Influence of Price, Product Reviews, and Quality of Service on Online
Purchase Decisions through Shopee on Students of Batam State
Febby Melliana Suryawan and Ayu Puspitasari
Applied Business Administration Study Program, Batam State Polytechnic, Jl. Ahmad Yani, Batam Centre, Indonesia
Keywords: Price, Review Products, Quality of Service, Purchase Decision.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the influence of price, product reviews, and quality of service on online
purchasing decisions through Shopee on Batam State Polytechnic students. The population in this study is
students of Batam State Polytechnic class 2018-2020 with the number of samples used in this study is 100
respondents. This study uses quantitative approach using descriptive statistical analysis with data processing
using multiple linear regression analysis with sampling techniques using purposive sampling techniques. The
results proved that product prices and reviews had no influence on purchasing decisions where t-calculated
the price of 0.381 and t-count product reviews 0.690 smaller than the
t-table of 1,660. While the variable
quality of service has an influence on the variable of purchasing decisions with t-count 1,816 greater than t-
table of 1,660. And the three independent variables namely price, product reviews and service quality have a
positive and significant effect simultaneously on purchasing decisions with a value of f-count 12,791 greater
than the value of f-table that is 2,14.
With the development of information technology
such as the internet, the number of internet users in
Indonesia from year to year is increasing along with
technological advances. According to a 2019
Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association
(APJII) survey published by Internet World Stats, the
number of Internet users in Indonesia increased by
64.1% compared to the previous year, and the total
number of users reached 175.4 million.
With the increase of internet users in Indonesia,
this is clearly a very promising business potential.
Through this opportunity, the company increasingly
hopes to reach its consumers through various
channels, such as e-commerce or commonly referred
to as e-commerce or e-commerce. Many people take
advantage of this opportunity to start an online
business because it is considered more profitable and
According to Vasić, Kilibarda, &Kaurin (2019),
this phenomenon creates a new thing in consumer
behavior in online shopping that can be easily
purchased and sell their products using e-
commercefacilities, social media, and communities.
E-commerce is a third-party application created to
connect buyers and sellers online, making it easier for
them to do so. E-commerce itself is an application
that can be accessed and downloaded through each
user's mobile phone such as Shopee, Lazada,
Bukalapak, Tokopedia, Blibli, and so on.
Based on the monthly visitor data of Indonesian
e-commerce sites referred to by,
Shopee ranks first with 96.5 million monthly visits,
making it the most popular and relatively widely used
e-commerce site. Shopee is an e-commerce website
with a market model that allows individuals or
entrepreneurs to easily open an online business and
provide a safe and convenient online buying and
selling experience. Shopee app itself has interesting
features and is very easy to use, so users will not have
any difficulties. In addition, Shopee itself has
interesting marketing techniques, has created a
program that will be held every month, one day in the
program, online sellers will give massive discounts so
that users are interested in buying.
Before purchasing a product, consumers have
some considerations before deciding to buy a product.
One of the first considerations I saw was the price of
the product. In the Shopee app, consumers can check
the price of the desired items from each store, ranging
Melliana Suryawan, F. and Puspitasari, A.
Influence of Price, Product Reviews, and Quality of Service on Online Purchase Decisions through Shopee on Students of Batam State Polytechnic.
DOI: 10.5220/0010934700003255
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science (ICAESS 2021), pages 382-387
ISBN: 978-989-758-605-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
from the most purchased, the cheapest to the most
expensive. This makes it easier for consumers to find
products that suit their needs.
After searching for a product with the right price,
the second thing that is usually a consideration of
consumers before deciding to buy a product is a
product review or an online customer review.
According to Collins in Shafa &Hariyanto (2020),
product reviews are news in the media where
someone expresses an opinion about the service or
product purchased. That's why product reviews mean
a lot to sellers in order to improve their quality and
help other consumers in deciding whether to make a
purchase of the product or not.
In addition to product reviews, the quality of
service provided by online store owners is also very
attentive. Good quality of service will be one of the
considerations of a consumer before deciding on the
purchase of products because consumer confidence is
always a priority so it takes the ability to serve
consumers (Meliana et al., 2013).
Based on research conducted by Rahayu,
Sismanto & Arlanto (2020) with the title "The
Influence of Prices, Product Reviews, Ease of Use,
and Transaction Security on Online Purchase
Decisions at Shopee" shows that prices and product
reviews have a positive and significant partial effect
on decisions online purchases. This shows that prices
and product reviews have an impact on the tendency
of consumers to make an online purchase.
Meanwhile, according to research conducted by
Fahrevi and Satrio (2018) with the title "The
Influence of Price, Promotion, and Service Quality on
Online Purchase Decisions at" states
that service quality has a significant and positive
effect on online purchasing decisions. So it can be
concluded that the better the quality of service
provided by the seller to the consumer, the higher the
purchase decision on the product.
Based on the explanation above, researchers are
interested to research more about the influence caused
by variable prices, product reviews and quality of
service to purchasing decisions by taking the title
"Influence of price, product reviews, and quality of
service on the quality of online purchases through
Shopee on Batam State Polytechnic students".
2.1 Price
Price is a monetary measure or unit of a product or
other service that is exchanged for property rights or
the use of such goods or services (Malau, 2017). Price
is one of the factors that determine a consumer's
decision in making a purchase. Where consumers
tend to make prices become a benchmark or
assessment of the quality and suitability of the
benefits of a product. Proper pricing can benefit the
seller. That is why a seller must be able to set the price
appropriately so that the products or services they
offer can be successful and in demand in the market.
As for the indicator of the price according to Kotler
& Amstrong in Muhasri (2019) is an affordable price,
the price is in accordance with the quality of the
product, the competitiveness of the price and the price
in accordance with the benefits.
Price is a monetary measure or unit of a product
or other service that is exchanged for property rights
or the use of such goods or services (Malau, 2017).
Price is one of the factors that determine a consumer's
decision in making a purchase. Where consumers
tend to make prices become a benchmark or
assessment of the quality and suitability of the
benefits of a product. Proper pricing can benefit the
seller. That is why a seller must be able to set the price
appropriately so that the products or services they
offer can be successful and in demand in the market.
As for the indicator of the price according to Kotler
& Amstrong in Muhasri (2019) is an affordable price,
the price is in accordance with the quality of the
product, the competitiveness of the price and the price
in accordance with the benefits.
2.2 Review Products
Product reviews are responses given by consumers
regarding products or services that have been used.
According to Mo, et, al. in Saripa (2019) argues that
reviews containing images reflect the quality of actual
items, such as color problems, inconsistent
specifications, usage issues, or high quality, and good
experiences. Product reviews are very influential for
both sellers and buyers. Product reviews become one
of the marketing techniques that play a role in the
purchasing decision making process. The indicators
of product reviews according to Lackermair, Kailer
&Kanmaz (2013) are awareness, frequency,
comparison, and influence.
2.3 Quality of Service
Quality of service is a thing provided by the seller to
satisfy consumers (Tjiptono in Fahrevi & Satrio,
2018). The quality of services provided is also
considered by consumers because if the services
provided are not in accordance with the wishes of
Influence of Price, Product Reviews, and Quality of Service on Online Purchase Decisions through Shopee on Students of Batam State
consumers then it can have a bad impact on the
business that is being run. Consumer confidence must
be maintained so that consumers always feel that the
service we provide is good enough and make those
consumers loyal to us. The indicators of the quality of
service seen by consumers according to Parasuraman,
Zeithaml & Berry (2018) namely reliability,
responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles.
2.4 Purchase Decisions
Purchase decision is a process where consumers
know the problem, look for a particular product or
brand and evaluate howwell each alternative can
solve the problem, which then leads to a purchase
decision (Tjiptono in Shafa &Hariyanto, 2020).
Before deciding to make a purchase, consumers
usually first see what the parameters are before
deciding to buy. As for the parameters before
someone decides to make a purchase according to
Kotler &Keller in Muhasri (2019) there are 5 problem
recognition, information search, evaluation of
alternative (alternative evaluation), purchase decision
(determining purchase), and post purchase behavior
(behavior after purchase).
3.1 Populations and Samples
The population in this study is Batam State
Polytechnic students in 2018-2020 which amounted
to 4872 students. The samples used in this study
numbered 100 respondents.
3.2 Methods
The research method used in this study is quantitative
analysis method. The results of this data collection
were obtained from the results of questionnaires
distributed to samples which then the results were
tabulated frequency distribution of each variable.
Then the data obtained will be processed and
analyzed to get conclusions from the existing
The study used four variables, where price,
product reviews and service quality as independent
variables and purchase decision variables as
dependent variables. This research uses multiple
linear regression analysis methods to process the data
of questionnaire results obtained from respondents.
The equation model is as follows:
𝑌 = 𝛼 + 𝛽1𝑋1 + 𝛽2𝑋2 + 𝛽3𝑋3 (1)
Description :
Y = Purchase Decisions
X1 = Price
X2 = Product Reviews
X3 = Quality of Services
α = Constant
β = Regression Coeficient
4.1 Validity Test
Validity tests are used to test the reliability of a
questionnaire. To see the validity test level of this
questionnaire refers to the apostate value, where the
value of the correlation rcount must be greater than
thetabler value. To test its validity in this study using
SPSS version 25. If thecalculated r is greater than
rtable and is positive, then the question item or
indicator is declared valid (Ghozali, 2018). Here are
the validity test results that the researchers have
summarized in the following table:
Table 1: Recapitulation of Research Instrument Validity
Test Results.
Item Rcount R table Description
X1.1 0,795
X1.2 0,757 Valid
X1.3 0,738 Valid
X1.4 0,730 Valid
X1.5 0,826 Valid
X2.1 0,759
X2.2 0,766 Valid
X2.3 0,660 Valid
X2.4 0,615 Valid
X3.1 0,340
X3.2 0,307 Valid
X3.3 0,336 Valid
X3.4 0,364 Valid
X3.5 0,510 Valid
X3.6 1 Valid
Y.1 0,545
Y.2 0,508 Valid
Y.3 0,340 Valid
Y.4 0,634 Valid
Y.5 0,519 Valid
Y.6 0,735 Valid
Y.7 0,548 Valid
Y.8 0,590 Valid
(Source: SPSS Processing result 25, 2021)
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
4.2 Reliability Test
Reliability test is a test that shows the consistency of
the question instrument in this study. A questionnaire
is said to be reliable or reliable if each-questionis
answered consistently (Ghozali, 2018). The question
criteria can be said to be reliable if the cronbach alpha
value is greater than 0.60. Conversely if the result of
cronbach alpha is less than 0.60 then it is not reliable.
Reliability test results in this study can be seen in the
table below:
Tabel 2: Recapitulation of Reliability Test Results.
Cut off
Price (X1) 0,822 0,6 Reliabel
Reviews (X2)
0,650 0,6 Reliabel
Quality of
Service (X3)
0,848 0,6 Reliabel
Decisions (Y)
0,672 0,6 Reliabel
(Source: SPSS Processing result 25, 2021)
4.3 Descriptive Statistics
Characteristics of respondents is an overview of the
respondents who became a sample of research. This
characteristic is the identity given by respondents to
the study with the title "Influence of Price, Product
Reviews, d an Quality of Service To Online
Purchasing Decisions Through Shopee At Batam
State Polytechnic Students". The respondents in this
study were students of Batam State Polytechnic class
2018-2020 as many as 100 respondents. The
characteristics of respondents in this study include
gender, course of study, and year of study.
Table 3: Recapitulation of Results from Respondent
No Variable
Female 57%
Male 43%
Study Program
Business Administration 11%
erial 8%
International Trade Lo
istics 5%
Informatics Engineering 10%
No Variable
Multimedia and Networking
Geomatics Engineering 5%
Animation 4%
Engineering 3%
Electronics Engineering 4%
Manufacture Electronics
Mechatronics Engineering 11%
Instrumentation Engineering 2%
Robotics Engineering 4%
Power Plant Engineering 3%
Mechanical Engineering 5%
Ship Planning & Reconstruction
Aircraft Maintenance
Year of Entr
2018 57%
2019 18%
2020 25%
(Source: SPSS Processing result 25, 2021)
4.4 Multiple Linear Regression Test
Multiple linear regression analysis is used for the
purpose of knowing whether or not an independent
variable affects dependent variables. Multiple linear
regression calculations in this study using spss
application program help version 25.. The results of
the calculation of multiple linear regression tests are
as follows:
Table 4: Recapitulation of Multiple Linear Regression Test
B Std. Error Beta
12,333 2,216
Price 0,211 0,553 0,156
Product Reviews 0,382 0,554 0,285
Quality of Service 0,188 0,104 0,173
(Source: SPSS Processing result 25, 2021)
4.5 T Test
T test is used to measure the extent of the influence of
each free variable i.e. variable price (X1), product
review (X2) and service quality (X3) partially to the
Influence of Price, Product Reviews, and Quality of Service on Online Purchase Decisions through Shopee on Students of Batam State
bound variable i.e. purchase decision variable (Y) by
comparing t-count value with t-table with a level of
significance of 10%. The research has a test
hypothesis model where the value of t-table and df (
degree offreedom) with the formula n2. Based on the
calculation of criteria obtained t-table value of 1,660.
The following are the results of the recapitulation of
multicolinearity tests in the following table:
Table 5: Recapitulation of T Test Results.
T Sig.
(Constant) 12,333 2,216 5,566 0
Price 0,211 0,553 0,156 0,381 0,704
0,382 0,554 0,285 0,690 0,492
Quality of
0,188 0,104 0,173 1,816 0,072
(Source: SPSS Processing result 25, 2021)
4.6 F Test
F test or simultaneous test is a test used to measure
the extent to which free variables i.e. price variables
(X1), product reviews (X2) and service quality (X3)
jointly affect bound variables i.e. purchase decisions
(Y). Calculation for test F, requires df. Based on the
calculation of the above criteria obtained a f-table
value of 2,14. The test results of the f test in this study
can be seen in the following table:
Table 6: Recapitulation of F Test Results.
Sum of
F Sig.
Regression 285,690 3 95 12,791
Residual 714,750 96 7,445
Total 1,000,440 99
(Source: SPSS Processing result 25, 2021)
4.7 Discussion
1. The results of this research analysis show that
price variables are of positive value and there is
no significant influence on the variables of
online purchasing decisions through Shopee.
This is evidenced by the value in the t test with
t-count value is 0.381<1.660 with a significant
value on the variable price of 0.704>0.1. In this
case the zero hypothesis is accepted because the
price variable has no effect on the purchase
decision variable.
2. Based on the above T test results it is known that
product review variables are positive and there is
no significant influence on the variables of
online purchasing decisions through Shopee.
This is evidenced by the value in the t test with a
t-count value of 0.690<1.660 with a significant
value on the variable price of 0.492>0.1. In this
case the zero hypothesis is accepted because the
product review variable has no influence on the
purchase decision variable. The results of this
study support previous research conducted by
Ilmiyah and Krishernawan (2020) which
explained that product review variables do not
have a positive influence on the variable of
purchasing decisions.
3. Based on the results of the T test above it is
known that the variable quality of service is
positive and there is a significant influence on
the variable of online purchasing decisions
through Shopee. This can be proven by the value
in the t test with t-count value is 1,816>1,660
with a significant value on the service quality
variable worth 0.072<0.1. In this case the zero
hypothesis is rejected because the service quality
variable has an influence on the purchase
decision variable. The results of this study
support previous research conducted by Fahrevi
and Satrio (2018) stated that the quality of
service positively affects the variable purchasing
4. The results of this research analysis show that the
price, product reviews, and quality of service
simultaneously influence the decision to
purchase products online at Shopee in batam
state polytechnic students. Based on the above
statement, it can be concluded that the first
hypothesis is accepted. Because the three
independent variables are price, product reviews
and service quality significantly influenced the
dependent variable that is the decision to
purchase online through Shopee at the Batam
State Polytechnic students. This statement can be
proven by f-count result of 12,791, this value is
greater than the error rate of 10% or 0.1 of f-
table of 2.14 and a significant value of 0.000 that
is smaller than the alpha value of 0.1.
Based on the data analysis conducted by the authors
in this study can be drawn the following conclusions:
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
1. Variable prices have no influence on the
variable purchasing decisions online through
Shopee on students of Batam State Polytechnic.
2. Variable product reviews have no influence on
the variable of online purchasing decisions
through Shopee on students of Batam State
3. Variable quality of service has an influence on
the variable of online purchasing decisions
through Shopee on students of Batam State
4. Variable price (X1), product reviews (X2) and
quality of service (X3) together that have a
positive nature with variable purchasing
decisions (Y) online through Shopee at students
Batam State Polytechnic.
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Influence of Price, Product Reviews, and Quality of Service on Online Purchase Decisions through Shopee on Students of Batam State