1. The results of this study showed that the COD
content decreased and the pH of tofu industrial
wastewater closer to a neutral value as the volume
addition of local microorganisms bio activator
became larger. However, it did not show a
consistent increase/decrease in TSS content.
2. The COD and TSS content decrease as the longer
of bioremediation process time.
3. The best results of COD content were 6050 mg/L,
the TSS content was 290 mg/L, and pH was 8.16
were obtained at a bioremediation process time of
6 days with the addition of 120 ml volume of local
microorganisms bio activator from banana
The author would like to acknowledge the Center for
Research and Community Service at Polytechnic
State of Samarinda, which has provided funding for
this research as well as to the Chemical Engineering
Laboratory of Polytechnic State of Samarinda as a
place for the research to be carried out.
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