c. Flow System and Sediment Dredging
Flow system and sediment dredging are very
important, especially during floods condition.
(Wulandari, Legono, and Darsono 2014) (Heydari,
Othman, and Qaderi 2015) (Fang et al. 2014) At the
time of flood water, the flow system is directed to the
diversion channel, when normal water is directed to
the diversion channel and utilization zone and at low
water level flow is directed to the utilization zone.
Sediment dredging is an effort to prevent sediment
from entering the reservoir. In the reservoir operating
system, dredging is carried out only when low water
conditions are carried out in the deposition zone area.
The deposition zone is in the downstream of the
Badung River where mechanical dredging is carried
out which is operated periodically. More details can
be seen in table 6.
Table 6: Flow System and Sediment Dredging.
3.5 Flood Problems in the Badung River
The problem of flooding in the Badung river
downstream often causes inundation problems in the
southern Denpasar area around the estuary reservoir.
The flooding that occurred was caused by the
blockage of garbage that clogs the equipment on the
trash rack of the estuary reservoir, causing the water
level to rise which could potentially inundate the
surrounding area. So that the most important
operation of the estuary reservoir during the rainy
season is controlling waste so that it does not enter the
reservoir. Waste management must be carried out
with various approaches, both technically through
building infrastructure and non-technically through
guidance to the community. The people around the
river are mostly Balinese who are very obedient to the
values of nature conservation through traditional and
cultural approaches. Therefore, in the waste
management system, it is very effective to approach
the community through the customary and cultural
systems that already exist in the study area.
Customary and cultural regulations in the form of
customary regulations can be adopted to encourage
the community to actively participate in handling
waste. Three approaches that are very familiar in Bali
are environmental conservation systems with the
concept of a harmonious relationship between
humans and God, humans and humans and humans
and their natural surroundings. This concept is widely
known as the Tri Hita Karana concept. (Kristinayanti
et al. 2020)(Sukarma 2016)
Based on what was described in the previous section,
it can be concluded several things as follows:
1. The addition of a new building in the Nusa Dua
estuary dam creates a new operating system
2. The results of the hydrological analysis show that
with 90% reliability there is an inflow that is 10
months smaller than the outflow. Based on this, it
is recommended that at the peak of the dry
months, namely June, July, August and
September does not take 500 liters/second.
3. Based on the projected water demand in the South
Kuta District in 2040, there is an excess of
demand compared to the discharge provided by
the Nusa Dua estuary dam. Therefore, it is
necessary to take steps to develop raw water
sources through development from other sources
4. The operating system of the estuary dam is
regulated in three conditions, namely flood water
conditions, normal water conditions and low
water conditions.
On this occasion we would like to thank all those who
have helped, namely the Bali Penida River Council,
the Civil Engineering Department of the Bali State
Polytechnic, and I Gusti Ngurah Agung's colleague
Badung Tourism Board. 2020. Badung Regency Tourism
Bali river council. 2020. Nusa Dua Estuary Dam Project.
Denpasar Bali.
Cole, Stroma. 2012. “A Political Ecology of Water Equity
and Tourism. A Case Study From Bali.” Annals of
Tourism Research 39(2): 1221–41.
Fang, Hong Bin, Tie Song Hu, Xiang Zeng, and Feng Yan
Wu. 2014. “Simulation-Optimization Model of
Reservoir Operation Based on Target Storage Curves.”
Water Science and Engineering 7(4): 433–45.
Heydari, Mohammad, Faridah Othman, and Kourosh
Qaderi. 2015. “Developing Optimal Reservoir
Operation for Multiple and Multipurpose Reservoirs
Kondisi high water level normal water level low water level
1 Flow System Directed ti diversion channel Directed to utilization zone Directed to utilization zone
and diversion channel
2 Sediment Dredging No operation No operation Operation