3.4 Discussion
The researcher suggests that this can be accomplished
by adding an angle regulator to the collector that
allows it to be adjusted in response to the angle of
incidence of the sun and variations in other adsorbent
materials, as well as by selecting a good insulating
material to minimize heat loss to the collector.
From the results of tests and analyzes that have been
carried out, conclusions can be drawn from this
research, namely as follows:
1). The highest useful heat in the collector (Qu) lies
in testing the collector at an angle of 0° at 12.00
which is 272.064 Watt. Meanwhile, the lowest
useful heat in the collector (Qu) lies in the
collector test at an angle of 0° at 17.00, which is
-42.18 Watt. The average proper heat at the
collector (Qu) obtained by the 0° angle collector
is 139.878 Watt, the 15° collector angle is
118.624 Watt, and the 30° angle collector is
113.611 Watt on each test day.
2). Collector efficiency (η) from 08.00–16.00
WITA. The 0° angle collector gets a value of
42.617%, the 15° angle is 36.377% and the 30°
angle collector gets a value of 33.708%.
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