcutt Autocorrelation Method
Model R
R Square
Std. Error
of the
0,446a 0,199 0,169 0,26151 1,779
a. Predictors: (Constant), PD, IAL, TK.
b. Dependent Variable: PE
The results of the test using the Cocharane Orcutt
after repairing the autocorrelation show in table 7 the
dependent variable of economic growth has a DW of
1.779. These results indicate that the dependent
variable of economic growth does not have a negative
or positive autocorrelation, because the value of
Durbin Watson is between 1.5 to 2.5.
4.3 Panel Data Regression Analysis
4.3.1 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Test Results
This study uses two independent variables and one
dependent variable, namely economic growth as the
dependent variable and the realization of foreign
direct investment, labor and local tax revenues are
independent variables. This processing uses the SPSS
version 26 application with the results of multiple
linear regression analysis obtained as follows:
Table 8: Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Test Results.
Std. Error
t Sig
1,148 0,032
35,511 0,000
0,078 0,033 0,234 2,342 0,022
0,060 0,016 0,417 3,619 0,001
PD 0,031 0,013 0,272 2,351 0,021
From table 8, it can be seen that the coefficients
for the multiple regression equation are as follows:
In the above equation, a constant coefficient of
1.148 shows that if the independent variable is
considered non-existent, there will be no increase in
economic growth of 1.148. The regression coefficient
for the foreign direct investment variable is 0.078,
indicating that everyone level increase of the foreign
direct investment variable with other assumptions
remains, it will increase economic growth by 0.078.
The regression coefficient for the labor variable is
0.060, indicating that everyone level increase in the
labor variable with other assumptions remains, it will
increase economic growth by 0.060. The regression
coefficient for the local tax revenue variable is 0.031,
indicating that everyone level increase from the local
tax revenue variable with other assumptions remains,
it will increase economic growth by 0.031.
4.3.2 Partial Test Results (t Test)
Table 9: Partial Test Results.
Dependent Variabel: PE
The results of the t-statistical test in table 9 on the
foreign direct investment realization variable have a
positive and significant effect on economic growth.
This can be seen from the significance value of the
variable (IAL) of 0.022 and the probability value of
2.342 where the value is smaller than its significance
(0.022 < 0.05), then the IAL variable is accepted. The
significance value of the labor variable (TK) is 0.001
and the probability value is 3.619, where the value is
smaller than the significance (0.001 < 0.05). This
shows that kindergarten has an effect on economic
growth and has a positive and significant direction.
The local tax revenue (PD) variable has a probability
value of 2.351 and a significance value of 0.021,
which is smaller than its significance (0.021 < 0.05),
it can be concluded that PD has a positive and
significant effect on economic growth.
4.3.3 Simultaneous Significance Test Results
(Test F)
The following are the results of the simultaneous
significance test of the dependent variable which can
be seen in table 4.10, as follows:
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
Table 10: Simultaneous Test Results.
Sum of
ion 1,378 3 ,459
4 ,000
5,540 81 ,068
6,917 84
a. Dependent Variable: PE
b. Predictors: (Constant), PD, IAL, TK
Table 10 shows the F statistical test has a
probability value of 0.000b < 0.05, so it can be
concluded that all independent variables together
have a positive and significant effect on the
dependent variable.
4.3.4 Coefficient of Determination Test
Results (R2)
The coefficient of determination (R
) describes the
change in the dependent variable and is explained by
the independent variable.
Model Summary
Model R
R Square
Std. Error of
the Estimate
0,199 0,169 0,26151
Predictors: (Constant), PD, IAL, TK
The results of the coefficient of determination R
square value of 0.199 indicate that the realization of
IAL, TK and PD is only influenced by 19.9%, the rest
of 80.1% is influenced by other variables outside the
variables listed in the study. The factors that influence
economic growth are Y = C + I + G + (X M). The
explanation of these factors is that Y is national
income, C is consumption, I is investment, G is
government expenditure, X is exports and M is
4.4 Data Analysis
The following is a summary table of test results from
this study:
Table 11: Summary of test result
H1: Foreign direct investment
Realization has significant effect on
H2: Labor has significant effect on
H3: Local tax revenue has
significant effect on economic
H4: Realization of foreign direct
investment, labor and local tax
has silmutaneously effect on
4.4.1 Effect of Realized Foreign Direct
Investment on Economic Growth
Based on the results of the researcher's test in table
4.12, it can be concluded that the realization of
foreign direct investment has proven to have a
positive and significant effect on economic growth.
Investment is the formation of capital that has the
opportunity to increase the economy in an area. With
the high value of organized investment, it will have
an impact on increasing the regional economy. This
is linear with the statement of Mankiw, et al (2012)
which states that investment can support sustainable
economic growth.
This research is in line with the opinion of
economists in general stating that investment has a
positive relationship with economic growth. The
investment factor is the dominant supporting factor
for economic growth in a country, especially in
Indonesia. Demand and supply are two contributing
factors of investment to economic growth. In this
regard, the government should take a policy that is
intended to increase investment, especially foreign
investment. The results of this study are relevant to
Purnamasari, et al (2017) which prove the effect of
investment on economic growth.
4.4.2 Effect of Labor on Economic Growth
Based on the description of the statistical test
described in table 4.12, it shows that there is a positive
and significant influence between labor on economic
growth. So, it can be concluded that the workforce has
a partial positive influence on aspects of economic
growth. In a sense, the higher the number of workers,
the higher the rate of economic growth.
Research conducted by Todaro (2000) the
increase in society and labor is considered to be one
of the positive factors that spur economic growth. The
high number of workers will increase production.
This is also linear with the theory put forward by
Solow, where economic growth is influenced by an
increase in the number of workers seen from the total
population. Population growth becomes a more
The Effect of Direct Foreign Investment Realization, Employment and Regional Tax Receiving on Province Economic Growth in Indonesia
dominant aspect in explaining continuous economic
growth. The results of this study are supported by
Bawuno, et al (2015); Helen, et al (2017); Sari, et al
(2016); Heidy (2012); Mahriza and Amar (2019) in
general the workforce has a positive and significant
influence on economic growth.
4.4.3 Effect of Regional Tax Revenue on
Economic Growth
Based on the results of statistical tests, in table 4.12
which have been explained show a significant and
positive influence between local tax revenues on
economic growth. Viewed from several positive
perspectives on the effect of tax revenues on
economic growth, it can be analyzed those
regulations covering several activities such as the
formulation, decision making, assessment and
implementation of policies, as well as procedures.
From the previous research Saragih (2018);
Gebreegziabher (2018); Stoilova (2017); Adkisson
and Mohammed (2014) who globally detect that there
is a positive effect of local tax revenues on economic
growth. This illustrates that if local tax revenues
increase or are above the average value, it will have a
positive impact on provincial economic growth in
4.4.4 Effect of Realized Foreign Direct
Investment, Labor and Local Tax
Revenue on Economic Growth
Based on the results of statistical tests, it shows that
IAL, TK, PWD have a significant influence on
economic growth. This shows that these three
variables significantly affect economic growth.
Supported by the results of previous research, namely
Purnamasari, Rostin and Ernawati (2017). The impact
of high investment will affect the opening of job
opportunities which will indirectly absorb labor, so
that more and more workers can increase the income
generated. The high income will have an impact on
the higher taxpayers who make tax payments and will
affect local tax revenues in an area. This illustrates,
the high level of local tax revenue will affect regional
economic growth. Thus, foreign direct investment,
labor and local tax revenues have an effect on
economic growth.
Based on the limitations of the problems that have
been described, there are suggestions for further
research, namely as follows: (1) Further research is
expected to be able to increase the number of time
periods used, so that they can represent the years
before and after; (2) Further research, it is better to
add other variables that are thought to affect
economic growth, such as exchange rates, domestic
investment, inflation, and capital accumulation.
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The Effect of Direct Foreign Investment Realization, Employment and Regional Tax Receiving on Province Economic Growth in Indonesia