operational sustainability by fostering more flexible
and agile workforce during and post-pandemic period.
The digitalization was also introduced in many areas
including performance management and learning.
These were clear example of achievements of HR
Department in this tough period.
Despite many achievements, there were still
business expectations unable to fulfil by HR
organization. Reflection was made on those gaps
revealed 3 (three) main area of concerns from the
business leaders which were mainly deduced from the
following areas: availability of right-fit product
needed by business, effective & efficient functions
and transparent processes & structures. All those
dimensions are typical topics to be addressed in
Organizational Development.
With strong mandate to sustain and enable
employees for company’s further growth, HR
Department in the semiconductor manufacturing
company in Batam, has critical role to shape the
future of the company. The Organizational
Development at HR Department will ensure
sustainable performing organization in both present
and future especially when business is ramping up.
This paper has 2 (two) objectives. Firstly, it aims
to analyse which category of organizational model
need further intervention to make HR Department as
high-performing organization. This analysis is
important so that the author could make further
refinement in the existing setup to achieve sustainable
performing organization. Secondly, the paper aims to
identify best possible organizational alternatives for
HR Department to continuously deliver results.
Organization Development (OD) approaches
developed continuously with many theories behind
contributed to this field since 1950s when Kurt Lewin
came with the ideas of group dynamics and action
research which underpin the basic of OD process.
Several theories have been identified to explain the
basis on which the OD was developed. These theories
have been presented in three major categories: the
individual approach, T-group approach and the total
system approach (Gallos, 2006). In principle, OD
involves ongoing, systematic process of
implementing effective organizational change. In
other word, the changes through OD are properly
planned, incremental and participative where
outcomes are focused on the improved effectiveness
of the organization.
Organizational Development’s focus is within the
workplace where primary implementation of
humanistic ideals at work emphasizing values
including personal development, interpersonal
competency, participation, commitment, satisfaction,
and work democracy (Austin & Bartunek, 2003). The
improvement is designed based on action research,
long-term focus and emphasis on changing the
attitudes and behaviour of the people. In OD, change
should benefit not just only the organization but the
people who are in the organization. It is clear that OD
is aligning organization with its business objectives
striving to improve overall organizational
Star model is adopted in this paper as
methodological basis for conducting standardized
OD initiative in the company. The model which is
referred as structured mental model on key
dimensions of OD, interlinked all elements in
organizational building blocks and form a star-like
formation. Originally developed in the 1960s, the
“Star Model” from Galbraith has been regularly
updated with latest findings from academic research
and lessons learned from practical use at various
Star model includes five categories, each
representing one point of the star: strategy, structure,
people, rewards, and processes. Culture is not
included amongst the factors of the Star Model since
the managers usually are not in direct control to the
culture. However, managers could change culture
through the other categories (Galbraith, 2014). In
Galbraith’s model, strategy refers to the mission or
overall goals of the organization, while structure
pertains to placement of people, authority and
functions within the organization. Processes address
the way in which information flows across the
organization and the formal and informal means of
decision-making and interaction. Rewards or
incentives deal with reward structures, and people
include the policies and cultural aspects of the
organization that stimulates the way in which people
within the organization perform. Galbraith asserted
that depending on the specific goals of an
organization, the five points of the star could be
manipulated to minimize the shortcomings and
maximize the strengths of any one organizational
The Galbraith’s Star Model was adopted as
methodological basis for OD in the company with
addition on culture category. The company believes