The t-count value of the job rotation variable is -
3.175 which is less than t-table 1.654 and the
significance value is 0.002 which is less than 0.05
and the regression coefficient is -0.253 in a
negative direction. This means that work rotation
has a significant negative effect on performance.
So the third hypothesis is as follows: there is a
negative and significant influence between job
rotation on the performance of PT XYZβs
The t-count value of the employee engagement
variable is 3.578 which is greater than 1.654 and
the significance value is 0.000 which is less than
0.05 and the regression coefficient is 0.300 in a
positive direction. This means that the employee
engagement variable has a significant positive
effect on performance. So the third hypothesis is
as follows: there is a positive and significant effect
between employee engagement on the
performance of PT XYZβs employees.
The t-count value of the career development
variable is 3.851 which is greater than 1.654 and
the significance value is 0.000 which is less than
0.05 and the regression coefficient is 0.245 in a
positive direction. This means that career
development variables have a significant positive
effect on performance. So the fourth hypothesis is
as follows: there is a positive and significant
influence between career development on the
performance of employees of PT XYZ.
2.8 F Test
The F test is used to determine whether rewards and
punishment (X
), job rotation (X
), employee
engagement (X
), and career development (X
) have
a simultaneous positive effect on employee
Table 10: F Test Results.
Sum of
F Sig.
Regression 80.786 4 20.196 12.132 .000
Residual 301.305 181 1.665
Total 382.091 185
The results of the F statistic test obtained that the
significance of the F test (probability) was 0.000 (p <
0.05) and the F-count value of 12.132 which was
greater than F-table which was 2.43. This means that
there is a positive and significant influence between
rewards and punishment, job rotation, employee
engagement and career development on the
performance of PT XYZβs employees.
Based on the results of the description of the
discussion above, the formulation of the conclusions
is as follows:
1. Rewards and punishment have a positive and
significant effect on employee performance. The
higher the level of rewards and punishment, it can
improve employee performance.
2. Job rotation has a negative and significant effect
on employee performance. The higher the job
rotation rate, the lower the employee's
3. Employee engagement has a positive and
significant effect on employee performance. The
higher the level of employee engagement, it can
improve employee performance.
4. Career development has a positive and significant
effect on employee performance. The higher the
level of career development, it can improve
employee performance.
5. Rewards and punishment, job rotation, employee
engagement, and career development have a
simultaneous and significant effect on employee
performance. When all independent variables are
managed properly and appropriately, it will
improve employee performance.
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