populous regions of Sweden (Stockholm, Västra
Götaland and Skåne) during spring 2020, the decline
in public transport public transport (40% -60 % for
cross-regional transportation).
In a study conducted by Du (Du et al, 2021) that
reducing traffic demand is a very effective method to
reduce traffic congestion and air pollution. A 15%
reduction in traffic demand for a congested network
can result in a 60% reduction in delays.
Based on the above explanation about the current
condition of Kupang City and studies that have been
conducted in various places, the main purpose of this
study is to show the impact of PPKM in Kupang
City regarding COVID-19 on traffic volume in
relation to traffic performance in Kupang City. . The
results of this study will be useful for operational
and strategic planning of recovery efforts and for
dealing with future pandemics. Changes were
explored for 5 main road sections in Kupang City,
that i.e Timor Raya street, Soeharto street, Street
Sudirman, and Street Tom Pello.
As soon as the WHO gave COVID-19 a pandemic
status, countries around the world began to prepare
for closures of various types in the near future,
which translated into changes in daily travel
patterns, namely changes in the use of public
transport systems, but also resulted in a decrease in
volume. total traffic. Although a national disaster
emergency in Indonesia was declared on April 13,
2020 by the President, emergencies and stay-at-
home measures are implemented differently in
different provinces. However, in general, after a
gradual reduction in activity, the country began to
report a decrease in traffic volumes in mid-March.
The impact of this decline is very large for
commercial and recreational activities.
In a study in Greece it was proven that the
reduced traffic volume due to social restrictions by
the government, caused a slight increase in vehicle
speed by 6-11% from before the pandemic. During
March and April 2020, which are the months where
the spread of COVID-19 is at its peak. On the bright
side, accidents in Greece were reduced by 41%
during the first month of action triggered by
COVID-19 and driving in the morning (00:00-
05:00) the accident risk rate dropped to 81%. They
recommended that the government concentrate on
setting new speed limits and ensuring greater space
for cycling and pedestrians in order to increase the
distance between users to maintain a better level of
road safety and prevent the spread of COVID-19
(Katrakazas et al, 2020).
In research in the United States, in general there
is a 30% –50% decrease in traffic volume in mid-
April; then, in early May, traffic volumes started to
increase, and in late July and mid-August, traffic
volumes still remained about 10% below the
normally observed values (Goenaga et al, 2021).
The research stages start from literature study, data
collection, data analysis, to the results in the form of
conclusions and recommendations for handling.
Beginning with a literature study, the main roads to
be investigated were identified as Timor Raya street,
Frans Seda Street, Piet A. Tallo Street and Tom
Pello street. This stage is carried out to find out the
traffic volume in 2021, namely during the
implementation of community activity restrictions
(PPKM) implemented by the Kupang City
government. At this stage, concentration points for
the study area were also carried out, which in 2019
and 2020 a traffic survey was conducted in order to
obtain accurate comparative data. With the scope of
the problems to be discussed. The analysis stage is a
follow-up after data processing is completed. The
purpose of this stage is to understand and analyze
the processing results in depth. The analysis was
carried out by comparing traffic conditions before
the COVID-19 pandemic and during the COVID-19
pandemic, namely with the PPKM policy by the
Kupang City government, with traffic considerations
based on the 2014 Indonesian Road Capacity Guide
(PKJI) (Gautama et al, 2021). Recommendations for
traffic operations during the pandemic and during
recovery from the pandemic to anticipate the
possibilities that will occur in depth in the future in
the event of a pandemic like this.
3.1 Road Geometric
Geometry is the shape and size of the road above the
ground surface both vertically and horizontally with
the assumption that the body / shape of the earth's
surface is uneven. The goal is to create a good
relationship between time and space according to the
needs of the vehicle concerned, to produce road
sections that meet the requirements of comfort,
safety, and optimal efficiency values. In building
highways, geometric roads are influenced by