PT XYZ must concentrate on the risk mitigation plan
as mentioned above, to reduce the impact or ensure
that the risk does not occur.
5.1 The Results of the Technical Study
From the results of the technical study, it was
determined that:
a) The choice of the type of LNG transportation
from the gas source in Tanjung Jabung Jambi to
the Generating site in Tanjung Balai Karimun
Karimun Island is using ISO Tanks and LCT
Ships because they have several advantages over
using FSRU or FSO.
b) The selection of the type of power plant with a
capacity of 12 MW is to use PLTMG 3 x 4 MW
because the power generation capacity is below 5
MW per unit and has a good heat rate so that the
efficiency of the gas engine is high.
5.2 The Results of the Financial Study
From the results of the Financial Study, the following
data were obtained:
a) The cost of LNG transportation that is feasible is
Rp. 31,245/MMBTU.
b) The proper electricity tariff to be applied on
Karimun Island is Rp. 1,805 /kWh.
c) The electricity tariff using PLTMG fueled by
LNG (Rp. 1,805/kWh) is cheaper than the
electricity tariff using PLTD (Rp. 3,000/Kwh).
d) The potential profit of the company is Rp.
17,327,179,295 in the first year.
e) The maximum potential saving of User electricity
production cost is Rp. 106,775,640,000 /year.
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