village economy and generating Village Original
Income. Some of the existing BUM Desa are still only
focused on carrying out service functions. In fact,
there are still many BUM Desa which actually
become a burden for the Village Government due to
poor management.
Practically there are still very few business units
managed by BUM Desa which are carried out with an
adequate business approach. So do not be surprised if
some of the implementation of the BUM Desa
business function does not run optimally, loses
money, or BUM Des is stuck in a constant business
and is difficult to develop. This happens because the
business units implemented by BUM Desa are mostly
just run by trial and error, or only following market
trends whose sustainability is not yet clear.
Reflecting on the management of Regional
Owned Enterprises (BUMD), which is a more
complex form of BUM Desa, the phase of formation
and selection of BUMD business units regulated
through Government Regulation Number 54 of 2017
concerning BUMD is packaged more carefully and
accountably. Although the pattern is different, where
BUM Desa is based on kinship and mutual
cooperation, while BUMD is based on a service and
business approach. Several approaches to
implementing BUM Desa business functions should
follow the pattern applied by BUMD.
One of the most important stages before selecting
a business unit in a BUMD, is to conduct a feasibility
study to ascertain whether the business to be carried
out is based on regional needs, is capable of
producing, or is in accordance with business
objectives. These stages should also be carried out at
BUM Desa to ensure that the business/core business
that will be run is feasible, structured, and
BUM Desa Sukajaya is a BUM Desa located in
Sukajadi Village, Bukit Batu District, Bengkalis
Regency. Since its establishment in 2015, until now
it has run several business units. In 2020, BUM Desa
Sukajaya added one new business unit, namely the
Bottled Water Refill Depot.
Observing the condition of BUM Desa which
often conducts business without an adequate
feasibility study, it is deemed necessary to conduct a
feasibility study, especially the business that has just
been run by BUM Desa Sukajaya with the title
"Feasibility Study of Drinking Water Refill Depot
Business at BUM Desa Sukajaya, Sukajadi Village,
Regency Bengkalis".
There is some literature that must be understood and
considered in compiling an analysis of business
feasibility studies at the BUM Desa Sukajaya
business unit, especially in the water refill drinking
water depot business.
2.1 Drinking Water Needs
Water is a basic need for humans and all living things.
However, currently there is still a lot of drinking
water provided in very poor conditions both in terms
of quantity and quality for public health (Buckle et al,
The average need for clean water for humans
reaches 144 liters/person/day and the standard that
supports the classification of water use is according
to the Plumbing Standard SNI 03-7065-2005.
(Sutjahjo N,, 2011). However, based on the
Minister of Public Works Regulation Number
14/PRT/M/2010 concerning SPM for Public Works
and Spatial Planning, it is determined that the water
requirement per person in a day is 60 liters. In terms
of the human need to drink to prevent dehydration, it
is strongly influenced by the body weight of each
individual, and the body weight of Indonesian adults
reaches an average of 2-3 liters per day. Thus, it is
generally concluded that the calculation of the service
capacity of drinking water facilities is strongly
influenced by the number of residents in the service
In terms of the drinking water supply target, in
2018 the Government originally planned to have 88%
potable and 7% safe, while the MDGs target based on
the RPJMN in 2024 is 100% access to safe drinking
water and 15% access to safe drinking water in 2020-
2024 (BPS Susenes, 2018)
2.2 Population Theory
There are several ways to project the population using
the projection method, namely: 1) Mathematical
projection and 2) Component Method. Meanwhile,
the mathematical method itself is divided into a)
arithmetic, b) geometric and c) exponential method.
Based on the existing condition of Sukajadi Village,
which is a small village, population projections can
use the Arithmetic method. However, based on the
available statistical data sources in Bukit Batu
District, it is only in the form of population growth,
namely 3.25% per year (BPS, 2020), the method used
in this study is the geometric method. With the