Village, Songgon District at coordinates 8° 11' 1.40"
South Latitude, and 114° 8' 51.2328" East Longitude.
The type of land use in this area is a forest area in the
form of a savanna. Therefore, the critical potential
zone in Sumberarum Village, Songgon District. The
land use in this zone is forest, with a slope of 8-15%.
The condition of the rice fields around the banks
of the Badeng River located in Kemiri Village,
Songgon District at coordinates 8° 17' 35.394" South
Latitude, 114° 12' 58.464" East Longitude, where in
the area is not a critical zone but still contributes to
land erosion and flood zones.
3.6 Land Conservation Study
Efforts that can be made to prevent or minimize the
adverse impacts of land criticality are by conducting
conservation in the Badeng watershed. The following
are conservation recommendations in the Badeng
a. Somewhat Critical Zone
Conservation recommendations for the somewhat/
rather critical zone are vegetative conservation in the
form of planting citronella and vetiver grass for
critical land management and anticipation of
landslides and reforestation in the Raung mountain
forest area. For plantation areas, coffee and cloves are
planted with mechanical conservation to make rorak.
b. Critical Potential Zone
Conservation recommendations for potential critical
zones are vegetative conservation by planting teak,
pine, and mahogany trees with multiple cropping
systems or agroforestry systems, meanwhile, for
mechanical conservation in the form of making check
dams and gully plugs in grooves, ditches, or ravines
around the slopes and banks of the Badeng River.
c. Non-critical Zone
Conservation recommendations for non-critical zones
are vegetative conservation by planting rotational
cropping systems and mulch in agricultural areas.
Meanwhile, for mechanical conservation in making
mounds and making terraces in highland agricultural
The identification of land criticism for land
conservation actions in the Badeng watershed with
Regulation of Watershed and Protection Forest
Management can be concluded as follows:
a. Slightly critical land of 20.65% with 10.82 Km
located in Sumber Asih Hamlet, Mangaran,
Sumberarum Village, Bayu Lor Hamlet,
Sambungrejo, Bayu Village, Songgon District.
Recommendations for vegetative conservation in
the form of planting citronella and vetiver grass
for critical land management and anticipation of
landslides and reforestation in the Raung
mountain forest area. For plantation areas, coffee
and cloves are planted with mechanical
conservation in the form of making rorak.
b. Critical potential land is 14.43% with 8.08 Km
Bejong Hamlet, Krajan Sumberarum Village,
Bayurejo Hamlet, Bumisari, Kentangan,
Tegalrejo, Bayu Village, Songgon District.
Recommendations for vegetative conservation by
planting teak, pine, and mahogany trees with
multiple cropping systems or agroforestry
systems, meanwhile, for mechanical conservation
in the form of making check dams and gully plugs
in grooves, ditches, or ravines around the slopes
and banks of the Badeng River.
c. Non-critical land is 63.93% of 33.49 km
in Sumberbulu village, Singojuruh, Kampung
Anyar hamlet, Lider, Sumberarum Village,
Sumberbaru, Bubuk, Gladag, Benelan Kidul,
Songgon, Parangharjo, Kemiri, Bedewang,
Cantuk, Alasmalang, Pelantaran Hamlet Bayu
Village, Songgon District, Singojuruh,
Rogojampi. Recommendations for vegetative
conservation by planting rotational cropping
systems and using mulch in agricultural areas. For
mechanical conservation in the form of making
mounds and making terraces in highland
agricultural areas.
Thanks to Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi for funding
the Research Master Plan-Based Research scheme in
2021. The second time to the research team for their
cooperation so that this research can be completed.
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