which is 120 psi. In the 4th test the piston can be
released using either an air-gun or pneumatic power.
Piston releases at 75 psi.
Figure 9: Comparison graph of the time required to remove
the calipers piston.
The use of the tip of air-gun and a rag to release
the caliper piston cannot be fully used because the air
pressure is not all compressed, as a result of the tip of
air-gun being less precise with the brake caliper holes.
Also the duster cannot function as a good seal.
Besides the leakage when putting the air into the
caliper housing, it is also due to the compressor
pressure in the workshop which is usually only 120
psi so it is not enough to push the piston out of the
piston housing
Figure 10: Graph of the pressure ratio required to release
the calipers piston.
In terms of workability, based on the design test
results that have been made, the brake caliper piston
remover device using pneumatic power is able to
remove all brake calipers in an average of 7.6
seconds. Compared to removing the brake piston
using an air-gun from 5 times of testing, it only
released twice in an average of 27.5 seconds and
could not be released three times.
In terms of safety, release the caliper piston using
pneumatic power is safer because there is no risk of
tool damage.
The author expresses his deepest gratitude to the
Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of
Indonesia, Bali State Polytechnic for the financial
support. P3M Bali State Polytechnic is also grateful
for the administrative support so that this research can
be carried out. We also thank PT Kharisma Sentosa
Daihatsu for the opportunity to test the tool.
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Nomor of test
pnuematik air-gun
Pressure (psi)
Nomor of test
pneumatik air-gun