armoured breakwater had the potential to be selected
as the most suitable type of structure.
Further assessment were performed using a
weighted scoring model to select the most suitable
one out of those three alternative structures
especially for the location denoted as observation
point 6 in Pantai Harapan Village. Cyclopean
seawall was the most appropriate type of structure
for the location named as observation point 6 in
Pantai Harapan Village.
The cyclopean seawall could address the
limitation of the available concrete-ring revetment
on the site. In contrast to the revetment, the seawall
occupied less space and could be designed not to
experience overtopping (US Army Corps of
Engineers, 2011) even in certain extrem event, for
instance, a 25-year wave. Also, seawall was more
preferable than breakwater with respect to
construction cost, ease of construction, simplicity in
repairment, and availability of construction material.
4.7 Seawall Design
For design purpose, the following data, obtained
from previous survey and analysis, were
summarized here. High Water Spring (HWS) =
+1.55 m (MSL), Mean Sea Level (MSL) = +0.00 m,
Low Water Spring (LWS) = -1.46 m (MSL), beach
slope, 𝑚 = 0.033 (Figure 7b), design-wave height,
= 3.61 m (25-year wave), design-wave period, 𝑇
= 11.44 seconds, dan beach floor elevation = +0.8
(MSL) (Figure 7b).The core material for the seawall
was cyclopean concrete consisted of 60% concrete
and 40% local stone, while the surfacial material
was 20 cm-thick reinforced concrete slab (f’c = 26.4
MPa) (Figure 10).
4.7.1 Design-wave Length in Deep Water, 𝑳
Design-wave length in deep water, 𝐿
, was
approximated by the following formula (Triatmodjo,
Substituting 𝑇
= 11.44 m into equation (5) gave 𝐿
= 204.16 m.
4.7.2 Equivalent Wave Height in Deep
Water, 𝑯
Taking into account the wave refraction, the
equivalent wave height in deep water, 𝐻
, was
approximated using the following formula:
= 𝐾
where 𝐾
was refraction coefficient. Substituting 𝐾
= 0.95 and 𝐻
= 3.61 m into equation (6) gave 𝐻
3.43 m.
4.7.3 Breaking Wave Height, 𝑯
Breaking wave height, 𝐻
, could be determined
using a relation curve for
provided in
Shore Protection Manual Volume II (CERC, 1984,
p. 7.7). Previous computation gave 𝐻′
= 3.43 m and
= 9.36 seconds, thus
, ,
= 0.004.
Using the relation curve (for m = 0.033) gave
1.23, and 𝐻
= 1.23𝐻′
= 4.22 m.
4.7.4 Water Depth Corresponding to
Breaking Wave, 𝒅
Similarly, the water depth, 𝑑
, at which the wave
start to break, could be determined using a relation
curve for
provided in Shore Protection
Manual Volume II (CERC, 1984, p. 7.6). Given 𝐻
4.22 m and 𝑇
= 9.36 seconds, then
, ,
= 0.0049. Using the relation curve (for m
= 0.033) gave
= 1.08, accordingly 𝑑
= 4.58 m.
The condition when 𝑑
> 𝑑
it signifies the
wave had broken before reaching the structure. The
water depth near the structure, 𝑑
, could be
determined by substracting HWS level with beach
floor level, or 𝑑
= 1.55 – (+0,80) = 0.75 m.
Accordingly, 𝑑
> 𝑑
, this means the wave had
broken before reaching the structure.
4.7.5 Near-structure Wave Height, 𝑯
𝒃 𝒘𝒂𝒍𝒍
The water depth near the toe of the structure, 𝑑
could be computed as 𝑑
= 𝑑
= 0.75 m. Given 𝑇
= 9.36 seconds and 𝑑
= 0.75 m and using the
relation curve for
which was
available in Shore Protection Manual Volume II
(CERC, 1984, hal. 7.10), the maximum height of the
maximum height of wave that reached the structure,
, could be determined. First, calculate
, ,
= 0.0008. Use the relation curve (for m=
0.033) to obtain
=1.13. Thus, 𝐻
= 1.75 m.