dominant aspect in explaining continuous economic
growth. The results of this study are supported by
Bawuno, et al (2015); Helen, et al (2017); Sari, et al
(2016); Heidy (2012); Mahriza and Amar (2019) in
general the workforce has a positive and significant
influence on economic growth.
4.4.3 Effect of Regional Tax Revenue on
Economic Growth
Based on the results of statistical tests, in table 4.12
which have been explained show a significant and
positive influence between local tax revenues on
economic growth. Viewed from several positive
perspectives on the effect of tax revenues on
economic growth, it can be analyzed those
regulations covering several activities such as the
formulation, decision making, assessment and
implementation of policies, as well as procedures.
From the previous research Saragih (2018);
Gebreegziabher (2018); Stoilova (2017); Adkisson
and Mohammed (2014) who globally detect that there
is a positive effect of local tax revenues on economic
growth. This illustrates that if local tax revenues
increase or are above the average value, it will have a
positive impact on provincial economic growth in
4.4.4 Effect of Realized Foreign Direct
Investment, Labor and Local Tax
Revenue on Economic Growth
Based on the results of statistical tests, it shows that
IAL, TK, PWD have a significant influence on
economic growth. This shows that these three
variables significantly affect economic growth.
Supported by the results of previous research, namely
Purnamasari, Rostin and Ernawati (2017). The impact
of high investment will affect the opening of job
opportunities which will indirectly absorb labor, so
that more and more workers can increase the income
generated. The high income will have an impact on
the higher taxpayers who make tax payments and will
affect local tax revenues in an area. This illustrates,
the high level of local tax revenue will affect regional
economic growth. Thus, foreign direct investment,
labor and local tax revenues have an effect on
economic growth.
Based on the limitations of the problems that have
been described, there are suggestions for further
research, namely as follows: (1) Further research is
expected to be able to increase the number of time
periods used, so that they can represent the years
before and after; (2) Further research, it is better to
add other variables that are thought to affect
economic growth, such as exchange rates, domestic
investment, inflation, and capital accumulation.
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