temperature at its PCT. The vaccine temperatures
then gradually increase after the bio-Nano PCM
temperatures leaving its PCT and the vaccine
temperatures exceeding 8 °C after 22 hours.
Results presented in Figures 5 and 6 have shown
that the time difference of safely maintaining
temperature of the vaccines is mainly caused by the
different amounts of bio-Nano PCM mass. For the
Bio-Nano PCM ice-pack vaccine carrier, PCM mass
is 2.7 kg which is much lighter than the acrylic Bio-
Nano PCM vaccine carrier with 3.2 kg PCM mass.
Figure 6: Vaccine box test results using bio-Nano PCM
with total mass of 2.7 kg.
The vaccine carrier with novel bio-Nano PCM
passive cooling has been developed and tested. It is
found that vaccine carrier utilized with 3.2 kg bio-
Nano PCM can safely maintain the vaccine for more
than 24 hours. The vaccine carrier is easy to carry,
have aesthetics, light weight, practical use and energy
efficient while still having good cooling capabilities
of 2-8 ºC. The vaccine carrier has a capacity of 2.8
litres and it is capable of loading 20 bottles of vaccine
with total weight of approximately 7 kg.
Authors appreciatively acknowledge the financial
support from the Politeknik Negeri Bali through
institutional research with funding scheme: DIPA
Politeknik Negeri Bali number: SP. DIPA-023.18.2.
677608/2021, dated 23 November 2020. The authors
also gratefully thank Centre of Research and
Community Services (P3M) Politeknik Negeri Bali
for the technical and administrative assistances.
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