factors Retailer Brand, Information Richness and
Ease of Use have a positive and critical impact on
buying choices.
3.2.3 Coefficient of Determination
The coefficient of determination aims to measure the
model's ability to explain variations in the dependent
variable (Ghozali, 2018).
Table 8: Results of the Coefficient of Determination Test.
Model R
Adjusted R
Std. Error
of the
1 ,510
,260 ,254 1,282
a. Predictors: (Constant), EASY OF USE (X3),
In table 8, it is known that the R-Square (R2)
value is 0.260. This shows that 26% of the variables
can be explained by the Retailer Brand, Information
Richness and Ease of Use variables, while the
remaining 74% can be explained by other variables
outside of the study.
Based on the results of the research on the factors
carried out, it aims to determine the analysis of the
Retailer Brand, Information Richness and Ease of
Use factors in influencing the buying interest of
Batam City students in using ShopeePay. Then the
conclusions of this study are as follows:
1. Retailer Brand has a positive and significant
influence on the buying interest of students in the city
of Batam in using ShopeePay. This is based on the
results of the analysis obtained that the Retailer Brand
variable has a positive regression coefficient of 0.287
with a significance value of 0.000 (<0.05).
2. Information Richness has a positive and
significant influence on the buying interest of
students in the city of Batam in using ShopeePay.
This is based on the analysis results obtained that the
Information Richness variable has a positive
regression coefficient of 0.171 with a significance
value of 0.007 (<0.05).
3. Ease of Use has a positive and significant
influence on the buying interest of students in the city
of Batam in using ShopeePay. This is based on the
results of the analysis obtained that the Ease-of-Use
variable has a positive regression coefficient of 0.166
with a significance value of 0.000 (<0.05).
4. Retailer Brand, Information Richness and Ease
of Use have a simultaneous effect on consumer
buying interest. This means that the independent
variable increases the buying interest of students in
Batam City in using ShopeePay. This is based on the
analysis obtained that Fcount of 42.785 > Ftable of
0.380 with a significance of 0.000 <0.05, then H4 is
Praise and gratitude to Allah SWT for all his pleasure
so that the authors can finish this thesis with the title
"Analysis Of factors Retailer Brand, Information
Richness and Ease of Use on buying interest in using
“ShopeePay". The author also thanked all the parties
who helped in drafting the writing of this thesis.
Thanks to Ms. Yulinda, SE., M.Si., MBA as a lecturer
for the criticism, advice, motivation, and also time for
the writers so that they can complete this thesis, to all
Lecturer majoring in Applied Business
Administration that has provided a lot of useful
knowledge from the beginning to the end of the
semester to the author, to my family who always pray
and support, and also my lovely friends in class AB
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