affect the level of sales, be able to complete and
increase the selling value of the product. This is in
line with RUU Cipta Kerja 2020, where SMEs
business actors can apply for a single license, one of
which is guaranteeing halal products. The existence
of halal label on the packaging of processed food in
SMEs products is expected to increase consumer
decisions to buy those products.
Religiosity is an individual’s commitment that is
reflected in the attitudes and actions of an individual
(Mahardika, 2019). The level religiosity of a person
can be seen from the activities of religion in daily life
that are conducted in a consistent and regular way. A
Muslim who has a high religious value will obey his
religion, so that person will prefer to consume
products that are clearly halal and tend to make
decisions to buy these products. Because in principle
if a Muslim wants to consume a product, he/she must
understand the composition of all the ingredients used
are included in the halal category, so it can be
concluded that religiosity has a significant effect on
purchasing decisions (Imamuddin, 2017).
According to Ambali and Bankar (2014), stated
that halal awareness has an indirect effect on buying
interest so that it can improve consumer purchasing
decisions on Halal food products. Islamic law teaches
that a Muslim is characterized by knowledge of the
raw materials for making food, the manufacturing
process, to the packaging of food or drinks
(Setyaningsih, 2019). This shows that halal
awareness has an important role for a consumer in
consuming halal food.
The concept of LPPOM-MUI, halal awareness on
the halal assurance system must be described in
writing in the form of a halal manual which includes
a) company policy statement on halal, b) halal
guidelines, c) halal management system, d) critical
description of product haram, e) system halal audit.
In this study, the three determining factors,
namely halal label, religiosity, and halal awareness
were used as independent variables, while buying
interest was the mediating variable. The object of this
research is the consumer of processed food SMEs in
Semarang. Meanwhile, the business phenomenon
pandemic has a major impact on the economic and
retail sectors, especially SMEs. In maintaining the
current sales of Food Processed SMEs products, it is
necessary to pay special attention to the Halalness of
a product. Halal label, religiosity, and halal awareness
are able to measure the influence purchasing
decisions of halal products through buying interest.
2.1 Halal Label
The labelling of halal has a relationship which is
closely related to marketing. The label itself is an
important part of a product that is offered by sellers
in marketing their products. Based on UU. No. 33 Th.
2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantee, the
materials used in the halal product process consist of
raw materials, additional materials, and also auxiliary
Regarding halal products that meet the following
halal requirements: 1) Not containing pork and
ingredients are derived from pigs, 2) Not containing
khamr and product derivatives, 3) All material origin
of animals must originate from animals halal
slaughtered by order means the Shari’a of Islam, 4)
Not containing material ingredients other an organ of
human, etc, 5) All place of save a materials, sale
places, and tools of transportation for product halal
are not may be used for pork or other haram materials.
Wibowo and Madusari (2018), mentioned that the
label has function as: 1) Identification: Label can
introduce a product, 2) Grade (value): the label can
indicate the value or grade of a product being offered,
3) Describe: The label will show the value or class of
a product being offered, 4) Promote: Label will
promote through images that are presented. Based on
the findings of the previous research, is formulated
with the following hypothesis:
: Halal Label has a direct effect on buying interest,
: Halal Label has a direct effect on purchase
: Halal Label has an indirect effect on purchase
decision through buying interest.
2.2 Religiosity
Religiosity refers to the quality of appreciation and
attitude of a person’s life based on the religious values
he believes in, so that it places more emphasis on the
substance of religious noble values. In Islam,
religiosity must have an muslim, because religiosity
is an identification for a Muslim and have impact on
his entire life (Nugroho, 2015). In general religiosity
is defined as the extent to which an individual is able
to commit to study and practice the values of religion
and its teachings. The attitude of religiosity is a
complex between knowledge about religion, feelings,
and actions of religion that exist in themselves. Five
aspects that exist in the implementation of the
teachings of the sharia of Islam: 1) aspect of faith
aligned with religious belief, associated confidence to